Week 90: 3400 Deep

  • Thread starter Kent
Is this bug? I am having same problem.

My version is NTSC Greatest hits.

It is because the engine is in the rear above the rear wheels (MR). Only FR and 4WD can have carbon driveshafts.

Thanks guys for clearing up the driveshaft requirement. I'm joining third division so I must drive like grandma but I hope to rectify that someday.

Seeya at the races. Cheers
I thought it was going to be a hard one but........this combo is great! 👍 .

Best T1 so far:0:23.059.

Using Tan's settings 👍 .

448HP(very good looking car) with metallic colour.
22.5 / 48.7 clean, with a good last sector :D (submitted)

There's still a couple of tenths left, but I'm not gonna get them this week. Looks like we're neck and neck this week, iceman .... see you at the line :mischievous: ;)
Lookin forward to seeing your time, but I think I may have lost a tenth coming out of the tunnel after T2. I think it should still be pretty close. I might have another try at this one but I think I'm probably done.
T2:0:22.602(but i won't submit this week :crazy: ).
Good luck to all of you guys 👍 .


If it's clean,submit.
Otherwise I don't understand your point of sharing this information with us.
Looks like you're catching up with Luxy and I. I have the exact same feeling that i should be going faster. I'm very consistent at T1 but getting something good after that is a chore.
Haven't been able to run much this week, but even when I have I've been struggling to get any good T1 splits, those runs I have managed it I wasn't able to hold it for the whole lap...

T1 - 23.030 (best 22.83x)
T2 - 49.637 (best (49.4xx)

I'll try have a final go tonite, but I'm not expecting any dramatic improvements, then again, I may fluke one lap...
Time submitted with
T1 = 22.733
T2 = 49.314
and 435 km.

I had been .1 faster on each sector so there was an "easy" .3 to shave off my final submitted time, but the week is over for me.
Was I the only one to have set ASM on 2 ?
That was much easier to "control" the drift while braking hard on the first corner.
See you next week.
Had a go, nothing dramatically better, heaps everywhere to be got and quite graciously left it on the track, but a slight improvement nonetheless...

T1 - 22.766 (best seen 22.672)
T2 - 49.631 (best 49.40x)

Time submitted.
T1 22.840
T2 49.572
This evening one more try.
What a bloody fantastic evening session. :yuck: 8 times I improved, and 8 times the lap was dirty. :banghead:

Time submitted:

Hey everyone, hope the race is fun.

Plan on a new race coming up tonight and the results following tomorrow at the earliest possible time.

There are some subtle changes I am working on in the wrs and I hope you will all be patient until I can explain further.

For now though, all I will say is that the "official registered drivers list thread" was lost to vb software the other day... So just try to be patient with me.
Thanks for all the time, patience and effort,
Wow,did real life ever jump up and bite me.
I got home a week ago,after spending 3
weeks in the hospital.This is the first day I have been able to
spend any time at the computer.
I drove my wife to work,dropped her off,
and got hit broadside by a drunk driver,at 6:45 a.m.
He came right through the red light.It took rescue a half hour
to get me out of the car.
I was paralysed in my left leg for over a week from a spinal bruise,broke my ankle,
kneecap ,femur and my hip.They had to put pins and screws everywhere.Of course,he was only cut up,and bruised.
This will be his THIRD DUI!
I am very lucky.My leg is recovering,the bones are healing,and the physical therapy is painful,but good.
It will be a bit,but I hope to be back in the Weekly by the New Year,maybe even before.
Not to sound like a public service ad,but PLEASE think before you drink and drive!
(in real life,that is)
:scared: Looks like you've had a bit of a hard time there. I think we all hope to see you back around here 👍. Here's to your recovery :cheers:. Now where's that middle finger smilie for the drunk bas****.
@ cinjun8 : hope you recover. That was really unlucky.

Ok, set up the car but didn't have enough time to run it in. :dopey:

My times are:


Since flat out says his leaderboard is all about consistency I'll submit this time but I know I could get a faster lap with a properly run in car and tweaking with the settings.

See you @ 91!
Hope you get better soon Cinjun, and you do everything in your powers to ensure that the DUI idiot is banned from driving for life. 3rd time?!!! He deserves to be locked away for a long time, for the benefit of the majority of the rest of us sober road users!
Just noticed what I think is a 3 wheel off on my fastest lap, and I had to scamper to get something near as quick. All I could muster in my new save is a 22.8/49.1, with about .3 off my best.