Weekly Race Series, Week 53

  • Thread starter Kent
No improvements yet for me. I´m moving my stuff to other room today and going to a concert this evening. I might give some laps tomorrow, but I think that i´m finished with this week.

And BTW, I got my X-port yesterday, but there was something missing from its box, so I need to wait longer in order to get it working. :(
Phew. Slight progress today. Last clean lap:
T1 21.422
T2 42.052

After I removed some downforce, stiffened the front rollbar, added camber and lost springrate I did manage a T1 of 20.9xx, so I am making progress

If only people would stop calling me in the middle of my sessions :irked: Maybe tonight... :mischievous:
No idea what's going on with all you sub-40ers...!

20.4, 40.2.

I have managed to remove a whole 0.5s on my final sector time though, which was quite pleasant. And that was compared to my previous best lap with T1 and T2 of 20.4 and 40.3...

Although I do now recall that my Supra isn't broken in yet. In fact it's not even close...

Edit: Isn't it annoying when that happens? I tried Mr.P's settings and went 0.3s quicker instantly. I was doing something similar with my gearings, but using 6th as the top not 5th... Odd. I noticed he was using the "Damper Settings Of The Beast" though, so changed that and got another 0.2s. I'm now a little over 1.1s quicker than I was this morning.

20.4 (still), 39.5.
Slowly working the setup to Mr. P's strange looking setup. Loosing the LSD effect drastically changed the way the car turns into and outot the corners. Feels quicker, and my times are improving, too.

Setup so far:
Spring rate 11 / 12.8
Ride Height 70 / 75
Damper bound 9 / 9
Damper rebound 9 / 9
Camber 1.5 / 0.5
Toe 0 / 0
Stabilizer 5 / 4
Brake 11 / 10 (still no smoke)
LSD 5/5/5 (Mr. P's favourite)
Final Ratio 3.000, auto setting 28
Downforce 1.0 / 1.25 (full)

My quickest: T1 21.058, T2 40.665

I'm not going rockstar, as a matter of fact I'm "not even trying" in some corners according to Daan :P

Funny thing is that I keep hanging around 21 seconds for T1, which looks slow, but my T2 is rather good looking, and I think I can get it under 40 seconds even. And I'm not that good, so I must have done a lucky shot with the setup. Glad to see I'm not 10 seconds behind you guys :cool:
Changed spring rate 10 / 12 and ride height to 60/70... and.... CHANGED OIL :banghead: (forgot all about that :rolleyes: )

And now: T1 20.636, T2 40.614 ! :D

Still struggling with the line around the left-hander after the first tunnel. But that hairpin! I got it nailed and every 6 out of 10 times it feels soooo good to ease the Supra around there, only slightly tailing out, full throttle and a shift right after the apex. Jummie!
so I did 40 laps this morning...nothing...I must have ran 35 of those laps at T1 20.2/T2 39.5...over and over and over. At least I consistent but didn't beat my best time.

So I just sit down at the PS2 before dinner to run 10 or so laps. First lap 20.2/39.5, yippie for me I'm consistent. Lap 2 20.3/39.6 BUT .2 overall FASTER but a SLOPPY lap. I looked at the replay and the lap is "clean" but the car is all over the place, and twice I am 2 wheels on the grass and the outside edges of of outer wheels are on the curb, technically that is clean to these rules but not a real racing line or even a good line. If it was a real car I would have bene in the wall or worst.

So I think I am all but done for this weekly. I beat my goal time by .1. My best lap is so sloppy I am embarrassed to post a reply but it is my fastest. I may run some more with this car tomorrow night to try to get the same time in a cleaner lap...

So ya...while running 2 wheels WAY in the grass and only the outer parts of the outer wheels on the red/white curb is "clean" for GT3 and the weekly...it sure ain't proper racing...just video game racing.

I think I will submit this lap replay I just did AND my next fastest lap (+.140) which is also clean but alot more proper racing line just for comparison this week with the replays.

I hope GT4 penalizes one for running in the dirt/grass with crud in the tires that take a lap or two (or a pitstop) to work out. The GT3 way isn't very realistic.....I do notice with GT4P that if you dip in to the dirt/grass your car is alot more squirrelly for a few hundred meters or so...maybe that is just me.

