Weird, Unexplained Occurances that have happened to you

  • Thread starter Slash


United States
Indian Falls, NY
Please lock if this thread is a duplicate, I have a strange feeling it is.

I've got way to many I could talk on and on for hours for but what weird, unanswered, unexplained things have you all experienced in your life? Random occurances for example. Why things happen, things you cannot explain. Odd things that have no meaning, anything that may have been awkward or weird, that kind of thing. Doesn't have to be scary, could be things like witnessing a UFO or something :lol: I just got myself thinking of weird things that have happened to me so I was curious.

Like I said in another thread earlier today I once witnessed a bolt of lightning come down right in front of me and came back up like a flying demon with a evil face and 2 hands in the air, one on each side of it's head. Scared me like you wouldn't believe.

Another time I was with my friend Mike and we were out in the woods to the side of my house just walking around, hanging out. He was talking and he's like man I got to take a leak :lol: So he goes to do his business in the bushes and out of no where this thing comes barreling through the trees and bushes and hauls ass out of where we were at. My buddy couldn't pull his zipper up fast enough. He was running and going at the same time :lol: This thing, was a red as a red fox and about the size of a deer, but I couldn't clearly see it's face because it was all hidden behind the brush. The weird thing was it had a human shaped head, but it had what looked like deer antler, but they were the same color as the body and it was on it's hind legs. It didn't look like it had fur either, it looked like a solid color. We thought it was the devil or something. And the other most awkward part I think was the fact it happened in broad daylight. It was like noon. Weird. To this day, and this was several years ago now, he still remember it just as I. Freaked out we did lol.

Anyways, lets hear you're crazy tales =P
I once had a bee fly and hit me in the right side of face. And that's all I can think of today.
I remember when I was little playing with my friends outside, and some weirdo with a scooter almost ran over my toe. I stuck up my middle finger at him :lol: and he had something in his hand that looked Mini Uzi-like. I couldn't sleep without thinking of the guy (That's what she said :lol:).
One time I was swimming in my back yard. A B-2 Bomber, which looks like this if you didn't know:


Flew over my house multiple times. There was no air show going on. Really nothing going on. I still can't figure out why it was flying here.

Another time I was swimming in my back yard, I was with my mom and grandma and there were 2 things floating high up in the air. We all seen them. They stayed there about 45 minutes before zooming away. They were cylinder like in shape, with a pointy end. It was kind of like a rocket in shape, only it was floating vertically, instead of on it's side. I guess it was probably one of the freakiest things I have seen. Oh, and it was in broad daylight. I never heard anything about it. I don't remember if it was orange or black...
I often wake up with cuts and bruises and have no idea where they came from.

Currently I'm nursing what appears to be bruised kidneys and a slashed pectoral.

Usually I go out on the town with a few grand (Yuan, couple'a hundred GBP) and come home with nothing, and occasionally, more than I went out with.

I once got punched in the head by a monkey for no reason my first month in China. I've had a hate for monkeys ever since. No idea why he/ she punched me.

Man, where I live, I see stuff every day that is beyond explanation, there are just too many things to list.

And panic attacks? What's the reason for them? I don't know.
One time I was swimming in my back yard. A B-2 Bomber, which looks like this if you didn't know:
Flew over my house multiple times. There was no air show going on. Really nothing going on. I still can't figure out why it was flying here.

A strangely similar thing happened to me. I was 6 years old and military jets were flying very low over my house all day. It was one of those jets where the wings move back the faster they get. They would do circles around my house and halfway through their "circle", they would be so low that I'd swear they were landing in my neighbors' field. And to top it off, at the end of the day, a gigantic plane with a black disc on the top of it followed behind two of those military jets as they did circles. What on earth would they be doing at such a low altitude and doing circles..?
I often wake up with cuts and bruises and have no idea where they came from.

Could you be in need of psychic defence?

