Watch Dogs

Just a had a good feeling mission where I'm trying to take down this guy, flipped his car over, he gets out and jumps off the freeway down on the grass by the river. I jump down and run up the side of river, catch up and we start shooting, I take him out while he's stood in the water and he's sleeping with the fishes.

A damn cool game, love driving in the city at night during a mission. Kinda feels like GTA Metal Gear and an American late night crime TV show and The Equalizer. While I'm playing I think how has this not been done before. There's also some great characters like Jordi Chin.
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Is this game worth it on the PS3? I don't have a Next Gen console or a PC that can run any game made after 2004.
Not sure what to think about the "Alone" mini-game. It's a really cool idea, but its implementation is awful.
Robots spawning wherever they please is BS, and too often are you left with no real way out other than being aggressive.

Also. In case you haven't tried it yet. Try driving a car directly into a gas station. It's pretty awesome, and not like it is in most games.
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I'm sitting on buying this. I'm waiting at least 2 weeks for more used games to get in stock, so I can buy it cheap. Plus I have other games that the fun still hasn't ran out yet.
I'm a bit like T-12; not sure if I should pick this up. The thing is, I don't think it's worth the price on PS3, but at the same time I'm not sure if it's worth it for either a new PS4 or a new computer, the last in a few months. :boggled:
I'm a bit like T-12; not sure if I should pick this up. The thing is, I don't think it's worth the price on PS3, but at the same time I'm not sure if it's worth it for either a new PS4 or a new computer, the last in a few months. :boggled:
If you have a PS4, is pretty much a buy if you have the disposable income, not a must but certainly much better than anything in the last ... 4 months (though I bought this instead of Wolfesntein, I'm still yet to buy that one and give it a go).

No idea how it runs in older gen, PC version is plagued with issues and 360 version suffers from installing data and multiple discs. I'm having a great time with on the PS4, though.
PC version is pretty good, not had any major issues. Not one crash and really enjoying game.

I read many people are complaining how they can't run it 4k or 1440p and ultra textures cause stuttering. many I see are posting back a week later saying they can run the game smoothly after putting textures on high or medium. And at first they were thinking cpu was overloaded. Benchmarks show it runs fine on old cpu's. Many say the game looks rubbish therefore I should be able to run ultra.

Much a do about nothing. And be careful as I think most early complainers had pirated the game and running bitcoin miners and god knows what else. I bought mine legitimately.

My old i7 930 is hardly stressed and my 3-4 year old GPU runs it at 1920x1080p with mostly ultra settings way past what the PS4 can do. It was obvious to me the texture settings needed to be on high or medium on day 1. The issue does need to be addressed so people can get the most out of it and also the same issue is reported on PS4. Once you stop being silly with your GPU you can get the stuttering down to around PS4 levels

uplay issues? I read just as many for the consoles as pc, it does seem they need to improve that but I've not had any issue. Must say I only have Far Cry 3 and Watch Dogs.

Didn't even know console had to use uplay until Watch Dogs released. On PC uplay has an offline mode. It actually worked better than Steam does. Also sales are huge for the game so I can see some times you can't access. Ubisoft need to rethink things.
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Ok I have purchased the season pass and I have downloaded and installed all the content for it. But when I go to change my clothing, the Untouchables items are not there (in a clothing store and at hideouts). Same aplies to the "Conspiracy" digital trip. I also cannot find the Gamestop pre-order "Palace Pack" mission. That too shows that it has been downloaded and installed but is not in the game. Can someone help me?
Tried to buy this yesterday. Best buy was sold oit of ps4 copies. No biggie, ill grab a couple psn cards and download it.

Nope. Psn was under maintenance when i got home yesterday. Figures. Will download it today.
Ok I have purchased the season pass and I have downloaded and installed all the content for it. But when I go to change my clothing, the Untouchables items are not there (in a clothing store and at hideouts). Same aplies to the "Conspiracy" digital trip. I also cannot find the Gamestop pre-order "Palace Pack" mission. That too shows that it has been downloaded and installed but is not in the game. Can someone help me?

Have you confirmed the codes on the games menu? I think downloading and installing isn't enough from what I hear.
Bought this today, so much detail and so much fun! Love listening into the conversations, can be hilarious! :lol: Quite surprised how big the map is too.
Found an Assassin's Creed photo on the front of a gaming magazine...
Best dam game ever I wish they would make online play an open world like GTA V that's all this game is missing. Best dam game ever
Screenshots from PS4, as you can see after checking those other screenshots in here :scared:
You are right, the screenshots are not even comparable graphically. Its going to be a couple years before they start fully unlocking the next gen potential. Not that its a surprise, a good pc will almost always beat a console game.

The is also a Far Cry 2 game box to be found in the game.
Ubisoft is very well know for placing photos of their games, inside other games. An inception of Ubisoft.