Weekly Race Series, Week 50 - RESULTS

  • Thread starter boombexus
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when you do something suspicious i'll be sure to let you know. why don't you piss off now?

Damn dude, I was just looking for an all clear. You asked for the data...

No, I didn't look at the data. Just wrote it down and posted it. Then I plotted it up to see where I had been beaten and where I did well.

I'll post more sectors next week.
@ danoff,

actually,since you have the slowest sector 12 and a sector 13 that is .2 faster than everybody but the sketchy heinrich, i would like you to post 3 screenshots of the sector in an effort to shut me up and clear yourself of any skepticism.

sector 13 is composed of the entire tight, sweeping left handed turn leading into the second tunnel. i would like the following screenshots:

one at the beginning of the turn, one at the apex of the turn, and one at the end of the turn. that would surely clear you there. i'm in doubt of you here and the numbers validate my posturing. please do ME a favor and clear yourself on this. thank you.

here is the supporting data:

Mr P HeinrichII Lotus350 Hippyneil Danoff Talentless

4.401... 4.411... 4.420... 4.519... 4.522... 4.512
5.655... 5.492... 5.608... 5.660... 5.424... 5.615
Originally posted by Max E.

Mr. P. Heinrich Lotus350 Hippyneil Danoff Talentless Max E.

5.484... 5.666... 5.546... 5.629... 5.615... 5.654... 5.590
5.785... 5.600... 6.165... 5.723... 5.708... 5.778... 5.731

This part does look really bad. Oh well... :rolleyes:

I also would like to support lotus on the Why does anyone care anyway? subject.
Alot of us do have a great time playing gt, and working to play it by the rules. Allowing unethical practices will always be a detriment to the game. We, as honest racers should not allow that to happen. (Idea just poped in my head... check out spot races soon. :D )

I also want to remind people that motives to cheat are not always as easy to see as something like theft. (btw, It is also not the responsibility of the "prosecution" to provide motive... atleast in the world of gran turismo)

However, to suggest a possible motive, I will provide you with this...
Some people hold the opinions of other people to be more important than their own opinions. A racer who is this kind of person would be more likely to accept cheating as a valid method to create esteem amongst his peers in racing.

I also want to mention that the temptation to supply times from dirty laps is much greater when you know you will not have to supply a replay. (and some might say temptation is man's most deadly weakness.)

Anyway, Im out, but I keep getting back in... so good luck, hope I dont come back. :D ;)
Originally posted by Max E.

actually,since you have the slowest sector 12 and a sector 13 that is .2 faster than everybody but the sketchy heinrich, i would like you to post 3 screenshots of the sector in an effort to shut me up and clear yourself of any skepticism.

sector 13 is composed of the entire tight, sweeping left handed turn leading into the second tunnel. i would like the following screenshots:

one at the beginning of the turn, one at the apex of the turn, and one at the end of the turn. that would surely clear you there. i'm in doubt of you here and the numbers validate my posturing. please do ME a favor and clear yourself on this. thank you.

here is the supporting data:

Mr P HeinrichII Lotus350 Hippyneil Danoff Talentless

4.401... 4.411... 4.420... 4.519... 4.522... 4.512
5.655... 5.492... 5.608... 5.660... 5.424... 5.615

i'll be waiting.
Originally posted by Max E.
@ danoff,

actually,since you have the slowest sector 12 and a sector 13 that is .2 faster than everybody but the sketchy heinrich, i would like you to post 3 screenshots of the sector in an effort to shut me up and clear yourself of any skepticism.

sector 13 is composed of the entire tight, sweeping left handed turn leading into the second tunnel. i would like the following screenshots:

one at the beginning of the turn, one at the apex of the turn, and one at the end of the turn. that would surely clear you there. i'm in doubt of you here and the numbers validate my posturing. please do ME a favor and clear yourself on this. thank you.

here is the supporting data:

Mr P HeinrichII Lotus350 Hippyneil Danoff Talentless

4.401... 4.411... 4.420... 4.519... 4.522... 4.512
5.655... 5.492... 5.608... 5.660... 5.424... 5.615

Good call Max 👍

i'll be waiting.

I am particularly proud of that turn. I think because of the license tests on that turn I spent a lot of effort trying to improve time there. I'm happy to show that turn off, but you'll have to wait until this evening before I can put the shots up.

I'm also gonna go ahead and put up sector times for last week.

Edit: Kents, when you said

This part does look really bad.

You meant to say this part looks particularly good :)
Originally posted by Max E.
Mr. P. Heinrich Lotus350 Hippyneil Danoff Talentless Famine Max E.