I once got punched in the head by a monkey for no reason my first month in China. I've had a hate for monkeys ever since. No idea why he/ she punched me.

You were probably being insouciant. Monkeys don't like that.

And panic attacks? What's the reason for them? I don't know.

This is something you should discuss with your doc, Shem. Arrhythmia? Or the mental anxiety as you segue into a more relaxed state while that new medication is kicking in. Sort of an 'in-between' phase, I guess.

As for Weird, Unexplained Occurrences, Slash . . . I'm writing the book. A post isn't enough. :lol:

And about the figure that jumped out at you - I have been trying to capture one of them for years. No luck so far; but I'm not giving up. Just one of those things could make me a rich man overnight.

The lightning-bolt 'man' is not unusual, though; I have heard similar stories, not only about lightning, but also about other facets of nature taking faces. And limbs.
Could you be in need of psychic defence?

I think it's probably more due to fight club, but I never remember it it in detail.

You were probably being insouciant. Monkeys don't like that.

I thought that maybe, as I was posing for a snap shot next to their tree, I could have been invading their territory thus the attack.

This is something you should discuss with your doc, Shem. Arrhythmia? Or the mental anxiety as you segue into a more relaxed state while that new medication is kicking in. Sort of an 'in-between' phase, I guess.

My doctor no speaky Englaise. He doesn't even speak Mandarin! Local dialect only. It's hard to say 'anxiety attack' in Chongqing dialect. :grumpy:

Could be the new pills, perhaps, it is stated as a side effect. To be honest, I've never had more than a handful of panic attacks, but did have one yesterday. A friend who suffered told me it was over thinking things. Clear one's mine to avoid, hence, I became a Force Observer.
Could you be in need of psychic defence?

You were probably being insouciant. Monkeys don't like that.

This is something you should discuss with your doc, Shem. Arrhythmia? Or the mental anxiety as you segue into a more relaxed state while that new medication is kicking in. Sort of an 'in-between' phase, I guess.

As for Weird, Unexplained Occurrences, Slash . . . I'm writing the book. A post isn't enough. :lol:

And about the figure that jumped out at you - I have been trying to capture one of them for years. No luck so far; but I'm not giving up. Just one of those things could make me a rich man overnight.

The lightning-bolt 'man' is not unusual, though; I have heard similar stories, not only about lightning, but also about other facets of nature taking faces. And limbs.

Well I'm sure I can contribute somehow to your book haha. That red thing was the scariest thing I'd seen in a while. Still have absolutely no idea what it was. At all.

So you've heard about that lightning thing before? Interesting. I thought I was the only person it had happened to. Perhaps I'll go back to the locations of these incidents and snap some photos. Probably nothing special will stand out however.

As far as the B-52 bomber, I had that happen many years ago when I was about 5 ish or so, maybe a bit older or younger, I forget. I looked up into the sky and there was a black , almost triangular shaped thing moving very slowly...almost stationary. I thought it was cool as hell. Never saw it again though. That said I live near Buffalo and near Niagra Falls there is a military base. Back when this happened there used to be C-130 cargo planes, usually 2 or 3 flying extremely low to the ground over our house going that way. Low enough menaing less than 150 feet to the ground and shaking the windows.

I also had a C-130 scare when I was out hunting in November. I was sitting on the edge of a hedrow in the middle of 2 empty corn fields and 2 C-130's were flying directly at me, I mean directly at put your finger in front of the face. Straight line. They couldn't have been more than 100 feet in the air. No joke. I was watching it, watching it, watching it and the n I thought for a split oh my 🤬 🤬 that mofo is going to crash into me. I honestly feared for my life.


Heres one for you. A rogue airplane.

I was probably about 10 years old, maybe 11 and I was next door in my neighbors back yard talking to her and helping pick veggies from her garden and mine. I have a large wooded area behind my house, you'll need to remember this. We were sitting there talking minding our own business. All was quiet. No traffic, no nothing. Out of the clear ass blue all I hear is this LOUD roar of a plane engine firing up. I turned around quick as hell and there is this random plane falling out of the sky straight down, somehow it managed to turn itself up and gain altitude before it crashed into the trees. I was like what the hell?


