Let's see this article...
Adjustment Channels:
1. Reduction in hours worked...
Even if the reduction in hours was so large that it exactly offset the increase in the hourly wage, minimum-wage workers would still be better off after the increase because they would be earning exactly what they made before, but would now be working fewer hours per week to earn it. Hours adjustments would only reduce a worker's standard of living if the fall in hours were steeper than the rise in wages.
2. Reductions in non-wage benefits
Within the competitive framework, employers might respond to a minimum-wage increase by lowering the value of non-wage benefits, such as health insurance and pension contributions. The empirical evidence, however, points to small or no effects along these lines. Based on their review of research as of the mid-1990s, Card and Krueger conclude: "The quantitative importance of non-wage offsets in response to a minimum-wage increase is an open question."
Their own study of fast-food restaurants in New Jersey showed no tendency for employers to cut the most common
non-wage benefit offered, which was free or low-priced meals.
3. Reductions in training
The empirical evidence is not conclusive. In their review of the recent research on the minimum wage and training, Neumark and Wascher write: "Summing up all of the evidence on training, we can only conclude that the evidence is mixed. Our own research tends to find negative effects of minimum wages on training, but most of the other recent research finds little evidence of an effect in either direction."
4. Changes in employment composition
So companies decide to be more discerning in who they choose to work for them.
"Despite the different methodologies, data periods and data sources, most studies reviewed above found that a 10% US minimum wage increase raises food prices by no more than 4% and overall prices by no more than 0.4%.
Congratulations, you just helped prove my point. Are you reading these before you post them?
Yes, but I'm not just, reading the headings.
The sections you did not refer to:-
6. Improvements in efficiency. - better attitude of workers
7. "Efficiency wage" responses from workers - better work from workers
8. Wage compression - hits the middle-management pockets. I wonder if anyone in this thread sits here?
9. Reduction in profits - doesn't happen - in fact only evidence points to the opposite
10. Increases in demand (minimum wage as stimulus) - benefits everyone
11. Reduced turnover - of staff. - benefits staff and company
I think the glaring flaw in the Walmart article is the supposition that Walmart built its huge customer base on the back of excellent service and not rock-bottom prices and the corner-cutting and huge economies of scale required to get them there.
So, why does that make a difference?