5.484... 5.666... 5.546... 5.629... 5.615... 5.654... 5.580... 5.590
5.785... 5.600... 6.165... 5.723... 5.708... 5.778... 5.869... 5.731

Mr P HeinrichII Lotus350 Hippyneil Danoff Talentless Famine

4.401... 4.411... 4.420... 4.519... 4.522... 4.512... 4.410...
5.655... 5.492... 5.608... 5.660... 5.424... 5.615... 5.659...

Just thought I'd my crap-ass sectors to the mix. Not like anyone on Earth cares.... :D

And Kelly's right. I'll try to hook my Xport up tonight and upload my own replay. Those of us who HAVE Xports should make more of an effort with this.
Originally posted by Max E.
thanks ;)

come back with a better attitude.

My attitude is fine, thankyouverymuch. The vast majority of your posts on all the GT boards on the internet are totally negative in attitude so maybe you should re-think what you just said. Or perhaps the concept of hypocrisy eludes you.
wheres that popcorn? :)

guy, go out side. its sunny. go and take in some rays or something... or take sedatives. for crying out loud, yes cheaters suck. but then cheaters are only cheating themselves, theres no glory in it.

i really dont know how BB puts up with this. I'd have ended the weekly race series by now if I was running it. all this arguing is just petty.
Replay. Un-re-namedified. :D


  • gt3bestlsave0402086700.xps
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geeze this thread is getting so popular:rolleyes:

well went to the 2 stores today left to see if they have xport/sharkport and none had them, one store only had a service where you can order games in another country, but not devices or stuffl like that...

now the only way to get the friggin xport is through internet, and it's gonna be hard to convince my dad to do so...well I'll see what can I do...
I wouldnt worry bout it too much Heinrich. save ya money for something that you want, not something they want you to have...

If they dont believe you thats their tuff titties :P
I need new soccer equipment for the next soccer season in college and I'll be screwed if I spend some bux on this xport!!!:mad:
Originally posted by ving
I wouldnt worry bout it too much Heinrich. save ya money for something that you want, not something they want you to have...

If they dont believe you thats their tuff titties :P

Welcome to another clueless idiot, come in join the party :odd: you guys dont have a brain cell between you :D

have a nice day 👍
yeah well, whats more important?
soccer equipment of satisfying this lot? :)

I know what i'd do.
Originally posted by Mr P
Welcome to another clueless idiot, come in join the party :odd: you guys dont have a brain cell between you :D

have a nice day 👍
thanks for the warm welcome :D
Look at it this way ving.

You've spent a week running this race - with all the distractions that come from work, a wife, 4 kids and sleep (the last one only if you're a pansy though). You've worked and worked and worked to get this run down off pat.

Then someone turns up with a time they've made up, or just blatantly driven off the walls, over grass etc. (not saying this has happened in this case).

Does that not just say to you that however hard you try, you may as well just not bother? And can you see what right Mr. P and Lotus350 have to be annoyed at comments such as "Who cares?"?
Dear Weekly Racers.

I want to address the current issues of Heinrichs times.

After reviewing the facts, it is still unclear, with the facts at hand, as to whether or not Heinrich has falsified any times. There is no difinitive proof only some evidence that points in a certain direction.
So it is my opinion that Heinrich and the rest of us will move forward from this point on and let this issue rest as is.

Under the rules of this Weekly Competition, I have stated that we are all on the honor system and no Xport verification is necessary. If any times should become under scrutiny, it shall be the burden of the racer to provide proof, however, as stated in the rules, none is necessary. But the honor and reputation of the racer in question, should they be truly honest, would be to provide undeniable proof.
Heinrich has provided some, but not difinitieve, proof of his time, and as I stated earlier, there is no clear cut fact proving a false time and therefore his time will stand as so.

I would like to suggest that as any racer starts to acheive faster and faster times, proof of time will need to be supplied. Maybe not here in the Weekly, but if a racers career is to expand past the Weekly Race Series, I would highly suggest that you procure some device that will allow you to prove your times beyond a resaonable doubt.

Furthermore, as cheating is the lowest possible offense not only here in the world of online racing but in real life, that is not what has dissapointed me so. What has dissapointed me the most is the mudslinging, flaming, name calling and general poor attitudes displayed by not only myself but other here in this thread.
I understand that attitudes can flare when accusations are made, but it is all our responsabilities as proper and decent people to maintain professional attitudes especially in dark times.

With that said, my appologies to Max for my outbust toward him and to anyone else that viewed that. I was out of line.
I would hope that everone else is able to make ammends with anyone else and hope that any relationships that were strained during this time can and will be repaired.

That is all and I hope that everyone will be able to move forward from this point in a friendly and professional manner.

