Week 88: The Theory Of...

  • Thread starter Kent
I even grabbed a DS2 to see how much time I was losing trying to get used to the wheel. Couldn't keep up with the wheel ghost.

My DFP seems to forever be delayed... :(
You drive with a ghost??? Was that just experimentation for the curiousity or you do it normally with best lap??? Who else does???

I did initially start with a ghost, but in the end got rid of it because it sometimes got in the way for breaking points or racing lines, when you're ahead of it you tend to start putting yourself under un-needed pressure, usually you responded by being defensive, by not having it I find I stay more aggressive & 'loose'.

I wonder how many km's people are doing... :D
My DFP seems to forever be delayed... :(
You drive with a ghost??? Was that just experimentation for the curiousity or you do it normally with best lap??? Who else does???

I did initially start with a ghost, but in the end got rid of it because it sometimes got in the way for breaking points or racing lines, when you're ahead of it you tend to start putting yourself under un-needed pressure, usually you responded by being defensive, by not having it I find I stay more aggressive & 'loose'.

I wonder how many km's people are doing... :D

I always run with the ghost on, so that I can see which line is the fastest, and where I'm losing time. It's a bit of pressure, but the trade-off in track-knowledge is worth it IMO.

I've got 177.9 miles on my evo so far (@321hp).
Luxy, I'm just as fast or faster with the wheel on a hot lap. The slower the car the faster I am with the wheel. Not quite smooth enough yet with the high horsepower cars. I'm definitely lacking in consistency, so I would be faster in a race with the DS2 at this point. I have probably spent 800 miles with the wheel so far. I'd guess another 1000-2000 before I get completely comfortable with it. Oh, and I need a better way to hook it up. Right now I'm using my couch to sit on and a small table to mount the wheel to. I have to bend over and it feels a bit un-natural in this position. It also hurts my back after 20-30 laps. :lol: I'll be building a custom mount and seat for it in the next couple weeks, it should be much better then. 👍

hellnback, I've probably done around 300 miles so far at Seattle this week.
I also always drive with the ghost on. I just like it better that way. After doing things one way for so long you just get used to it. I have used the ghost since GT1, so it feels normal to me.

Leaderboard current to this post.
On most hotlaps and license tests I usually drive with the ghost the first 10 lpas or so to find the right line, but after that, I turn it off so I don't get that pressure when you pass the ghost.
As expected, this week is too short for me. 45 minutes on Tuesday evening was all I could manage.
Time submitted as posted before :
T1 = 32.300
T2 = 1'16.009

I'll be back on Tuesday for the next combo.

Drive carefully :)
Hi all!

32.092//1'15.072 ,using Tom's good settings 👍

The righthander after the uphill is killing me. I just don't know how to deal with it.. Do you use the curb on the leftside when turning?
Any tips?

Thanks in advance, thanks Tomski, and laters..
Hi all!

32.092//1'15.072 ,using Tom's good settings 👍

The righthander after the uphill is killing me. I just don't know how to deal with it.. Do you use the curb on the leftside when turning?
Any tips?

It's a really tricky corner, one of the hardest in the game, imo.

I've seen 31.1's doing the following:

Brake hard as you cross the transition between the flat and the last incline (the very bottom of the last hill). Turn in before you reach the crest of the hill. The car will drift a little bit, and you should clip the curb on the inside. If you understeer off, you're turning in too late, or not braking enough. You should be able to get on the gas before you clip the apex on the inside, and shouldn't need to use the curbs on the left on exit at all.

Also, it's one of those corners where the fastest line through the corner will actually hurt you though the next sector. Take it a bit easier, and get on the gas early 👍

If you're looking to improve your T1, the first turn is just as, or more important than the one at the top of the hill. Make sure you're tight to the second apex, and that you don't have ANY wheelspin :)
New clean lap:
31.2 / 1'13.6

There might be a little more in this for me, maybe 0.300 or so, but it's gonna be tough to get. I'm still 0.100 off of my overall goal, so still some work to do tomorrow, but for now, sleep!

Thanks very much Luxy!👍 I was really lost in that corner. I'll test ,f I can improve my times, as soon as possible :D
Guess whos is back :sly:

After five weeks of inativity i´ll try to run this WRS. The school is picking up all my time :crazy: . And GT needs a lot of time to race :yuck: .

Later on i post my times.
Had yesterday off, played a little today, regularly getting just shy of my T's with a new setting.

31.4-31.5 are becoming regular without 'nailing' one, and within 0.06 of final time with some real roughies...

Track becomes a pain in the a$$ at 110%, there's so many corners that can cost you time without places where you can make any of it up... Quite an enjoyable track at 95%.

Will put in a session tomorrow (my Sun), hopefully I'll be able to get one off...
New clean lap:

31.1 / 1'13.1 submitted

Compaired to my previous save (a 31.2 / 1'13.6), I gained 0.100 through the right at the top of the hill and the following straight by hitting the apex just right. I gained the other 0.400 by slowing down more for the hairpin before the back straight, and accelerating right from the apex, with no oversteer. I didn't realize I was losing time there, and I was pretty suprised when the T2 time came up :)

I managed to knock off 0.400 overall, and beat my goal by 0.300.

I ran a couple of 30.9 T1's, which I promptly drove into the nearest wall ... from the sectors I've seen, a 1'12.xxx T2 is totally possible.
[/QUOTE]I ran a couple of 30.9 T1's, which I promptly drove into the nearest wall ... from the sectors I've seen, a 1'12.xxx T2 is totally possible.[/QUOTE]

Yes a 1'12.xxx om T2 is possible because my personal best is more a less 1'12.8xx or 1'12.9xx.

But the lap with this T2 posts to many questions, on one turn i've made, because i pass to close to the wall, i belive i didn't touch it, but someone could think that i touched, so i'm going to try to improve my time and i know that is possible.:)
T1 31.585
T2 1'14.186

4 hours racing yesterday most t-times in the 1'15,some mid 1'14.
This morning,third lap,Boem.
Waugh. great improvement, sjaak. 👍

I thought, I was doing good with my:


I can still see some time out there, but I really need a "Boem" too, just to get close to you. :lol:
Waugh. great improvement, sjaak. 👍

I thought, I was doing good with my:


I can still see some time out there, but I really need a "Boem" too, just to get close to you. :lol:

Hej Niels,
Godt tid, jeg har desværre ikke mulighed til at forbedre min tid. Vi vil se hinanden på finish linien!

Med venlig hilsen,
Sjaak og sin sviger søster (som er ikke helt perfekt i dansk, men jeg håber at der er ikke for mange stavefejler i det!) :cheers:
Hej Niels,
Godt tid, jeg har desværre ikke mulighed til at forbedre min tid. Vi vil se hinanden på finish linien!

Med venlig hilsen,
Sjaak og sin sviger søster (som er ikke helt perfekt i dansk, men jeg håber at der er ikke for mange stavefejler i det!) :cheers:

Great Danish, sjaak. 👍

First I was all :eek: . WTF is going on here, what have I missed? :lol:

You can tell your sister in law, that it's perfectly understandable. :cheers:

Now I got an idea of how my English must look like for the native English speakers. :lol:
my new best lap T's:
T1- 0'30.990
T2- 1'12.718 👍 PB
i think i can stiil get a 0'00.200 sec better on my final time, i'm losing to much time on the last sector of the track.
New time, i just can´t stop running with that Lancer, Incredible prazerous to play with him on that track. The best choice so far in the WRS that i was in.


I find that I've made a set line and I stick to it, rather than pushing it a bit further. I keep playing safe and expecting my time will lessen, but I need to really push my lines if I want to make times like Thurzo's :scared: