Luxy... you have my times under HeinrichII's name
Just thought I'd let ya know
I was hella tired last night... so I should be able to improve some... I could swear there is another second in that let to come out.
And because of the Cote thing... Kent has me listed as a Division One when I had been placed in Two... But I'll take that as a compliment
EDIT: I'll get my settings up in a bit I guess... I have a good idea what they are though...
I'll double check them when I get home... Tranny is the tranny trick
More edit: Just keep noticing new things to say...
Ok, first section I'm usually going 158~160 MPH into the soft right, and then start braking immediately at the bridge thingy, start my turn in at about 75 MPH, and just barely graze the bump strip. Come out right next to the left barrier, accelerate full on, and at the chicane thing, left off the gas for a split second right as I turn left, and then get back on it to stablize the car - it will probably slide a little. Now, braking for the sharp right I still haven't picked a good starting spot, but turn in at about 55 MPH, and clip the bump strip, then sweep to the right and lift off the gas, swing the car left, so you can get a full throttle exit.
Wanna give me some advice on how to take the area between T2 and T3... cause you make up alot of time there it seems...