Weekly Race Series, Week 53

  • Thread starter Kent
I just bought one of them new Logitec wheels and the adjustment curve is very steep...I've been having a lot of trouble getting used to it and running times as fast as I do with the DS. It might be a few weeks before enter a time as I'd like to try getting at least as good with the wheel as I am with the pad.

Does anyone else find the game is actually more difficult with the wheel? The poor seating position I have probably is'nt helping heh..
Originally posted by GoKents
I would love to be able to put up mr. p and lotus in the podium this week.

Keep at it you two. :D

Well it was week 16 when we last enede up on apodium ytogether so ythat would be good :D

eXCUSE ANY ERRORS i been drinkinbg, and cant be arsed correctin 'em :embarrassed:
Originally posted by GoKents
I would love to be able to put up mr. p and lotus in the podium this week.

Keep at it you two. :D

As for homeboy above, don't worry, if you're only winning by a bit on most of the runs, and you're not comfortable with the div.2 runners... :D
No move needed.

Good luck again you all.
I may come back with times. :D

no worries....look at my times again in a few weeks and see how you feel then...

Ok had some more laps in the Toms and took .1 off my best save :irked: ...... cant be arsed running the rest of the week for .2 tops. Final save has 19.9 38.7

Time Submitted 👍
100 miles tonight, broken in car now full HP

running the Mr. P settings with no changes other than TC on 1 and running T7 tires . I tried a bunch of settings tonight and nothing was as good as those settings he posted. I did like upping the final gear to around 3.500 (form his 2.990) but was less consistent. Took over 3.5 secs off my time tonight, amazing when you TUNE the car and run soft tires huh?

T1 20.3 (I hit 20.4s almost every lap now)
T2 39.8 (I run 40.0xx almost every lap now)

More laps this week with a goal of dumping at least .8 more seconds overall, anything over that is gravy.

I'm off to bed, night all.
Originally posted by Redline Fox
Does anyone else find the game is actually more difficult with the wheel? The poor seating position I have probably is'nt helping heh..

It was tough for me for the first few months also. I've just recently started getting used to it and approaching times I got with DS2 (not counting last week :P). Once you get the hang of it, it's much easier to get consistent laps and always take a corner the same way (right or wrong ;)).
I'd never go back to DS2 myself, the wheel is too much fun!
indeed, most of us are gonna finish reallly but really tight, it would be so cool if there could be two same times!!!!!!!:eek:
Originally posted by scuderia229
running the Mr. P settings with no changes other than TC on 1 and running T7 tires . I tried a bunch of settings tonight and nothing was as good as those settings he posted. I did like upping the final gear to around 3.500 (form his 2.990) but was less consistent.
I've also gone with the lower gearing. I ran at 3.60 for a while, and I'm now at 3.75, which lets me carry the sweeping left after the first tunnel in fourth, and the hairpin before the final tunnel in third. I might go to 3.8 0r 3.9, and bump 6th up a little, to take the first turn in fifth. I think the advantage to Mr P's gearing is fewer shifts on some of the turns, which means fewer mistakes, and less time without acceleration.

Best saved lap down to 20.393 39.775, though I've seen a few 20.2x and 39.6x. Took about .28 off my previous reported lap, but unless I learn a new trick, progress will be measured in hundreths rather than tenths. :rolleyes:

Still, its great running 90% clean laps rather than 10%. Good way to follow a rough week at Monaco Kent! ;)
Go Scuderia! 👍

Now that I think about it, that would potentially get me closer to the podium in division 3 :P

Lotus, I watched all your laps at midfield, and compared the supra with the GT40. The GT40 seems to be more like your car, am I right?

I was really looking for lines around midfield, particularly in a supra. I noticed I am too eager to get to the right side of the road after the first tunnel. hitting the left kerb at the beginning of the corner seems a better plan, as I can drive faster through the tunnel, and a much better line through the left hander.

