You are right, Sphinx. And I certainly understand your frustration.
Ha, more arse licking you think. Maybe, but I just wanna explain, what motivation there's behind my "arse licking".
I too believe in stating my opinion, but I
also believe in doing it in an appropriate way, meaning that I carefully consider:
How do I get my message through to the recipient in an appropriate way? What do I want to achieve with this communication? and
How do I achieve that?
I personally believe in diplomacy rather than confrontation, when dealing with other
intelligent human beings. You can call it arse licking, if you want.
In this particular case:
We got a volunteer race organizer. One of the few, who is trusted enough among all of us to take over without causing any disturbance. He's not going to race, but sets it up only for
our benefit. He gets a lot of negative response of his choice of car. Trying to be the nice he listens to us and change the car.
My goal was as usual just to have fun, race, pass the time till GT4 and to end my GT3 in a positive manner. Would I achieve that continuing being negative? And even more important, I really don't think Ron deserved all the negativity, yuck- and thumbs down smilies, for his work.
Now it'll be interesting to see the outcome of this ^^ attempt of communication.