Well, it's been a year now: Was it worth it?

Did GT6 shape up in to what you were hoping it would be?

  • Totes!

    Votes: 63 14.4%
  • Almost there...

    Votes: 133 30.5%
  • Just another update or two.

    Votes: 107 24.5%
  • Nopes.

    Votes: 133 30.5%

  • Total voters
GT4 was quite a lot better but now with HD displays GT4 is very hard to look at.

With some effort I could bring myself
to play GT4 for a while but it would be hard to go back to a 480 display after years of playing games with 720P or higher res.
Well Jesus don't hurt yourself on my behalf.


I suppose you are not one of the ones here who have been complaining about the standard cars in GT5/6 since they look 100 times better than GT2 ;)
I suppose this would be an amusing aside if there was actually some hypocrisy in the two positions, so I'll just assume that you mistyped something as a result of your now seared retinas.
Quantum Leap in DLC

Monthly DLC tracks for Gran Turismo

So we were pretty silly believing the words of U.S. Gran Turismo producer Taku Imasaki and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe’s President and CEO, Jim Ryan?

I see nothing in the interview except

"“I think that we very much cut our teeth on DLC with GT5, and I think there’s a real desire to make a quantum leap with GT6. Plans are not yet disclosed so I can’t talk in detail about what they are but there is a real desire to make a step change and take it to a whole different level."

The next link brings me to somebodies elses account of a conversation and their interpretation. Looking at the first link, if that's the interview he was using as his source, I didn't spot the part where he says a track each month at all, but my eyes are not so good, maybe I missed the direct quote.

This is pulled from the Q&A with Kaz, I think he clears things up if you were at all confused.

Q & A With Kaz
Q: Upon launch we were told we were going to be getting monthly DLC of cars and tracks but it has yet to arrive yet. When do you expect it to come out?

A: I think there might be a misunderstanding there. I think I said "almost" every month. I also didn't say "DLC" per se, but that there would be an update almost every month.
On average we're going through one to two updates per month. So I don't think I have broken any promises. I think somewhere along the lines someone may have contorted my words. When you talk about things like Vision Gran Turismo as an example, we have over 30 cars that are going to be involved in that project and that was to be included in a year's time. So when you look at it, my saying that there would be content released almost every month is not too far from the truth.
But the Vision Gran Turismo cars, each car is made with great care at each of the manufacturers, and we can't control when those cars can be completed. So I ask for your understanding.


Its taking a bit longer for the Manufactures to get their VGT Designs released, we see them get Teased and then Revealed, shortly after in the game. Kaz did say "we can't control when those cars can be completed. So I ask for your understanding." is that too much to ask as the VGT Project is unlike any DLC Project, it certainly is IMO a Quantum Leap from any other Concept car program and real world reveal to in game driving DLC Ive ever seen.
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I see nothing in the interview except

"“I think that we very much cut our teeth on DLC with GT5, and I think there’s a real desire to make a quantum leap with GT6. Plans are not yet disclosed so I can’t talk in detail about what they are but there is a real desire to make a step change and take it to a whole different level."

The next link brings me to somebodies elses account of a conversation and their interpretation. Looking at the first link, if that's the interview he was using as his source, I didn't spot the part where he says a track each month at all, but my eyes are not so good, maybe I missed the direct quote.

This is pulled from the Q&A with Kaz, I think he clears things up if you were at all confused.

I wasn't confused at all. Not sure how you missed it in a 4 minute interview:

"Like Kazunori says, we're going to have monthly DLC and keep adding cars to the game"
"There will be one, at least one track a month, downloadable, additional tracks"


I wasn't confused at all. Not sure how you missed it in a 4 minute interview:

"Like Kazunori says, we're going to have monthly DLC and keep adding cars to the game"
"There will be one, at least one track a month, downloadable, additional tracks"


Spotted it, & it is very easy to see how that can be confused or missunderstood,

"getting monthly DLC's (updates) that keep adding cars to the game (as they are ready)"...

He does foot in his mouth when he said a track a month,but I wouldn't of taken that too seriously. (not to mention that guys been off on his facts before)

Does this

""A: I think there might be a misunderstanding there. I think I said "almost" every month. I also didn't say "DLC" per se, but that there would be an update almost every month.
On average we're going through one to two updates per month. So I don't think I have broken any promises. I think somewhere along the lines someone may have contorted my words. When you talk about things like Vision Gran Turismo as an example, we have over 30 cars that are going to be involved in that project and that was to be included in a year's time. So when you look at it, my saying that there would be content released almost every month is not too far from the truth.
But the Vision Gran Turismo cars, each car is made with great care at each of the manufacturers, and we can't control when those cars can be completed. So I ask for your understanding."""

clear up your confusion?
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Johnnypenso isn't the one confused. Your Q/A answer from Kaz has nothing to do with Johnnypenso's interview from someone else.
Johnnypenso isn't the one confused. Your Q/A answer from Kaz has nothing to do with Johnnypenso's interview from someone else.

Sure it does.. That interview is the so called "promise" lol The Question is directly referring to said "promise" and the answer directly addressee it... It has everything to do with it.

