Being beaten by a lurker is just insulting and not fun.
Many of the fastest racers here (and everywhere else in OLR-land) don't post T-Times, and when they do, they don't typically post their fastest final sectors (maybe right before the deadline if you're lucky.) It's just part of the game.... You can choose to do the same (as you've stated you will), and apologize to all of the nice Division 3 drivers who really valued and aimed at your contributions to the T-Time leaderboard (as you have), but in the end, who's better off because of this?
I didn't update my sectors to match my final time, simply because I finished my submitted lap at 7:55 am CST this morning.
I doubt that Old Geezer (who I think was in Div 1 back in GT3) winning Div 3 had much to do with the sector times you posted. I can't really say how he went about racing last week, but there were faster T-Times for him to chase.
You say there's a bigger problem in Division 3 of people not submitting their sector times, and you believe the main reason is that they are trying to sneak up to the podium? I'd be more inclined to believe they don't post their sector times because they feel there's enough sector times posted already, so who gives a rip whether or not they post theirs which would be the 20th (or insert random number here) fastest overall. (I'm not saying that I don't care about their sectors if they're 20th on the leaderboard, just saying that some drivers may think their own sector times are insignificant in comparison to the existing times on the leaderboard.)
I started this T-Times leaderboard last year (before that people just had to scan the whole thread to find T-Times), and the intention wasn't to provide a preview of the final results verbatim; it's just a tool to see where you are in relation to everyone else (who posts T Times) at T2, T6, whatever.
Sorry, I just don't see the big deal of someone not posting their T-Times. For all we know, Geezer could've just ran this last night and thought it was too late in the week to bother with posting sector times.
That's about all the ranting I can do...