Here's what I've been able to dig up so far about Toe:
- Increasing front Toe (positive numbers) creates understeer (less grip for the front wheels).
- Decreasing front Toe (negative numbers) does the opposite, creates oversteer (more grip for the front wheels).
- Increasing rear Toe helps for power-on oversteer (it helps by giving the rear wheels more grip, which would mean understeer??). From this, I'm guessing that rear Toe works similarly to front Toe (+ = understeer, - = oversteer)?
I'm thinking that small amounts of toe could help to fine-tune a cars handling, but a lot of toe would probably hurt the handling overall? What range of values are appropriate, and for what situation?
Also, what order do you place Toe in your tuning order? (I usually go down from the top, springs,ride,dampers,camber then stabalizers) Is Toe really important in your tuning strategy, or is it just icing on the cake.