Now for that hairpin :banghead:

I am thinking about selling my ps2 linux kit to buy a playseat with a driving force Pro. does that sound like a cool plan or what? An extra TV would help also, so my wife can still watch her soaps while I rip up tracks :lol:

Starting to look like addiction :odd: Weekly races are COOL! :cool:
i need some help
Right over the start line round the hairpin Corners 1 & 2 then there is the right left corners with the church in front of you.Evertime through here changing from 5th to 6th the car just doesn`t want to go any quicker.I change up into 6th in the middle of the corner and it just does not go any quicker.

Yes Nitro, stock sim car and you can change tyres and oil.

@ akindness - have a look at the gear setts you are using - try running a few laps and be as coinsistent as you can, then try increasing the ratio in 5th gear ( correct me if Im wrong). Just have a go at changing the gear ratios about until you get a good balance !

I just had a few more laps Havent broken into the 19's for t1 but am consistenly under 20.3 and I'm under 40 secs t2 about half the laps I do
go me !!

at least this week all the laps are clean so it a lot more fun.
I'm slowly squeezing better times out.
Best so far... T1: 20.17 T2: 39.37 but i messed the hairpin a bit. It gabe me my best time overall tho.
Still, not TOO bad...still cant get under 20 for T1

Here's something you might want to try, I set camber to .2/.2 and front toe to -.5. It seemed to help me with cornering a bit, esp the long left after the first tunnel.
This morning I did a:
and cut 0.65 secs of my best, and the lap was perfectly clean. I was on my way to work, so I quickly wrote down my laptime and hurried to replay theater to get my precise T's. Just to discover that I forgot to save. :mad: :banghead: :dunce:
And I should add, it's not the first time I pull of that stunt. :lol:
Originally posted by HareTurtle
I've also gone with the lower gearing. I ran at 3.60 for a while, and I'm now at 3.75, which lets me carry the sweeping left after the first tunnel in fourth, and the hairpin before the final tunnel in third. I might go to 3.8 0r 3.9, and bump 6th up a little, to take the first turn in fifth. I think the advantage to Mr P's gearing is fewer shifts on some of the turns, which means fewer mistakes, and less time without acceleration.

Best saved lap down to 20.393 39.775, though I've seen a few 20.2x and 39.6x. Took about .28 off my previous reported lap, but unless I learn a new trick, progress will be measured in hundreths rather than tenths. :rolleyes:

Still, its great running 90% clean laps rather than 10%. Good way to follow a rough week at Monaco Kent! ;)

That was my thinking as well, less shifting, less time off the gas though you BETTER nail your line or forget it, if you don't hit those apexes right the relatively high gearing will kill you with exit speed. In the 2.990 gear range I never jump into 6th, I barely get past 6000rpm on the front straight.

I tried 3.200 (not much different that 2.990, if anything it throws the shifing into not the best places), 3.500 (felt nice but I was shifting more and missed a few shifts), 4.000 (used all the gears, really 2-6th over the circuit, allowed for taking most corners 1 more gear up from the 2.990 but essentially in the same boat as the 2.990, if you miss your line in the higher gears you are done, only advantage is is pulls a few more mph out on the front straight).

Tonight I am going to play with the suspension a bit form Mr.Ps seetings....not sure what I want to change given the car sticks like glue to the the road. Actually in the stock suspension settings it did the same, this car by default seems to have good grip. i think I can shed some downforce and add some speed on the straights, just not loose too much on the corners....

choices choices
Originally posted by NielsG
This morning I did a:
and cut 0.65 secs of my best, and the lap was perfectly clean. I was on my way to work, so I quickly wrote down my laptime and hurried to replay theater to get my precise T's. Just to discover that I forgot to save. :mad: :banghead: :dunce:
And I should add, it's not the first time I pull of that stunt. :lol:

Next time just use the loggerdata viewer in the menu to know its clean while still on the track, then save and exit ;) ........ bad luck though:(

I've done it myself in the past :embarrassed:
Originally posted by Mr P
Next time just use the loggerdata viewer in the menu to know its clean while still on the track, then save and exit ;) ........ bad luck though:(

I've done it myself in the past :embarrassed:

so how does one use logger data for anything? I can't figure out what i am even looking at? I think form last week i learned how to notice wall hits (quick downward spikes when still on the gas)...but beyond that it is a mystery....
Originally posted by scuderia229
so how does one use logger data for anything? I can't figure out what i am even looking at? I think form last week i learned how to notice wall hits (quick downward spikes when still on the gas)...but beyond that it is a mystery....