I have a tendency to sleepwalk and wake up outside, and also have extreme panic attacks about dying. Best thing we ever did was install a lock, dead bolt, on the outside of my bedroom door so I couldn't escape, except through the window, which also has locks now.
My many De Ja Vu circumstances. I however had one that was abit different. I used to write a dream journal (technique to lucid dream), and I wrote in there about a dream I had about a certain situation in a classroom, and then last week that exact situation happened. It matched perfectly with the dream that I had about 2 years ago.

Also, slashfan, have you thought about what you would do in a fire??? How would you get out??
One time I was swimming in my back yard. A B-2 Bomber, which looks like this if you didn't know:


Flew over my house multiple times. There was no air show going on. Really nothing going on. I still can't figure out why it was flying here.

Another time I was swimming in my back yard, I was with my mom and grandma and there were 2 things floating high up in the air. We all seen them. They stayed there about 45 minutes before zooming away. They were cylinder like in shape, with a pointy end. It was kind of like a rocket in shape, only it was floating vertically, instead of on it's side. I guess it was probably one of the freakiest things I have seen. Oh, and it was in broad daylight. I never heard anything about it. I don't remember if it was orange or black...

That's awesome! I remember I had a huge blimp flying across the sky close to my house.
With the random military planes flying over, that happened when I lived on the other side of the state all the time. A-10's would fly over my house all the time during the summer right around daybreak. It was fine during the week since I was up going to work, but hearing two A-10's probably less than 1000ft up on Sunday morning really didn't do it for me. If you live within a couple hundred miles of an airbase, the planes are probably just doing training exercises or they are rebasing to another location.

As for weird things, when I was younger my grandpa gave me a short wave radio and him and I would sit at the table for hours trying to get various stations. I remember we would find stations that just had random numbers being spoke by a computer generated voice and one that had a methodical buzzing. Later in life I found out about "number stations" and the Russian UVB-76. I really need to get a short wave radio again to see what I can find.

Also when I was in elementary school, we'd go to church every Wednesday (Catholic school) and I remember I saw a white light flash and something very wraith like move from one side of the building to the other fairly quickly. I wasn't the only one that saw it either, so at least it made me feel better that it wasn't just me seeing things. To this day I still have no idea what it was, but it's always been in the back of my mind as something that makes me believe the supernatural exist in some degree.
It is all hazey in my mind now but about 12 years ago I was playing tennis at college with my sister. It was a sunday so no one was about and we shouldn't of been there really. Well all of a sudden this huge black plane appeared very low to the ground. It flew over the large building we were playing next to. We of course went to see where it had gone but it had vanished.

During WW2 there was a lot of air bases around us with heavy bombers like the lancaster bomber. My thinking is what we saw was a ghost plane but what ever it was it was very strange.

I have a tendency to sleepwalk and wake up outside, and also have extreme panic attacks about dying. Best thing we ever did was install a lock, dead bolt, on the outside of my bedroom door so I couldn't escape, except through the window, which also has locks now.

I don't sleep-walk. I have no fear of death; my panic attacks are more a fear of being alive than anything else, so quite the contrary.

If I leave out of the window I'm skipping 21 floors with the aid of gravity. :lol: Shem Vs The Ground? I know who wins that one. :lol:
I once when I was really small sort of went to sleep when entering a tunnel but it was weird, it wasn't normal going to sleep, and the net result was until I woke up I seriously thought I had died.
A couple of unexplained things happen to me in my sleep, or as I am drifting off/waking up.

The first being Sleep Paralysis. It happens to me about twice a month. I wake up, unable to move. I can tell that my eyes are closed, yet I can see fine. Also, no matter what, it will always be night time and my TV will be on..always. But then I come out of the "paralysis" to see that it is day time and that my TV was never used to creep me out but now I'm used to it.

