Well, it's been a year now: Was it worth it?

Did GT6 shape up in to what you were hoping it would be?

  • Totes!

    Votes: 63 14.4%
  • Almost there...

    Votes: 133 30.5%
  • Just another update or two.

    Votes: 107 24.5%
  • Nopes.

    Votes: 133 30.5%

  • Total voters
It has been worth it to me. I didn't buy the game until I replaced my PS3 in March but it is one of the games that I play on a consistent basis. Are there some things I would like added, of course but it is what it is. I will admit I am not as pressed to finish this one as some of the other GTs. I think maybe the game structure has gotten stale but it is still enjoyable.
I used to love the game. Played EVERYDAY for over 11 months. But the inconsistencies with physics and online experience just got to me. It is unplayable.

The problem: too many tweaks to the main program of adding and subtracting, makes me think of Jenga. At a point it makes instabilities and issues. I suspect that many issues will get resolved with a spec 2, where in theory they rebuild all the updates to a smoother form. But until that day, I have moved on.
First GT I've ever been disappointed in. Two features I looked forward to the most were Community Features to organize some online racing and Course Maker. I have no interest in fantasy cars so the little extra content we got was disappointing. I expected big leaps in gameplay, the ability to organize clubs and leagues, physics, tuning, DLC and it just didn't deliver for me and I began to lose interest fairly quickly. Many of my friends from GT5 didn't make the leap and the online portion of the game seemed to suffer as a result. What I got was essentially GT5.5 and the pre-release hype led me to believe it was GT6.
Happy Birthday GT6! :gtpflag:

This may sound a little bipolar, but I'm kind of with both camps. It should be further along than this. The big updates so far, other than the Senna update and Zahara, have been the Vision GT cars, and very few otherwise. More Standard cars need to be Premiumized. The bots are too timid, spread out, and tend to give up when you get more than a one second lead on them. It's still a short game, lacking single player offline events. Arcade Mode was nerfed. B-Spec is still AWOL, as is Race Mod and the Course Maker. More tracks need time of day transitions and weather. The Paint Shop STILL doesn't have any of its own paint. The online structure is still missing all the goodies that Kaz discussed, which would enable users to create online racing leagues with their own events, series and championships, to practically having mini racing seasons, along with PD/SONY hosted events. Leaderboards. The FIA license is slow to manifest, and that's something many of us want to see the fruits of. It needs many things to be up with the other serious racers: a serious damage implementation, a good online system with better user creation tools, a Livery Editor, an Event Maker - how else can a user create an online racing series with a championship? Many other things I can't wrap my head around right now, still in the thick of producing a friend's album.

Having said all that though, this game still has my heart. It is WAY better than GT5 with its paintless Paint Shop, awful XP system and dozens of other improvements. The car list is vast, could be better, but is extremely well stocked. Great tracks. Need more, but there are plenty of places to race, including a superb Nordschleife. While the physics could be better, they're so close to a PC sim now I'm not too fussed over the shortcomings. It has a panache that the dry, clinical PC sims don't, and it feels like I own the cars. I can have fun racing, and keep racing I-A events over and over, as there are a good variety of them. I can tinker, modify, paint and race an endless variety of cars I own. Did I mention I feel an ownership to my stable? Love this game.
GT6 is not perfect, but PD have not charged a penny for DLC (yet) and there has been pretty significant updates which have improved my experience of the game. I would say it is not far from my expectations now.

The topic of micro-transactions in GT6 are more or less dead a year on. I wonder how much revenue PD is generating through credit packs nowadays...
Not really IMO, far too many disappointments (from the game itself to its developer) for the good to outweigh them.

More relevant-content (quantum leap where?), More communication, that's what this series needs.

Completely agree.

What frustrastes me the most, is that GT6 is perfect in some aspects. I can't stress enough on how much I LOVE the physics and the graphics, the music selection, track selection and the detail of the cars. But most other aspects are unbelievably coarse and poorly executed, the AI, the menus, the lack of simple yet important things suggested in another thread.

I feel utterly disappointed by the game. Kaz definitely has lost it. When, and IF, GT7 comes, it won't be a day one purchase like GT5 and GT6 were. Not even gonna buy a PS4 until I get to try the game first-hand and make sure they didn't screw-up again.
GT6 is not perfect, but PD have not charged a penny for DLC (yet) and there has been pretty significant updates which have improved my experience of the game. I would say it is not far from my expectations now.

The topic of micro-transactions in GT6 are more or less dead a year on. I wonder how much revenue PD is generating through credit packs nowadays...
Credits were a lot harder to come by in the beginning, by design of course, to encourage MT's. There's no way they could have maintained the game economy the way it was with $20Million cars in the game but it's still a far cry from the payouts in some of the GT5 Seasonals.
The nice thing is that GT6 is still get support through updates. Polyphony could have just abandoned the game you know.

The game still needs improvement and more features like the Course Creator and Shuffle Racing.
I appreciate PD's steady flow of updates and hard work, but a game company shouldn't release a product missing so many things and add only small chunks of features at a time.

GT6 was still worth it for me, simply for being a massive GT fan all my life.
I sold GT6 long enough ago that I got decent money for it still, so from a financial perspective the three weeks I did play the copy I bought it was a good enough value. In terms of whether the game is where I hoped it would be after a year (read: finally good enough to justify repurchasing rather than just sticking with GT5)? Not even close, and it extends beyond what GT6 is by itself.

