Weekly Race Series, Week 34

  • Thread starter boombexus
Well with these times, my overall time has increased by about 1 second. These times also just happened to be my best 1st and 2nd lap times, all in the one race :)

lap 1
27.841 / 44.657
lap 2
20.698 / 37.562 / 1.02.941

Yay, I have cracked the 1.03 barraier. (spelling)
Originally posted by Small_Fryz

Yay, I have cracked the 1.03 barraier. (spelling)
You suck :D ... Only managed to crack 1.05 by .3 seconds :grumpy:

Ohh well.. After an hour I'm not too disappointed...
i did about 300km until i got those times so thats what 2 and a bit hours.
BTW these are my settings

toe 0
stabilizers 3,4

brakes 19,17

gears 32 finial 3.353 (is tranny trick better then these)

df 1.00/1.01
tcs 1

those have been unchanged on my car since i started posting times. so all the gains in time was from my driving line.
The only place I feel I have a slight problem is the slow 2nd gear corner after the tunnel. I'm bombing over the hill and through the tunnel in what appears to be VERY fast (Close to max in rpm 5th). And drops it all on the floor in that stupid :banghead: corner :grumpy:

That, and I'm running a lot less downforce than you Chips :D Maybe I should up it a little...
i go into that in 3rd with my gear settings. and just go wide turn in so you dont have to turn much after the apex
Originally posted by Small_Fryz
i go into that in 3rd with my gear settings. and just go wide turn in so you dont have to turn much after the apex
I'm actually going through the turn in 3rd to minimize spin. And though I sorta dislike to use it, I've set my tcs to 1....

Shortshifting my way to stardom :mischievous:
Well, I'm starting in first. By the first left hander, I'm easily in 6th, and on the second lap, I'm almost redline in 6th.

I didin't think I would be able to shave off teh 1.5 something seconds that I'd noticed that Small_fryz had on me after reading today, but I had only run about 15-20 mins last night. ANd at that point thought I was pretty close to fast.

But tonight, upped the downforce a little, slackened off the toe and dampers, fixed the gears (I knew my gearing was crap before) and I'm pretty happy with my new times now... But I'm sure there is some more in it. I brake early into the hairpin, almost at the start of the rumple strips in the tunnel, turn as late as possible to cut as close to the apex as possible, grabbing 3rd to try and keep the spin under control.

Best time now is as follows after tonights 30 minute effort...

Lap 1: T1... 28.224

Lap 2: T1... 20.578
Lap 2: T2... 37.418
Lap 2: End.. 1:02.756

THis is down from my previous best lap of 1:04.036.

Looks like I"ll still be down by bout 1 sec overall though... Have to find that damn second somewhere...

Maybe I'll try that 2nd gear start...
what gears are you useing. Also what is your t2 time for the first lap. Good to see im keeping up with you, as the last two races you were many many seconds faster. :mad:
After tightening everything a little bit I have now cracked the 1.04 barrier... Where I can find the next second I have NO idea though..... :odd: 15 minute session after work...
well i found the hairpin after the tunnel
the long right hander through the tunnel then the double apex left hander and the last corner. pratise these as they lead on to straights where 1- 3 kph faster can be 2 tenths faster.
Daaaaaamn! Last night was a tired and late night
and I only managed a fast lap of 1'04.7+. Like DSMAZDA I'm starting in first, but holding the throttle at the redline. My TCS is at 1. I can usually skirt the R390 before I enter the first tunnel then hold the lead until the end. 👍 Last night was only 50 miles on the counter so I've got a bit to improve on ;) I'm ok with my settings, but'll play around with what you guys have posted. I don't remember what my split times were, that'll come later tonight. :)
Sorry if I didn't state this in the rules, but No Qualifying has been the way that we start all our races here. Everyone must start in 6th place.

Sorry for any confusion.
Can I assume you got this in a PM as I find no speak of qualifying in this thread ?...

Confused in Copenhagen..... :odd:
Originally posted by boombexus
Sorry if I didn't state this in the rules, but No Qualifying has been the way that we start all our races here. Everyone must start in 6th place.

Sorry for any confusion.

I think they are talking about the gear they're starting on there, boom...

Also, can you qualify for the arcade-mode races anyway? I mean, it's not even a necessary thing (you can beat most of the pack in the first straight if you have the car geared right). BTW, more times to come...
I've found out that you'll get much faster start with carefully accelerating on first gear so your tires will slip just a little (without tcs) than flooring it with tcs.. it restricts power too much even if you set it just to 1..
even I am able to launch the CLK from starting point to the starting line in around 4.5 seconds :lol:
Originally posted by Speed Drifter
I've found out that you'll get much faster start with carefully accelerating on first gear so your tires will slip just a little (without tcs) than flooring it with tcs.. it restricts power too much even if you set it just to 1..
even I am able to launch the CLK from starting point to the starting line in around 4.5 seconds :lol:
TCS is The SUCK... Can't live with it, can't live without it (in 400+ Bhp situations that is....)
definently try starting in 2nd gear, it does get you off the line a little quicker than 1st. go to the 400m and try it out. do 1st gear first, then try 2nd. Its not MAJOR, but it is better
Originally posted by IDAFC21
definently try starting in 2nd gear, it does get you off the line a little quicker than 1st. go to the 400m and try it out. do 1st gear first, then try 2nd. Its not MAJOR, but it is better
HEY !... I suggested (and started) the 2nd gear start show :D Don't tell me what to do (Except if it is how I can go faster that is ;) )
New time; to be submitted after this post:

Lap 1:
T1: 0'28.604
T2: 0'46.318
Lap 2: 1'03.856
T1: 0'20.900
T2: 0'37.803

That 1'03 is the fastest time I've pulled on this course...
After trying IDAFC21's setup I'm now down to 1,03.3xx in free run I got a 1,02.88x but it wasn't clean.

I think the key to getting a good time in Midfield II is finding the right line and breaking point. Just experiment a bit and you'll see what I mean, especially at the last turn and the turns before and after the second tunnel.

hope this helps ;) someone
I've had some attempts at this. I've come close to breaking 1:03.

Having trouble with race attempts.

Stupid car doesn't grip well.

I'm about where Fryz is, potentially faster.

I've had 27.5xx and 37.6xx

The grip issue is bothering me. I may try some front toe out soon.
Originally posted by Jpec07
I think they are talking about the gear they're starting on there, boom...
Hmmm.. Wonder why he hasn't replied to this. Maybe Boom is a little red 'round the cheeks perhaps :embarrassed:
Originally posted by Flerbizky
Hmmm.. Wonder why he hasn't replied to this. Maybe Boom is a little red 'round the cheeks perhaps :embarrassed:

Well, I'm usually to busy chasing you, Dodge the Viper and SandStorm around the forums to keep up with my own threads. :lol: Just kidding. ;)

But in regards to that, I must have misinterpreted Ellegances statement that she starts in first. I was smoking crack at the time I made that post and took it as she started in first place on the grid and not first gear. Ooops. :embarrassed:

However, what I said about qualifying still stands. :D