Way Too Much Smoke

  • Thread starter sinbad
PD really have to adjust their smoke generation parameters.

How often do you go into a corner hard on the brakes, and without locking it, send billowing thick white smoke from the loaded outside front tyre?

It's almost impossible to sustain any kind of drift or slide, even with super-low-power FR cars like MX5/Miata etc without ludicrous amounts of smoke pouring off the tyres. Same goes for any 4wd car driven remotely sidewards.

It's really starting to annoy me. We've all seen BM videos of Keiichi and co "drifting" in RX7s etc the entire last turn at Tsukuba with just the faintest whisp of blue smoke so we all know what looks realistic, and what is just eye-candy (and dubious eye-candy at that, but that's another thread, cough-aliasing-cough). It's just not realistic looking at all for such huge amounts of thick smoke to be generated so easily, although I'm not saying it's impossible, of course. You just need big power and to be trying really hard, or big power and an open differential, but inside-spin is the not the case here.

The corner entry thing is perhaps the worst, though- absurd to say the least. I've NEVER seen a car pour smoke from its front outside tyre on corner entry without locking it and going straight on, it just doesn't happen, because it can't happen. Just because a tyre "goes red" doesn't mean it should spontaneously start smoking, especially not in those circumstances. For smoke you need spinning or locking. In that situation (the car is still turning, so the outside front is clearly not locked), if you were to lock a tyre and create smoke, it would be the inside front, not the outside.

Replays which might otherwise look quite realistic are ruined by this. I'd honestly rather turn the smoke completely off.
I like the smoke, and many others do...smoke isn't useless...let's say your playing Nascar and someone spins out and it causes a huge wreck, and there is smoke everywhere, and you try to find your way through the pack and survive the crash...just because a certain type of event makes the smoke worse, doesnt mean the smoke in general is bad.
Sorry! Strongly disagree!

Smoke in GT still is very unfinished, in real life smoke is much much darker, or bluer (depends on tyres) and since I love Drift its very funny to wach at GT mini version of smoke. Burnouts sucks aswell there is no smoke. While when braking there is enough smoke on track.. looks prety real. and i like the wind effect smoke have, very good!
More people would complain if there is little/no smoke.

Probably true. But I'm not saying make it impossible for those smoke screens to be made by hugely powerful drift cars. Just adjust the parameters so road cars can be driven hard without smoke pouring off tyres that in a way that simply would happen in reality.
Probably true. But I'm not saying make it impossible for those smoke screens to be made by hugely powerful drift cars. Just adjust the parameters so road cars can be driven hard without smoke pouring off tyres that in a way that simply would happen in reality.

in this case I agree! But we cant have all the reality in a game.. pity. Still better with the smoke then without it anyway.
It seems to me that the amount of smoke is a compromise. There's not enough of it when you're doing a huge 4/5th gear drift round the final corner of Tsukuba in a 700bhp car or a massive stationary burnout, but then there's way too much when I'm drifting a Corolla or locking up a wheel. It's just one level of smoke for all applications. Which kinda sucks.


Now how come I get that much smoke in a standard Civic? Lol.
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I only have one complaint about the smoke and that's that sometimes it looks funky. Seen through conditions like under trees that let in lots of teeny points of light, it looks like static.
Lol! This is actually part of my strategy. Blind peeps on corners by smokin them out. Kidding but I'm sure it happens everytime someone is behind me. "Yo eat my dust foo!" I love the smoke!
Funny you say that because people used to complain of the lack of smoke in previous GT's.

I agree though. Sometimes there is just too much smoke.
One thing that PD needs to keep is the smoke. With GT5, PD finally gave us the smoke that we wanted.

There is only one glitch(that I don´t know if its been fixed), when you´re on a heavy car, after a few laps the wheels start throwing smoke nonstop, even in straights.
I love the smoke effects in GT5! I've always hated games that only give out a pitiful puff of smoke even when hard drifting or locking the brakes, GT5 gives a decent amount of smoke volume plus often you can see the wind affecting which way the smoke will blow etc.
Perhaps you are right that under some circumstances there might be too much and certainly sometimes there isn't quite enough but I think overall it is the best smoke effect I have seen on a driving game so far.
The smoke is terrible as it reduces the screen to a jagged mess. Even in photomode it looks terrible. No other racing game has this problem.
Regardless of how good or bad the smoke looks, which is a topic that has been done to death, it's surely only fun to make a lot of it if it happens in the right way.

If smoke-generation is your thing, and you can make these huge smoke screens in a low powered car with very little effort, surely that takes away some of the fun of driving one of those 700bhp drift monsters?

I think the corner entry smoke is the worst though, nobody can tell me they "enjoy" how smoke pours off the outside tyre for no reason what so ever. You get it every time you brake deep in to a corner. It looks reallystupid.
I was browsing Best Motoring videos and this great bit of driving from Tsuchiya made me think back to this issue so I thought I'd share. Watch the video and admire the way he showboats the last corner.

If that was GT5 there'd be stupid, ridiculous, amounts of thick white smoke coming from those tyres.

I really want them to fix this. Nobody can say the smoke generation in GT5 bears even the slightest resemblance to reality.
Smoke in GT5 is a bit crazy at times, comes out in gobs at the slightest bit of traction loss. They might want to change it based on tire type and contact patch along with rotation of the tire. Although it looks realistic at high speed spin outs, it's crazy impossible to see sometimes when there are like 4 cars ahead and one of them lose control and you have to drive into a smoke cloud praying to emerge without a scratch on the other side. A little tweak to the tire smoke parameters should fix this right up PD, not like I'm going anywhere else for my GT fix, keep on working away at it, when it's finally up to standard then you guys can start making GT6. Till then keep on hammering away at GT5 :)
I was browsing Best Motoring videos and this great bit of driving from Tsuchiya made me think back to this issue so I thought I'd share. Watch the video and admire the way he showboats the last corner.

If that was GT5 there'd be stupid, ridiculous, amounts of thick white smoke coming from those tyres.

I really want them to fix this. Nobody can say the smoke generation in GT5 bears even the slightest resemblance to reality.

Awesome video!!!

As above can be a pain just praying you come out of a smoke cloud in one piece. Can we assume it's setup on the extremes for people without FFB to get some indication they are loosing traction
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWtd5je_kWk&feature=feedu">YouTube Link</a>
I was browsing Best Motoring videos and this great bit of driving from Tsuchiya made me think back to this issue so I thought I'd share. Watch the video and admire the way he showboats the last corner.

If that was GT5 there'd be stupid, ridiculous, amounts of thick white smoke coming from those tyres.

I really want them to fix this. Nobody can say the smoke generation in GT5 bears even the slightest resemblance to reality.

Actually the Smoke Generation seems real to me! go find a D1 video and even check the rules, the more smoke the better is the thought. Ive been to many D1 events and In fact they have tires that give off red smoke so I think you may be mistaken.