PD have finally started adding all of those major features that they advertised the game as going to get, but it's been really distressing to see them repeat the exact same failures with communication and consumer focus that they did with GT5's post-release support. Their storied landmark change in developer communication, the Q/A with fans, exceeded even my worst fears (I at worst expected a bunch of PR speak non answers mixed with Kaz's traditional double speak) and completely fell apart after one question. Every update has been met with even more secrecy than GT5 ever had. PD has essentially gone from a reclusive studio with the eccentric head who was the face of the company and fielded questions and enthusiastically engaged criticism (not that things necessarily improved as a result, mind) to some sort of black ops team which happily attends PR events (and talks at length about attending PR events) but mostly says nothing of relevance to the people who want to know the future (immediate or long term) of this game.

GT6, as a game has, eventually, become a game that can be called somewhat better than GT5, lacking majorly in some areas but also having some big advantages. It's embarrassing that it took nearly a year to even be called that, but in the end they pulled it off. And if they ever get around to finishing the advertised feature set (and the stuff promised since then), it really would be a legitimately better game than GT5 with only a few dumb regressions. Not the highest of praise considering PD's own hype, but real praise nonetheless.
GT6, as a reflection on the series as a whole and PD's commitment to change, has been an unmitigated disaster. GT6 was supposed to be the proof that PD can return to form, that GT5 was just a fluke. PD answered specific criticism regarding GT5 at length and promised something improvements. PD went so far as to directly engage a fan community to be given the chance to address specific criticisms. And now the sentiment is supposed to be that this time (GT7) they will really, really get it right out of the box?

The nice thing is that GT6 is still get support through updates. Polyphony could have just abandoned the game you know.

No, they really couldn't have. No one at Sony is that stupid.
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GT6 came close, needs a few more updates to be great, doesn't look like it can be perfect though. however, it is remarkble how much stuff we've recieved in the past year, very few games are as supported as GT6 has been.
Happy birthday GT6 :cheers:
I think GT6 is a good game and I actually enjoyed it,But after playing F4 for the first time earlier this year I just couldn't go back,Sold gt6 and the ps3 and got a 360...but Tbh sometimes I miss it tho.
I voted nope because I was really looking forward to the community features and the clubs and it turned out to be way below my expectations, they've pretty much held it since day 1 I thought it'd be a game changer but it clearly isn't. Now Spec 2.0 (as I mentioned below) better be huge (a game changer) and add new playable stuff online plus some more customization because GT lacks of those things.

Yeah, GT6 has been worth buying. However, I don't think there's many games out there that are actually worth their $60 price tag, and I hope Spec 2.0 will make GT6 one of them.
Spec 2.0 better be something huge because if it only adds the missing features (B-spec) that I don't really care about, 2.0 will be a bit light if not useless just like most of the current updates we've had so far in my opinion.
Kaz will need to stock up on his
Only because of the Mercedes Benz VGT credits exploit. Otherwise I would be good with an used copy for 15 bucks today or tomorrow...
I voted Almost there. I too thought there would be V8 Supercars because of Mount Panorama. The biggest let down(for me) was not including the FPV cars, Valencia Circuit from GTPSP and Classic GT circuits. The consolation was having the 15th Anniversary Edition and the GT3 cars. That made up for a bit of disappointment. Also having the '13 Mustangs, the Pozzi Camaro and a surprise (to me) the Trans Am and Cadillac CTS-V, gave me a sense that "they get it now".
Not really. For as long as I played, I never could get that awful sense of uncertainty and impatience. That really ruined the experience for what coul've been the best GT. (For me at least)

But there are still hope in the form of updates. And of course, GT7.

For now I try not to think on GT. Forza 4 is one heck of a game and it's doing a great job at keeping my love for cars damn well cared for.

(I miss weather and time change...)
Nope. Although I'm glad I bought it because the lack of satisfaction GT6 gave me encouraged me to try out Assetto Corsa. Because of that and hypeing over (and preordering) Project CARS I doubt I will buy GT7.
I had hoped for a polished, refined version of Gt5 with more content, improved physics etc. To be honest 6 Has disappointed me, I play it for the better handling and new cars/circuits, but I get bored easily. That said, the game is evolving, so hopefully it will be the game GT5 promised to be in the first place.
The poll and the OP seem to be asking two different questions so I'll address both from my point of view. As for the poll and "Did GT shape up into what I was hoping it would be?" No, not at all. Reasons why are as follows:
  • No course creator
  • The Seven Post Rig that was mentioned and which we were slyly led to believe was going to be in the game, isn't.
  • Livery Editor. I was just hoping on this one, but I should have known better.
  • Sounds. Still disappointing.
  • No B-Spec
  • Lack of any real "new" cars or tracks.
  • Tuning. Still ass backwards and nothing like it should be.
  • A.I. Still not up to par like it could be. Chase the rabbit is not a proper race.
  • Online. Connectivity issues are still a problem. Also was hoping for some type of driver rating system.
Ok, now to address the question in the OP. Do I think I got my money's worth?" This question I am probably looking at a bit differently than the way the OP was asking it because I would have to say yes. Reason being is I bought the game at release a year ago. I paid $60.00 for it. So, for 365 days I have been playing it every day for at least 3 hours a day, sometimes more. So yea, do the math on that one....cheap entertainment for the last year on a daily basis. I would say I got my moneys worth from an entertainment stand point. That's my view and the way I see it. :cheers:
The uninspiring "career" mode and terrible "chase the rabbit" race format, combined with the lack of tire/fuel wear and damage made the offline portion useless to me. So the game was only good if a bunch of my friends were online. As more and more people became bored/disenfranchised with the game, fewer and fewer friends would show up for races so the game steadily became more useless.

Thankfully, I broke down and bought a PC so now I'm enjoying Assetto Corsa, iRacing, R3E and GSCE and having so much fun hot lapping and battling the fantastic AI that I don't need to have any friends online to enjoy myself.

EDIT: I got $60 worth of enjoyment out of it, but I could have got so much more value-per-dollar and that's why it was disappointing.
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