Welcome fellow Div 3ers :)

  • Thread starter Kolyana
Anyone know where mkay is this week? He's one of our faster drivers and I'm wondering why he hasn't posted any splits?
Welcome aboard Schue. We're the biggest family of the 3 divisions so make yourself at home. Good competition, good friendship and lots of laughs, so I hope you enjoy us.
Welcome Schue ... there's going to be a few promotions this week, I suspect, so a few names here will soon be moving on, but like Bleu said, we're one hell of a group of guys and gals, and racers who have moved on weeks ago still pop in to cut up and kick back.

But don't take this as a message that we're slow, because we're far from it! Some of these D3ers are freakishly fast!
Ello Schue aka Tony. And yes as Koly stated, I see a few of our pal's here "Moving on up... To the East Side .. " ok .. so maybe just to Div 2 :P

Well fellow D3'ers, been enjoying a little time with the g/f in our online game this weekend, so took time off from the track. Will get some runs in today once again, to see if i can lower the time some.

I do have a clean lap to submitt, just this week, my time still below a gold, that I am not close to the bottom of the leaderboard when I last looked.
Due to the inability of some top D3 drivers to post splits during the race week - which encourages healthy competition and friendly banter - I will no longer be posting my times; I'm tired of being hounded and beaten by ghosts, lurkers and ringers.

Most of you guys are incredibly cool and I love racing against you, but unfortunately there are a few guys who insist on racing in the shadows, sharing nothing and stealing positions by keeping everyone else in ignorance.

Unfortunately, this is more prevalent in D3 than in any other division (6 of the top 12 did it last week alone). You never see it in D1 and the only time it occured there, they were all over it like a bad rash.

I can't race against such unfriendly, unsportsmanlike behavior and I fail to see why I should post splits while my competitors do not.

To the rest of you ... you're a damned good bunch and if you'd like to know my times during any given week, feel free to PM me
I'm with ^her^(in regards to not posting splits and PM me if you want mine as well...)
We all know you wanted to win this week, BADLY. And that Im sure that it's frustrating to have the top time and then be knocked off on the final time submission.
I have often thought, damn, i know someone is going to "Snipe" a position or two or three from me.
But not posting your splits is lowering to the shadow racer's level. I dont recommend it.
B4 long, you wont have to dick with those drivers anyhow. Let your times speak for themselves and move up. Then maybe you'll be in a division where everyone wants to post splits in the spirit of the competition.
Due to the inability of some top D3 drivers to post splits during the race week - which encourages healthy competition and friendly banter - I will no longer be posting my times; I'm tired of being hounded and beaten by ghosts, lurkers and ringers.

Most of you guys are incredibly cool and I love racing against you, but unfortunately there are a few guys who insist on racing in the shadows, sharing nothing and stealing positions by keeping everyone else in ignorance.

Unfortunately, this is more prevalent in D3 than in any other division (6 of the top 12 did it last week alone). You never see it in D1 and the only time it occured there, they were all over it like a bad rash.

I can't race against such unfriendly, unsportsmanlike behavior and I fail to see why I should post splits while my competitors do not.

To the rest of you ... you're a damned good bunch and if you'd like to know my times during any given week, feel free to PM me

Don't let it get to you, girl. Why don't you privately pm the div 3 people who consistently do that and gently ask them to post their times? Don't let this inhibit your fun and stop you from posting T times, I'm always interested in seeing what yours are :)
[QUOTE=Kolyana]Due to the inability of some top D3 drivers to post splits during the race week - which encourages healthy competition and friendly banter - I will no longer be posting my times;

Hi Kolyana,

First congrats on you excellent result this week! 👍

Second, I become 10th in what is my very first week of competition, and I didnt submit any times at all, so Im one of the 'ghosts' you refer to in your post. I didnt submit my split times as I thought as a newcomer my times wouldnt really matter, being too slow.
I also had no idea that by being 'silent' about my times, I would offend anyone. If I did, then I'm sorry. I had no idea that it is considered to be of good style to post the split times...

So, I take your words serious and I will start posting split times as well.

And you should not get frustrated, if you like posting your times, dont be discouraged and do what you think is right to do!

Look forward to catch up with you (and your times!!! :) )
I love tussling with you guys and I never mind being beaten ... heck, some of my best races have not resulted in a podium position ... but I am tired, tired, tired of the lack of consideration in this, the division I counted as one of the friendliest and most fun to be in.

We have to put up with ringers who can't be bothered to put in an honest qualifying lap ... which is bad enough ... but every week 50% of our top guys don't post splits and, frankly, we're the only division like that and it gets me down; I feel like I'm just setting up a target for some lurker to shoot at.

Yeah, I wanted to win this week real badly - first time ever - but being beaten is part of the game. Being beaten by a lurker is just insulting and not fun.

Aside from that, I really thought I put in a promotion worthy performance this week ... heck, I beat a D1er (although, granted, he was running well below his divisions pace), but apparently it's not good enough.
Aside from that, I really thought I put in a promotion worthy performance this week ... heck, I beat a D1er (although, granted, he was running well below his divisions pace), but apparently it's not good enough.

I think you did a great job and I'm sure it did not go unnoticed! IMHO another good week next week and Div3 will lose you....(CFM is for sure considering it....)

