***WARNING: trading is not currently working - DO NOT TRADE***

  • Thread starter jnino92
I just lost a ton of cars thanks to the server issues GT5 is having right now. A word of warning- If you have any cars you don't want to get lost do NOT trade right now, wait for PD to get their act together.

EDIT: Moderators have unlocked this thread and requested that all discussion remain about people who have successfully traded, and not merely posting that trading is not working or making off-topic comments.

EDIT 12/12/10 3:53AM EST - Servers are back up after maintenance, you are now allowed to trade a single car or car ticket per day. Any attempts to get around this, as of right now, have failed.

I'm going to unlock this thread with one request - do not post that trades still aren't working. We're aware of that. What I would like posted are the people that have successfully traded lately.


Posted yesterday by mods:

Pay attention, please:
  • This is a warning thread about trades not going through.
  • This is not a thread for arguing about the ethics of exploiting the birthday glitch or anything else not related to vehicle trades.
  • To the best of my knowledge, as of around an hour ago at least, there is no 1.04 update.
  • We don't take kindly to Rickroll links.

Please abide by thread rules so this thread isn't locked again.
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The mods should put up and sticky a warning, out of 5 cars I sent to my alt account only one got through. I'm going to message one to see if they can do anything..
took me like a half an hour to get my car earlier... it was wierd. Now i see that its happening to everybody.

Lost so many good cars.

Trading has been down for the last 40min.

Oh man, just lost 30+mil of cars :(

You could try but i doubt they will compensate.They will put it down to some technical error or some rubbish.
Well, if we tell them 30 mil worth of cars it'd be suspicious, some illicit activity may have been up, but if we complain about losing, say, a formula car or a Le Mans car that'd be believable
The Forza devs used to give out free cars all the time, i think.. I don't see why the GT devs couldn't do the same, even if what they give is just a gift ticket for a car of their choosing
Thanks for the heads-up, jnino. I'm going to close this thread to stop this degenerating into Bitchapalooza 2010, but I will sticky it so everyone can see. As I don't currently have GT5, could someone please send me a private message once it's back up, in which case I will delete this thread.
EDIT: Since there is not yet a stickied thread on this, we should keep this thread bumped to within the top 5 results so people know about these issues. Would you all please help me in doing so?
Bump post are not allowed on GTP. If a thread slips to page 2 and beyond, so be it.

And yes, I realize that this is irrelevant as this thread is now stickied, just remember for next time.
I'm going to unlock this thread with one request - do not post that trades still aren't working. We're aware of that. What I would like posted are the people that have successfully traded lately.

I was able to trade one car, and a paint. successfully, 30 minutes ago.
I tried again later and traded two cars and one paint, only the paint showed up no cars.
I just sent a car with no issues, but lost trades will remain lost I believe seeing as that Diablo's still AWOL.
Still don't think this is sorted out, and wouldn't risk anything valuable just yet.
I'm going to unlock this thread with one request - do not post that trades still aren't working. We're aware of that. What I would like posted are the people that have successfully traded lately.

Sorry, that was my bad - I received a couple of private messages claiming that trading was available.
Doing some testing with gifting cars, car tickets and paint. Some work and some don't (except paint, paint works flawlessly) . Been trying this on and off since 5 so I doubt they'll turn up. I'd suggest holding off on trading valuable car until things go back to normal.
Just sent the same car back with no problems. Still don't want to risk it though.

Edit: lol, sent the same car again and it didn't show up. DEFINITELY not worth risking the good stuff.
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Yeah, I just sent three cars that were received, so I'm not sure what's happening with this.

EDIT: Just received a car too, so it's working for me.
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Good to know but not to hear. I need to gift a car to Desmocidici today. Also posting in here to let him know I haven't forgotten about that =P
I lost a Toyata Minolta 7 Race Car, An a Peugot 908 2010 or 2009(not on ps3 right now), so yeah im mad.
why they just tell you you cant send again in that day to same user like the one car/day thing, buy just let you lost the car?