EDIT: Nevermind...I just beat this sloppy lap by another .155....this time with no use of the grass and a neat and tidy lap all together....slightly (T1-.005 & T2-.023) faster sectors...I'll keep this messy lap for entertainment purposes only...haha
Originally posted by Rolfje
I'm not going rockstar, as a matter of fact I'm "not even trying" in some corners according to Daan :P

Still struggling with the line around the left-hander after the first tunnel.

Rolfje: This track, especially with this very well behaved car, is one where you really can get a lot of use out of the rumbles. Don't give up on your present lines, since you seem to be making good progress, but experiment a little with using the rumbles. Used correctly they will help to turn the car, letting you get though a turn with better speed. Two examples: The first turn, at the end of the straight. Brake hard and turn right, accelerating into the right rumble on the inside of the turn. You should "feel" the rumble strip pulling the car to the right. I usually take more of the rumble as the turn progresses, catching a little grass with the right tires just before exiting the turn. Second example: the left after the first tunnel. Exiting the tunnel, avoid the tendency to set up wide for the next turn. Angle on over to the left, and just after the track starts to turn left, brake lightly, of just ease up on the gas a little, and climb gradually onto the rumble. All four tires. Straddle that strip. As you get completely on the rumble, get back full on the gas. You should be able to finish the turn at full throttle, easing back onto the track a little before the rumble ends. Sometimes you'll slip off too soon, and fly across the track into the dirt on the far side. But when it works, it a very quick turn, and loads of fun. :)
I think Im spent this week - I ran this a few times earlier on this week and managed a sub 40 t2

over last few days though we've been looking at houses and put an offer in for one
so my heads not into GT3 till we know if we got the house or not, still will submit though.

Good luck to the rest of you lot !! 👍

I'' give it a go, Haretutle, thanks! I noticed the line around that lefthander before in some replays. My guess is that this is the only line hat works, because the turn "tightens" at the end. If I follow the normal line (out-in-out) then my speed is to high when the turn tightens, and I loose a lot of time correting.

I'm using a DS2, and being a "casual driver/gamer" I need to brush up on my controls. I need to learn to pinpoint the car, which is more of a "lucky shot" right now. Analyzing my laps with gost replays, I tend to be off the line by a full car width every now and then.

Thanks for the tip! I'll see if I can talk my wife out of going shopping together now :P
Originally posted by Rolfje

Lotus, I watched all your laps at midfield, and compared the supra with the GT40. The GT40 seems to be more like your car, am I right?

I am thinking about selling my ps2 linux kit to buy a playseat with a driving force Pro. does that sound like a cool plan or what? An extra TV would help also, so my wife can still watch her soaps while I rip up tracks :lol:

Starting to look like addiction :odd: Weekly races are COOL! :cool:

Yes I like the GT40 very much :D

You are starting to sound like an addict too! a steering wheel and extra TV's are good investments for a GT addict ;) :D

Which reminds me... I've not been on this since wednesday or something, and since then the wheel has been hooked up, and I fancy taking the Supra for another spin or two! close that little gap between me and Mr P some more :mischievous: :mischievous:
Hi all!

My fastest lap is really clumsy right now. It is clean, but I have a drift session in the first tunnel. I have also couple stupid mistakes during that lap.
Another 50 laps and small improvement:
0.25x faster at the T2, but unfortunately only 0.1 overall. I'm losing some time in the last hairpin and up the hill after the last tunnel. There's still some tenth out there for me, but I don't know, if I got the patience to race Midfield anymore. :)
Thanks to the tips, my laps improved:
now: T1 20.579 T2 40.107 I'm getting really close to the 39 there! I feel there's more to get from the lap, but if I only could get my thumbs to listen to my brain... :irked:

I have a laptime which I think is good enough to submit in division 3, and quite clean, except for going "rockstar" at the hairpin, but not enough to become a dirty lap.