I also have this thing where, right on the verge of me going in "deep sleep", my body will like..wake me up and thrust itself upward a few inches..strange.
^^^ Haha, too funny. And that brings me to my weird, but quite explainable occurance.

A couple months ago, a co-worker had brought in a bunch of leftover graduation cake they had. One had red frosting on white cake, the other had black frosting on chocolate cake. Both were very tasty, and I, not having had any breakfast that day, had a couple pieces of Well, 3 of the choco one to be exact, and 2 of the red. Yea yea, 5 pieces of cake, but they weren't that huge of pieces to begin with. Ok so whatever, skip ahead to the next morning at home on the crapper. I did my business and wiped, and nearly passed out when I saw it. Blue. Freaking vivid blue poo. Now this wasn't just an off brownish blue either my friends. This was full on smurf blue! I honestly started to panic a little until I remembered the cake from the day before and let out a little sigh as I called my wife in for a bit of show and tell. Hahaha. True story.
Happened to one of my kids once. Same bright blue stools - it seems that certain food dyes cannot be ingested by your intestines - so the dye passes right through. I freaked out till I understood what was going on. I thought he had eaten a pen.

Think Frankenberry Cereal. :embarrassed:
End of 2011 I was very stressed and had fallen out with some friends at college... So I was walking home through town as usual, by myself at 6pm in darkness. I would then cross road past a swimming place and go through college campus on way to other side of a road where I lived...

But this Night was different. I remember feeling very stressed walking through town, and suddenly next thing I know I am at swimming place. A whole Minute or so of walking just gone... And I am looking around feeling cold and panicked... And scared. It took me three weeks to gain recollection. The thought still scares me.

And just a couple weeks earlier real weird stuff had happened. Every few days when I woke up something was telling me in my mind "this will not be good today"...

And it happened. First time, same day... My friend falls ill. Second time... Someone tries starting a fight with me and my friend. Third time... We fall out.

All incidents linked by one person being in trouble and freakish timing. I have never felt as genuinely confused, scared, and helpless as I had then.
Oh yes just remembered.

I used to get these moments where my body was conscious but my mind wasn't really. I was alive but for a minute or a few I would not understand anything I was effectively blind and deaf and everything else and I couldn't think etc yet my body still lived.
I once found myself in a buffet going round the food area and the next thing I knew I was being chased out the kitchen.

I used to look out the window and not respond to anything.

It was weird it was like I was brain dead but yet I still lived.
I have had a few cases of thinking about something, and have it suddenly happen. Example: being on my bed, thinking "when will my brother arrive home?", and as soon as I end the sentence have the door of my home opened by my brother who has just arrived.

Something similar happened when I was at a bus stop. I thought "I bet if I put my jacket on the bus will arrive". And it did.

EDIT: Just remembered something. I was at a friend's party once. Not like a big party, rather small, only around ten persons. It was night, and the thing is we saw what looked like a star move across the sky. It wasn't a plane from what I could tell, since I often see them "blinking". But this thing didn't blink at all, it just moved in the sky, as if it was truly a star moving.
I have had a few cases of thinking about something, and have it suddenly happen. Example: being on my bed, thinking "when will my brother arrive home?", and as soon as I end the sentence have the door of my home opened by my brother who has just arrived.

Something similar happened when I was at a bus stop. I thought "I bet if I put my jacket on the bus will arrive". And it did.

EDIT: Just remembered something. I was at a friend's party once. Not like a big party, rather small, only around ten persons. It was night, and the thing is we saw what looked like a star move across the sky. It wasn't a plane from what I could tell, since I often see them "blinking". But this thing didn't blink at all, it just moved in the sky, as if it was truly a star moving.

That always happens when I take tests. I have a certain feeling of how I do and it always turn out to be accurate.