Your times is more of a Div2 time this week, as even I did beat quite a few guys out of Div2. So I think I'm on the right track....Keep up the good racing and your positive spirit!
Participation in the WRS is showing up for the race and being among the people submitting times, its not who's posting T times and what not's, that's all strictly voluntary as the rules dictate.

I tend to consur with this. While a few people seem miffed that they didn't have a new split to chase, I kinda like the silent-stranger in 3rdGen ... walks up, slaps down his time and walks away ... it'll keep people on their toes

Old geezer has been at this forum since I was in nappies .... he used to hunt dinosaurs before he took up Gran Turismo .... he has always been the strong silent type ;)

He likes nothing better than taking candy from babies :P

Sweet Win Bob :cheers: :D
Being beaten by a lurker is just insulting and not fun.

Many of the fastest racers here (and everywhere else in OLR-land) don't post T-Times, and when they do, they don't typically post their fastest final sectors (maybe right before the deadline if you're lucky.) It's just part of the game.... You can choose to do the same (as you've stated you will), and apologize to all of the nice Division 3 drivers who really valued and aimed at your contributions to the T-Time leaderboard (as you have), but in the end, who's better off because of this?
I didn't update my sectors to match my final time, simply because I finished my submitted lap at 7:55 am CST this morning.
I doubt that Old Geezer (who I think was in Div 1 back in GT3) winning Div 3 had much to do with the sector times you posted. I can't really say how he went about racing last week, but there were faster T-Times for him to chase.
You say there's a bigger problem in Division 3 of people not submitting their sector times, and you believe the main reason is that they are trying to sneak up to the podium? I'd be more inclined to believe they don't post their sector times because they feel there's enough sector times posted already, so who gives a rip whether or not they post theirs which would be the 20th (or insert random number here) fastest overall. (I'm not saying that I don't care about their sectors if they're 20th on the leaderboard, just saying that some drivers may think their own sector times are insignificant in comparison to the existing times on the leaderboard.)
I started this T-Times leaderboard last year (before that people just had to scan the whole thread to find T-Times), and the intention wasn't to provide a preview of the final results verbatim; it's just a tool to see where you are in relation to everyone else (who posts T Times) at T2, T6, whatever.
Sorry, I just don't see the big deal of someone not posting their T-Times. For all we know, Geezer could've just ran this last night and thought it was too late in the week to bother with posting sector times.

That's about all the ranting I can do...
Don't you think that getting beaten by a last minute time adds some of the fun to the results? What's the fun in knowing about what position you will get every race before the results even show?
To a point, i agree with Kolyana. It's disturbing when you see that you're having a good finish knowing that you're placing well. And when the results come in, being pushed down a couple/few places kinda upsets me as well. But we can't go around twisting peoples arms to make them posts splits. If I get beat, I get beat.

I'm not embaressed to posts my times even if I'm the slowest for the week (take my first WRS5, second slowest). I encourage slower driver's to post splits, with questions so they may get assistance from other drivers to get faster.
Hello All! 👍 Been a bit delayed checking in as an emergency trip to the Hospital was in order. I had to obtain a shot of Anti-Venom needed to counteract all the Poison Arrows sent my way.
Apparently a number of you have your "KNICKERS in a KNOT" over being bested in the Week #8 WRS Race by a 59 year old Driver who plays the game FOR FUN!!!

Not that I feel I "OWE" anyone an explaination...BUT if any of you has the Balls to come right out & ask WHY you were beaten INSTEAD of wallowing in INNUENDO I'll be only too happy to answer your query, here in a Public Forum. If Not...in the words of the "Fonz". .. "SIT ON IT!!!"...O.G. :D
Maybe one day some of you guys will actually read my posts in full, understand them in their entirety and then - maybe - understand more than a mere 10% of what I'm saying.
It's not that we have our "Knickers in a Knot" and that we are attacking you. I even don't feel that you have to give an explanation. It's just downhearting to find yourself pushed back by hidden drivers. We don't know our hidden competition. That's all. Others may feel more involved then that and that's their business. I can only speak for myself.
Old Geezer
Hello All! 👍 Been a bit delayed checking in as an emergency trip to the Hospital was in order. I had to obtain a shot of Anti-Venom needed to counteract all the Poison Arrows sent my way.
Apparently a number of you have your "KNICKERS in a KNOT" over being bested in the Week #8 WRS Race by a 59 year old Driver who plays the game FOR FUN!!!

Not that I feel I "OWE" anyone an explaination...BUT if any of you has the Balls to come right out & ask WHY you were beaten INSTEAD of wallowing in INNUENDO I'll be only too happy to answer your query, here in a Public Forum. If Not...in the words of the "Fonz". .. "SIT ON IT!!!"...O.G. :D

Congrats on the win and the promotion, Bob 👍 Don't let all the politics get you down ... way to stick to your guns :D
Being beaten by a lurker is just insulting and not fun.

This is why I don't run in this series any more. You new guys and gals should go back to race 1 and read the threads. OG is as fast as they come. Most of your attitudes suck. Lurker my a$$ :rolleyes:
CFM, you can remove me from Div 2 if you like.

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