Weekly Race Series, Week 3 - Vertigoooo

  • Thread starter boombexus
:D At least I now know I'm not gettin' any more Wacko than I suspected!!!

Just as a comparison:
OBSERVED T2 time (During the run) 46.910'
Time Shown in Replay Theater.........46.870'

Total Lap time "Off" by same amount, but as always I list the time from the Replay Info Page (lower rt hand corner)

Thanx again...UB57
Originally posted by pedrodaman
This is the setup im using

Springs 12/12
Ride height 58/60
Bound 8/7
Rebound 7/8
Camber 2.0 / .7
Toe -5 /0
Stabilisers 5/6
Brakes 15/21
LSD's Default
Tranny auto 33
Downforce maximum
TCS level 7

Thanks alot man! Those settings just helped me pull over a second off my fastest lap. 1.4 secs to be exact. :eek:

Also my fastest T2 time is now 48.056. I'm happy. :D

I'm gonna try the settings RER posted to see if I can do any better. :)
Originally posted by viper_maniac
Thanks alot man! Those settings just helped me pull over a second off my fastest lap. 1.4 secs to be exact. :eek:

Also my fastest T2 time is now 48.671. I'm happy. :D

I'm gonna try the settings RER posted to see if I can do any better. :)

No worries mate ;)
You should try the settings Red Eye suggested they helped me by knocking half a second off my best time with my original settings
Nice 1 keep it up 👍

Small improvment 46.955 not much but every little helps :)
I feel im still too aggresive going into turn 3 ..I tend to slam the brakes hard at the 50m mark causing the car to go into a slight slide then getting back on the gas as soon as i hit the apex to take me out of the turn

Does this sound too aggresive to you guys ..Im tryin to take a more conventional racing line through this turn but its an old habit
It also looks good in the replay but not as fast ..
I've had another go this evening and got a 47.0, and I know where there's more time if only I could string the corners together.

Pedro, I know you're quicker than me, but my technique for this turn 3 is to brake in good time, down to 2nd gear, chuck it in the corner then change up to 3rd again to stop the excessive oversteer. Is this a good technique?
Cheers for your technique im open to suggestions

Sometimes i feel im going to slow when i brake in time and take smooth lines but i allways end up getting faster laps

But not im my case with dreaded turn 3 if i don't hammer in i get crap T1 times
I will need to find the right balance for this one :)
Turn 3 , you mean the double left before T1 ?

I take that in 4th if I can ,I've never dropped to 2nd for it and only occasionally drop to 3rd for the apex, depending on what line I've managed to end up on after braking for it, which is usually as late as I can ;)
Originally posted by lotus350
Turn 3 , you mean the double left before T1 ?

I take that in 4th if I can ,I've never dropped to 2nd for it and only occasionally drop to 3rd for the apex, depending on what line I've managed to end up on after braking for it, which is usually as late as I can ;)

Yep thats the one ;) 4th i've never managed it in fourth gear i allways drop to 3rd for that corner
maybe because i keep on the gas through turns one and two (as im sure everyone does) and i can't help but brake hard .and the car becomes out of shape

I think the ideal line is to come in at the first apex then out to the wall just briefly then swoop in for the second apex for a nicely executed turn
If only i could pull it off like that

I either go gung ho and hit the wall (lap scrubbed) or to slow and i more or less hug both rumble strips on the way round

I will try for fourth gear on the way in

Cheers :)
Best T2 so far of 47.197.

And here's a wee joke that nobody will get (apart from Ron & Pedrodaman:P )

Huv ye got vertigo?
Nah just round the corner!

Originally posted by pedrodaman
@Thanks Daan for sorting that out ;)

@ Max Very nice run mate in the Denso given me some ideas for the dreaded turn 3 👍

I aims to please. good luck and i hope it's a help. i know the vertigo is different but basically a line is a line without too much variation.

oh, and thanks dave, i appreciate the hosting 👍
Originally posted by daan
Best T2 so far of 47.197.

And here's a wee joke that nobody will get (apart from Ron & Pedrodaman:P )

Huv ye got vertigo?
Nah just round the corner!


I got it! :P :lol: :D
Down to 46.932 now. got a 46.5 once, but crashed at the second last corner :banghead:
man, here's a little story about a little retarded boy named max:

i get home eager to start my new session. i load er up. no settings from yesterday cause i just turned it off without saving them. i start running and damn man, i am all over the place. car is handling like it's got ice tires forcing me to soften up the rear suspension, jack up the downforce and kick the tcs up to 4. still 1'10.4 then 1'09.9, 1'09.8 and i'm going crazy trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with my setup. then finally after dicking around for atleast 15 minutes, i check to see what kind of tires i got on the beeohtch. T4's :dunce: T4'S!!! what a dumbass. needless to say, when the T8's got on she was a dream. infact, i learned a few new things about setting her up while i struggled. i'm going to dabble in setting the cars up with crappy tread in the future cause it makes me work harder to set up the car. anyhow, after a few laps i'm closer to 46 then 47 👍 guess i picked the wrong week to quit sniffin glue :yuck: laters.
well, T2 of 47.450. Getting there slowly but surely - That was with Red Eye's setup too. :)
now how do I shave off that much time??? I feel more like a snail at this pace! :dunce:
Had a best T2 of 46.6, :banghead: in last corner:(

Thanks to Red Eye Racer for a very good setup.
Did some small mods, just to make it more me. Driftstyle...

And high 45's.... It's very possible with this setup.
Originally posted by Max E.
i got this baby hooked up now boys (and girl) T2 is now a 45.971

:eek: slow down Max! :eek:

Not been on it since this morning and it's a bit late now, although I'm itchin for a go....

sleep first
I'm astounded at the control i have over this car right now. after the vette this is truly a magic carpet ride. 60 miles into this session yields a 45.852 i'm pushing the denso now.
45.744 must be nearing terminal velocity now. still seems to have some left though. astounding car. unreal.

EDIT: wrapped up the session with a 45.587 one bump from doing that which could not be done (for me anyway)

best T2 in a save is 45.780
well, in the save as window on the top you will see the folder it wants to save in. at the right side of that line is a little drop down window (to browse) click it and just highlight desktop and save it there. (just hit "ok")
I tried it again today, best T2 I could get was 46.4**. :banghead:

First impression: Oh yeah, now I know why I never tune my cars! :irked:
yah i just tried around 30 laps and my best t2 came at 35.976, but i messed the last turn a little so i gotta a second on but its all good!