Website (frame) problem.

Home of Quattro.
Hi im trying to make a new meny on my webside and got some truble.

I have one frame at the top (Top.html) with the meny in it and the other window right under (Botton.html).
If il put a pull down bar in the Top frame the meny goes behind the button frame... why?

The main code to the Frames.


<FRAMESET ROWS ="50pt,*" BORDER="0" >
Sorry your browser doesnt support frames

<FRAME NAME =" TopLinkFrame" SRC="Top.html" SCROLLING ="no"

<FRAME SRC="Botton.html" NAME="MainLinkFrame" BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>

(Sorry for my bad English)

Thanks for the help.
\From: Grumpy_SWE
Hi RX-7_FC_DrIfteR.

My new menu is not currently on the web since it wont work to 100%

Main.html is the startfile.
If you move the pointer over the menu it goes behind the botton frame.

I want the menu to be ontop and if you click as a example: "Länkar" and then something, it should open in the botton window.
And if i have thumbs of images in the Botton menu i click one of those the image should also open in the Botton menu.

Thanks for all your help.
The one who solves the problem will get their name/nick on the webpage as a thank.

\From: Grumpy_SWE
If you move the pointer over the menu it goes behind the botton frame.

Grumpy_SWE, I took a look (btw the design is very nice and snappy) and I believe that the problem you're having is not that the menu is being shown behind the lower frame.

Rather what is happening is that the portion of the menu that lies outside the top frame is getting 'clipped'. That is, the browser is not displaying it at all because it only displays items that lie within the frames boundaries.

HTH. Offhand I don't know of a way to do exactly what you want. You might want to take a look at using layers. The only way to make the drop down menu appear using frames would be to make the top frame tall enough to accomodate the whole menu.