Thank you. :)
My very last post in this thread ( I hope:D )

Good points been made allround :cool:
I'm happy to forget this incident until these guys show up in the future in some race or competition somewhere else where there is a doubt over there legitimacy ;) and I will be linking the other suspicious party directly to this thread. It wont be forgotten :P

Thanks Boom for all the races you have posted which have brought me many hours of fun and anger ;) ...... as I said before until I know i'm not chasing a fleet of lawnmowers this is my last weekly, cheers mate it was a laugh:cheers:

Good luck for the rest of the series however long it lasts:)
If I would have been cheating, I would have said it.

If I would have a dirty/cheating lap, I wouldn't submitted it.

I, myself, don't like people to be lying or cheating to me, one of my greatest values that I have learned is "don't do to others what you wouldn't like to be done to you", and honesty is one of my principal values my family made me learn. I wouldn't ever cheat myself by making fake times or dirty laps, never.

I hope this problem won't keep going on, I'll give my best again for the week 51 and so on, but if people will still call me a cheat, I'll have no other choice but to leave too since many people don't trust me and all the fun that I have felt in the previous weeklies will be all gone...and I know many people would feel great and feel relaxed because a guy who they don't trust is long gone...

I'll supply all the sector times you want if you wish, but no screenshots can be available due to the lack of resources to get a 100+bux digi cam, and xport is still at large.

Seriously guys, let's still have all the fun we have had through the wrs.


Originally posted by Famine
Look at it this way ving.

You've spent a week running this race - with all the distractions that come from work, a wife, 4 kids and sleep (the last one only if you're a pansy though). You've worked and worked and worked to get this run down off pat.

Then someone turns up with a time they've made up, or just blatantly driven off the walls, over grass etc. (not saying this has happened in this case).

and one does not get sent to jail for the term of thier natural life because someone thinks they might have done something wrong. definite proof is required.
No one can honestly proove that heinrich's time is false and while the given data might look just a little dodgy in some areas, no one can prove it is wrong.
this series is built on trust and honour (as said by BB) so we should just move on.

however, I am not blind and can see why ppl are upset.
still waiting for screenshots from danoff's flaming 13th sector.

and as to everybody who says "who cares" i can only laugh. i don't like corruption in my sport and find that people posting times that are illegal is the lowest of the low in a gentleman's game.

as for you CFM, all my posts might be negative, mean, ornary, and generally retarded, but atleast i'm funny. what can i say, i don't like taking **** off people. and when somebody tries to pull a fast one, i'll not be the fool who lives in the bliss of ignorance. somebody trying to get over on me is a personal transgression as far as i'm concerned. it's a shame that you, like so many other people just don't understand somebody like me. you should be happy there are poeple in the world who express themselves rather than stick to the status qou and keep thier mouths shut incase they offend somebody.

i've already said on several occasions that my view towards heinrich's run has changed. that's why i deleted all my earlier posts. now i just think he cut but as much as his sectors still point to this fact, it is no longer a dead lock. that's why he's still here.
Originally posted by ving
and one does not get sent to jail for the term of thier natural life because someone thinks they might have done something wrong. definite proof is required.
No one can honestly proove that heinrich's time is false and while the given data might look just a little dodgy in some areas, no one can prove it is wrong.
this series is built on trust and honour (as said by BB) so we should just move on.

however, I am not blind and can see why ppl are upset.

I'm moving nowhere. Not after you just "pink"ed me!

We discussed innocent until proven guilty earlier in the thread. The philosophy at the 'Times is generally that the burden of proof is on the claimant - after all, they didn't have to submit the time...

Okay, so this isn't the 'Times, but you get the idea. And I haven't stated my opinion of Heinrich's time in this thread - but I do hope that one day he CAN prove it.
Screenshots will follow this post (had to get home from work). I have two views. I figured while I was at it I might as well do a thorough job.

I'm also posting the screen from the analyzer that shows the track time and horsepower. I've known the horsepower to be wrong in the filename but I'm going to trust that it's wrong the same way you guys are seeing it.

I want to point out that the photos show the sector time.

I also want to point out that earlier today (when I was at work) I thought that Max was talking about the previous tunnel. This turn is not one that I concentrated on as much and of course my comments about the license test have nothing to do with this turn. Sorry about the mixup but I didn't have the analyzer in front of me.

Ok, now on to the pictures...
Hopefully this is the same horsepower you guys are seeing in your playstation analyzers. (sorry the files says w49 instead of w50) :)


  • analyzer screen.jpg
    analyzer screen.jpg
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on my way to the turn (two views to follow)


  • beginning.jpg
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Hangin' on to the rumple strip.


  • rear_leaving_apex.jpg
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gettin off of the rumple strip.


  • just_after_apex.jpg
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heading for the right hand turn in the tunnel.


  • end.jpg
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