You are viewing the graph;)

try viewing the replay ... it's there also :D
Originally posted by Mr P
You are viewing the graph;)

try viewing the replay ... it's there also :D

well the replay I know and love in the analyzer. That overhead angle and slow-mo rule! I really learned about them last week looking for wall hits at monte. I am even savvy enough to download div 1 laps from monte, load my best lap and say your lap Mr. P and in the analyzer load both and see them compare there replays over each other and see where I loose my time. Pretty damn cool. iIjust see to wish it was easier to pick out car A and car B (like car pick should be a a different color or something so you can see which is which better)

But the graph....how do you use or even look at that????
Originally posted by scuderia229
But the graph....how do you use or even look at that????

Use the analog sticks. The left one "stretches" the graph so it's easier to read, while the right one moves the cursor. The sector numbers are listed along the bottom.
Originally posted by Mr P
Next time just use the loggerdata viewer in the menu to know its clean while still on the track, then save and exit ;) ........ bad luck though:(

I've done it myself in the past :embarrassed:

Thanks for the tip. :) It will become very handy in other situations, but this time I was certain that the lap was clean, so I wasn't really checking for that.
I was after the T-times, and as far as I know, you can't find them in the datalogger. Isn't that correct?:confused:
Originally posted by NielsG
Thanks for the tip. :) It will become very handy in other situations, but this time I was certain that the lap was clean, so I wasn't really checking for that.
I was after the T-times, and as far as I know, you can't find them in the datalogger. Isn't that correct?:confused:

not unless you are a mathmatical savant and can add all those numbers in your head...hahaha.

Are the sectors broken down in the analyzer even matching to the T1,T2,T3? Like can you add say sector 1-6 in the analyzer and get a T1...and so on?
Alright fellas, way to work the castrol. Im seeing some good looking splits from everyone. It seems the pros are gonna be right there with div 2 & 3 this week.

But you guys know what that means right?

That means analyzer data might come up, and for everyone with a replay device, replays are gonna come up.

Don't stress out on it. (as long as you playing right your ok) but it should be noted that this track, with this car, and with times this closely packed together... The analyzer data is gonna be very similar in most spots and in the end, will serve greatly to prove someone's authenticity.

Good luck fellas.
Just remember to keep those replays.
(this week's racing is just too close. ;) )

Oh yeah, dont forget the deadline is an hour earlier. :D

O, and dont stress everyone. The no sharkport needed for this series still stands. ;)
Im not gonna be a jerk, so if you dont have that stuff, don't worry. (but you should still keep you lap. ) ;)
i've finally got the tuning for the supra almost here is my splits
i keep a notebook entry of each session of 5 laps a piece. i might
if i am allowed to give you guys some of the settings i have been using if it is ok.


If anyone needs any advice on tuning the supra i would be glad to help.:cool: :cool: :) :cheers:

Not yet under 39 secs in the T2 :D. Fastest lap for now has 39.6 or something, and the fastest T2 i´ve seen has been 39.3. I still have much to do on the track.

Congratulations to scuderia for his/her promotion to the Div2 and welcome.

And BTW, I ordered X-port yesterday, so you might see my poor driving at the end of this race. 👍
Originally posted by RSCosworth

Not yet under 39 secs in the T2 :D. Fastest lap for now has 39.6 or something, and the fastest T2 i´ve seen has been 39.3. I still have much to do on the track.

Congratulations to scuderia for his/her promotion to the Div2 and welcome.

And BTW, I ordered X-port yesterday, so you might see my poor driving at the end of this race. 👍

i don't think i was promoted RS...hahah. GoKents can give the final word but I don't think I am....that being said i am trying to craft a time that would position me nicely in div 2 eitherway (evn if I race in div 3 )...


T2 = 39.6 huh?...I had a 39.6 last night that made me happy, only once though. More tonight!