I have to drop the long-haired wig and the van-Halen CD right now, having some friends over. As soon as I'll get them to
a) leave the house or:
b) get them racing GT3
You'll hear more from me :lol:

I've found a shop which sells playseats and driving force pro's (import)... :mischievous:
did a few laps with P's settings all i could manage was
T1 20.657
T2 40.030

Im not shure but i notice quite a bit of over steer when i turn with these settings, but is that because im using a analogue controller?
any way, i still think theres at least another half a second or more i could take off, now iv just got to go find out where......:banghead:
Finally rounded up an hour to run a few laps.

T1 = 20.4
T2 = 39.8

Spinbad, I'm using the sticks on my DS2 too. You'll notice that this setup is quite subtile (although not looking it). Just use very little steer, and you'll see the car almost automatically will turn into the corner without too much oversteer.

Ease the throttle back up passing the apex and you'r in for a perfect corner!
Gave a certain someones ghost a chase and managed to close the gap as promised :mischievous: and that certain someone is getting worried :mischievous:

19.984 / 38.940

I'll go back to chasing my own now :P

Just have to neaten up that end bend :mad:
Kels closing in on me tempted me to have another run at this:D

new save has 19.867 / 38.731 and i made a Grande total of .074 on my first submitted run :P

Submitting again pitiful as it is :lol:

laters it was a great combo:tup:
Hi All,
Lots of new drivers since my last race,Welcome!
Congrats GoKents on your new title,And Thanks to Boom.
I decided to give this week a go, so far,best clean save is:
Best T2 to date is 39.102,blew it @ the last turn,though.Hope to improve some tonite.
Hey Mr. P, Lotus350, you did now that this race is WITHOUT the stage 1 turbo did you ? :P

Didn't improve last night, trying again tonight...
Originally posted by Rolfje
Hey Mr. P, Lotus350, you did now that this race is WITHOUT the stage 1 turbo did you ? :P

Didn't improve last night, trying again tonight...

What? damn :irked: :irked:

Of course :P

I didn't beat my ghost :( looks like I'll have to settle for what I have and hope for a podium this week.

Or maybe if I get 30 mins spare to run a few more laps today... :mischievous:
Nice times there Kel and Ron 👍 fast as usual :)

May get some time tomorrow to go faster but is looking unlikely, may have to settle with what Ive got
no laps in the supra last night. i spent a few hours breaking in a trio of nice new grey RUFs and building my bank account up for whatever Mr. GoKents throws at us this week.

"Zeee, German cars are zo much more fun to drive dan a toyota."

I'll hammer away tonight in the supra and try to cut a little bit more time off my best lap....
Alright everyone... right now on my clock it is 10:15am.
Times due tonight, my time, midnight. That means just under 14 hours from now, all times are due.

Make sure you get them in on time everyone. :D

No time to run any more of this race for me... still sitting on a time from the begining of the week.

Talk to you all tonight, and everyone... make sure you put in your two cents at the suggestions thread. :D
Time submitted 👍 Nothing special about it, 20.352//39.542.
I didn´t had a possibility to drive with a wheel in couple days, so there is no improvement. Tried with DS2 but I was about .7s slower :D. I hope I get a podium this week.. Good luck and see ya next week!
Finally had a go at this today, and got me two clean runs within 4 milliseconds of each other heh.

Best run has these sector times:

20.012 --T1
38.988 --T2

I only got a 19.999 for sector 1 once... having problems getting it under 20 seconds :(, but on the other hand, I think I took the last sector fairly well. All that is left to do is get that damn first sector down :irked: If I find some time tonight, I'll try to make it happen.
I think the first sector time is not as important as the last sector before the finish (after T2). For me that's where my time is made, the hairpin and the chicane uphill.

Actually managed to do a T2 of 40.009 tonight, but brainfarted while shifting down for the hairpin, and spun out. (shifted to 1st in stead of 2nd doh! :banghead: )

My submission will be mybest from yesterday:
T1 20.579
T2 40.107

I tried without TCS today and my sector times improved, but did not manage to do a clean lap with a quicker finish time At least I'm catching up on you guys... Can't wait to see the results on this one. I hope to get my Xport somewhere this week, so I can see how the * you can do a T2 of 39.xxx and what the finish time looks like then.

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