Weekly Race Series, Week 44

  • Thread starter boombexus
After another couple of hours got my best clean lap to:
I actually begin to enjoy this race. I'm getting more clean laps and slowly gaining a little more control of my car. :)
Originally posted by HeinrichII
New splits of me of 18.5 and 40.3

Sough is still beating me by .8 secs, gotta keep improving :)

:lol: I've about givin up on keeping pace with anyone in this race.

Im still a full 3 seconds off of what Im sure is possible. Still 1 second off of what I would hope to achieve, and about 1 second short of cracking my controller in half.:banghead:

Glad to see everyone is running well though. Good job.
Unfortunately, the whole course is a problem to me. I know rome pretty well, just had a nice race there a week or two ago. However, the car is the independant variable that screws me on this race.

I just don't have any experience on the f1s. I bought gt3 in january 03, so when I picked up here, I stopped playing the game in sim mode and started with olr... never ended up doing stuff like the 78 lap monaco f1 race... only beat the f1 series once, and barely. (after long enough I got to something like 98 % complete... then got a sharkport and never worried again)

So this is more of a chance for me to try out the f1s more than a chance to contend in a race.

Any advice for f1 racing would be the way to go for me on this one. Thanks though.
It can be hard driving an F1 when your used to driving the GT's and road cars. You would probably do better if you had a go with one round Monaco the try at Rome again. I'm not one for expalining cornering techniques and the like but it's getting used to the way they turn so suddenly thats really important to get right.
Had a minor improvement, down to a 40.5 at T2 and have bettered my previous record for this track (in this car) by 1/2 a second, hopefully more to come
Might play with the gearbox/LSD combo some more I think, my susp. setup is reasonable but could probably improve also
Cheers all, 'luck racing
I lowered the rear springs,upped the rear downforce to max and lowered the decel lsd and got a little better time. Most due to hauling up the ps2 for a session on the sharp tv.

Remember the rumbles are our friend,more so with an f1 than any other car. With the setup I posted(and many other similar setups) you should have no problem manuvering over them.
I'm not sure I'll be able to get times in before the end of the week's race, but I can try (I'm kind-of running through minor restrictions resulting from a low history grade, and the fact that I may have just landed the lead role in my school musical). Oh well, I'll race when I can, but I'm not sure I'll even get online often enough to post a time up...
Wow its been awhile since i've tried one of these.

T2's in the 43's........ im highly dissapointed......... back to the controller.
ok........ 42.8xx using sough's settings i believe....... could it get to be made just a tiny bit stickier with some stiffer springs? or am i going to totally kill the set up?
first of all, excuse me now, but I'm seriously drunk

wel to the point...sough's settings are reayllly good, but for my driving style..I added about .5 degrees to each camber and it has suited my style..I kinda like sometimes to drift on F1's...kinda faster...well I wont drive till I get rid of this damn drunkness..gotta go sleep..till then....
Originally posted by filmfan
Well any recommendations for which car to use in the Polyphony Digital Cup?
It is one of the few I still haven't done and I don't have a Poly 001 for this weeks race, only Poly 002's. It says u have to use a car without modification. Does this mean one straight out of the dealers and U are not allowed to do anything to it? If so there isn't that much of a choice. Any help would be appreciated.


Hey filmfan.

I'd suggest that you use your Poly 002 for that race or what ever the fastest car you have that can enter.

As for the modifications, I wanted to make sure that everyone was using a stock vehicle. If no modifications can be made to the car then don't worry to much about it. My reasoning behind that was that I'm not clear on the Poly001 and whether it's tuneable.

So just run the car straight out of the box.
Wow, my first time in the GT3WRS, and we're using the the fastest car in the game. I'll have a time for you soon.
Well gentlemen,

I'm not going to make it this week. I've had a few hours to run and I have a personal best but I still see a lot of room for improvement. I have no time to get it right, though, because I won't be able to race for more than a week. I don't know if it's better to submit my crappy time or to just stay out. I feel like if I can't do it right (as in put in some effort and do my best) I might as well not do it at all.

Any advice on what to do with my current best time?

Anyway, good luck to everyone and I'll see you in week 46.
that's a shame danoff :( but maybe a crappy team is a fast time for you..who knows...my time still has lots of improvement...oh well

And to Kent...well to get used to the F1's(after racing so much in non F1 cars) the best thing to do is to run around 15 to 20 laps...and just try to focus on braking points and how early you must turn the car...it worked for me :)
Had an imrovement after some minor adjustments to both gearbox and susp., have run a T2 of 40.2 but bollocksed up the rest of the lap
Hopefully by the end of the week I shall be running in the 39 second bracket for T2
Later all
WOOOOO!! My finals are all done, I'm off for the holidays. :cool: Gonna start running this race tomorrow. Also sorry about the week 42 replay I said I would upload. I was really busy studying, but I will have that up tomorrow for anyone interested in seeing the Calsonic on Monaco.

Later all.
Well I put a few laps in with Sough's setup, and I've managed
18.4 / 40.4 up to now. Still a LONG way to go before my time is competitive :(
For some reason I can't load the arcade section of gt3. Rome isn't under Run and Settings so my time will have to stand for now. Not what I hoped for but not bad either.

Heinrich-not bad splits, I sort of "drift"certain turns slightly also. Except its more of a small slide than a drift. T's were something like 18.5 and 39.15 I've seen T1's as low as 18.2

Still way slow for the group, but for me... that's starting to get there.

Still about 3 seconds off of what I would like to see and 4 seconds off of what I know can be done.

Also... still don't have a clean save.

Nothing to this point has been clean, so for now, that is my primary concern.

Anyway... later.
I am using sough's settings too, just that I have added .5 to each camber, I felt it better.

The drifting on the corners is really useful..and well, my best time so far has T time of 18.56 and 40.17.

And with the analyzer...I've seen I have plenty of time to improve on my limits..maybe about .7 or .8 secs.
Update: 18.5 / 39.7 with some minor mods to setup

Best T1 up to now is 18.4, best T2 is 39.6
Sorry to blow this beautiful picture with some 3'rd division times.
And I'm pretty satisfied with them. I'm starting to get some consistency in my laps and done a lot of similar times. Now I'm just waiting for the lap, where everything comes together and I may shave another ½ second of.

I haven't got a clue, where the **** you guys pick up so much time. :confused:
Someone got some ideas, advice, tips, anything that could be useful for a rookie?
Originally posted by Sough
For some reason I can't load the arcade section of gt3. Rome isn't under Run and Settings so my time will have to stand for now. Not what I hoped for but not bad either.

Heinrich-not bad splits, I sort of "drift"certain turns slightly also. Except its more of a small slide than a drift. T's were something like 18.5 and 39.15 I've seen T1's as low as 18.2
Or... you could just submit your record lap ;)
Who says my goal wasn't 55.0? hehe okay maybe not. I'll post the new time regardless of which is faster,seems a little unfair to give an old time.

And nice split fabio you're closing in on me.
Have my PS2 back, so I can compete this week. I've been far off a good time and can not figure out how to get any more speed out of the car.


Unless my next session yields a better time, I'll have to stand on that, because I apparantly can not physically get the car to do any better.