Week 84: Realistic (yeah right?!)

  • Thread starter Kent
T Times after a good 6 laps of racing:
T1: 0'26.112
T2: 0'59.009
T3: 1'15.416

Top straight: 130MPH max
Hairpin Min: 40MPH

I ain't gonna submit yet, but this is looking like it may be my best...
Damn it. :grumpy: :lol: And I thought I was doing OK with my:


Don't know if I'll find more time to race this one. :(
I'm not sure how its possible to get the Celica to go as fast as everyone has managed.Maybe I tuned it wrong.My fastest times were NOT with the Celica.
This Race has been very expensive.I've spent somewhere in the region of 3 million credits, I reckon. (admittedly since GT3Concept I've not had a cash flow problem).
I've tried:
Nissan 300SX, Evo VI Tommy Makinen, Cuore(very slow even at 4.0PWR), Alto Works, Supra, RX7, RX8, GT-Four, Mustang SVT, VX220, Yaris (I know - desperate!), NSX Type R, NSX Type S. Maybe I tried others too, but the y are lost in the dim sands of memory.
My best time was as follows (submitted):
T1 : 27.355
T2 : 1:01.271
T3 : 1:18.049
Thanks for the 'Real Race' I enjoyed it (despite the expense)
I'm not sure how its possible to get the Celica to go as fast as everyone has managed.Maybe I tuned it wrong.My fastest times were NOT with the Celica.
My fastest times are not in the Celica either. And if Gt3Emperor manages 1'14.9 in the Celica, he probably can run a low 1'14 in the car I'm using :scared: .
Leaderboard updated.
Yep. And I'm only 0.047 slower than HighonPSI on T3. I think that'll be a strong enough motivation to race again tonight (check your mirrors Dave :) )

@Tuff :
1) what about marking in the leaderboard people who have already submitted their time, so that we know who is still a threat and who isn't ?
As far as we know, markprichard, Pink_the_floyd and Smallhorses have already submitted and their times won't be improved any more.

2) why don't you rank Pink_the_Floyd on base of his T2 time ? Of course the ranking might turn out to be wrong but it would anyway be closer to reality than having him on the last spot.
Time submitted. Still in the GT-Four. 1173kg, 292hp, PWR: 4.017


Losing 0.8 :eek: from T1 to T2 compared to my second best, where I did hit the rumples of the U-turn and the long turn before the T2, close to perfect. Can't stand anymore racing tonight. :crazy:
Here's a tip: when working races like these; power always wins out over weight, ALWAYS!!!
Time submitted.

I managed to knock 3 tenths off my best lap 👍 There is still more time to be gained but I don't have the time. :D
No further improvement tonight, and time submitted.
T1 = 26.223
T2 = 59.185
T3 = 1'15.761

Car = Nissan Skyline GT-R M-spec, 388 hp.
p/w = 4.021
My fastest times are not in the Celica either. And if Gt3Emperor manages 1'14.9 in the Celica, he probably can run a low 1'14 in the car I'm using :scared: .

Possibly. The Celica seems to be the ideal car for this race, mainly because if you max the downforce it grips like it's on T5s. Still, setting it up can be tricky, so many people naturally assume it's slow (when in fact it's faster than any of the other cars out there).
Possibly. The Celica seems to be the ideal car for this race, mainly because if you max the downforce it grips like it's on T5s. Still, setting it up can be tricky, so many people naturally assume it's slow (when in fact it's faster than any of the other cars out there).

When you pointed out this downforce thing earlier this week, I started to look for other cars that could match the rules while using downforce, and I found the Skyline M-spec (rear wing downforce only).
It's heavier than the Celica (1560 kg) so I could tune it to 388 hp and it too grips like on T5s. I couldn't solve a slight understeering which caused me some problems in the hairpin (min speed at 36 mph), but I'm sure that div. 1 people could run a lap in the low 1'14 (if not under).
When you pointed out this downforce thing earlier this week, I started to look for other cars that could match the rules while using downforce, and I found the Skyline M-spec (rear wing downforce only).
It's heavier than the Celica (1560 kg) so I could tune it to 388 hp and it too grips like on T5s. I couldn't solve a slight understeering which caused me some problems in the hairpin (min speed at 36 mph), but I'm sure that div. 1 people could run a lap in the low 1'14 (if not under).

Granted, but the Celica has a lower center of gravity and a smaller wheelbase, giving it a more stable ride and a tighter turning capability than the Skyline. It also helps that the Celica is lighter than the Skyline (as it means the car won't tend to throw its weight around as much, and throw handling off). All in all I think the Celica is the clear victor in this competition.
I finally got started on this. It's actually much funner and easier than I thought it'd be. 👍
After about a half-hour I'm at 26.326 / 59.368 / 1:15.194. Should get to 1:14 soon. :)
I'm in the most eggspensive street Skyline with 4.000 eggzactly.
You know what I just noticed about our leaderboard?

Either no one from division three is racing or they aren't listed...
We should see how many division 2s there are and if there is a clear line of division, the slower half should be demoted (just to boost activity and increase the chances of getting a podium).
Don't think this week would be a good one to do that... Too many people scared off by the Sim tires.
yeah, but there are a lot of D2s out here. Maybe we just need a new batch of racers...
I think you can blame the lack of activity on the Board Challenge. It happened the last time. Sim tires didn't help either. No time from me this week but I won the race I was gunnin for anyway.
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to drop in and let you all know my plans for tonight an tomorrow.

Similar to last week, I plan to post results tomorrow and get the new race up a bit early.

Hope all of you are ok with that.
Oh, and I promise to set-up a "better" race for next week. ;)

Also, I'm glad to see that some of the racers out there enjoyed the sim run. :D
Not exactly my thing, but this series isn't for me alone. :lol:

Talk to you all again soon in the next race thread.
Till then,
later. :D