The guy being interviewed in JP post misunderstood Kaz as Says kaz "KAZ Answer: I think there might be a misunderstanding there. I think I said "almost" every month. I also didn't say "DLC" per se, but that there would be an update almost every month.
On average we're going through one to two updates per month. So I don't think I have broken any promises. I think somewhere along the lines someone may have contorted my words. When you talk about things like Vision Gran Turismo as an example, we have over 30 cars that are going to be involved in that project and that was to be included in a year's time. So when you look at it, my saying that there would be content released almost every month is not too far from the truth.
But the Vision Gran Turismo cars, each car is made with great care at each of the manufacturers, and we can't control when those cars can be completed. So I ask for your understanding."

Since when did Kaz lose his spot to him as Top dog at PD? Last I checked Kaz is still the boss ;)
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I suppose this would be an amusing aside if there was actually some hypocrisy in the two positions, so I'll just assume that you mistyped something as a result of your now seared retinas.
Really? You don't see the hypocrisy in that? Maybe you have seared your own retinas and that is preventing you from seeing such ;)
Sure it does..
Not the way you're using it in this debate. Let's start from the beginning:
Miss communication, they planned to try and get an update released each month & try to include content in each update. People thought that meant a car and a track each month, but that's pretty silly.
Spotted it, & it is very easy to see how that can be confused or missunderstood,
clear up your confusion?
People didn't "think" that meant a car and a track each month. People aren't "confused" about what "monthly" DLC was supposed to mean. People were specifically told that by a Sony executive related to the GT series who was giving an interview about GT6. Said executive states "at least one additional track per month will be downloadable." He's quoted as saying that directly even in the article if you didn't want to watch the movie. There isn't even a translation error in the video, since the guy speaks fluent English.

There was no misreading of PR or confusion on the parts of the fans as you've been repeatedly (and amusingly) implying to this point. Someone involved with the Gran Turismo series said something specific about GT6 while giving an interview whose purpose was learning specific things about GT6, and Kaz later recanted it. But that's still on PD.

Really? You don't see the hypocrisy in that?
Nope. And if you can actually explain how it is hypocritical without looking as out of touch as you have over why it's so odd to find enjoyment out of games that aren't 1080p masterpieces from the last 6 years, maybe it will actually be beneficial to the topic (because as amusing as it is to hear to talk about how difficult it is to force yourself to play games older than the Xbox 360, it doesn't really do much to refute whether or not you put too much importance on graphics and as a result isn't really relevant to anything).

Here's a hint: I can legitimately enjoy a once-fantastic looking game game that I find to have better gameplay even though it is now older irrelevant of whether or not the future game in the series whose gameplay I find inferior (which, you've apparently forgotten, was the entire reason I brought GT2 up in the first place) at times looks like an ugly mess despite being an amazing incredible superior 1080p master race game and despite how poorly it sometimes runs anyway.
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It is silly to take that comment in that interview as a fact or even as a promise. I do see where the so called "promise" comes from (obviously) so no sense riding on a moot point like you are ;) but thats fine, here you go, Its NOT silly to take his words for meaning that at all as I listen closely he clearly says a track per months, and interpreting that as a track per month is not silly. It is in my opinion not to take anything he or anybody like him says too seriously or as a "promise" but that's just me. I tend to listen to Kaz as he the guy in charge.

Either way Kaz made sure to clear up the mix up when he was asked about it.
Sadly no. Even though I ordered the 15th Anniversary Edition, it just doesn't have the same wow factor that made me play GT5 for ~1200 Hours. I've only played one game longer than GT5, Dust 514, at around ~1800 Hours.

GT6 is less than ~150 Hours. It just didn't engrose me enough compared to its predecessors.
It is silly to take that comment in that interview as a fact or even as a promise.
It's an official Sony-sanctioned interview about an upcoming game release confirming something that Kaz had already said was going to happen when the game was first announced at the Gran Turismo 15th Anniversary event. The question he was answering was raised in response to something Kaz's official translator had already claimed Kaz was saying was happening.
Unless you're implying that we should just treat all of the information released about all future PD releases as lies until we actually have the games (which is certainly an interesting defense on your part, but you'll find many people around here are already ahead of you on that), there is literally no reason to not believe something could happen that was announced as part of the media event alongside the rest of the game, questioned a month later at another media and reaffirmed, and then never in the following 6 months before the game came out ever corrected or recanted or retracted. Just like there was no reason to believe that the GT5: Prologue/GT5 garage transfer that was still listed on the GT website until last year would never actually be in GT5. Or the GT5 YouTube upload, for that matter.

Believe it or not, sometimes people's expectations for functionality are perfectly in line with what they are told to expect. And when this is the huge media event announcing the launch of your game, I would think that some importance would be placed on getting accurate information about said game out to people; or at the very least correcting something wrong in the 7 month window between when you announced the featurelist for the game you also just announced and the game actually releasing. I guess perfection is the only thing we should be told to expect for a game, but not really expect.

I tend to listen to Kaz as he the guy in charge.
First of all:
First we’ll be releasing the PS3 version for the PS3, which has a huge audience already, and we’ll be providing updates every month and DLCs every month.


That's probably the actual thing he was talking about him being misunderstood over, since, you know, that was a massive event that he talked at about GT6 rather than someone else giving an interview.

It's dreaming that can land him in some awkward predicaments. In recent years, Yamauchi's been big on promises he can't always deliver: witness the long, slow and sometimes confused introduction of car damage to the series, first posited as a downloadable add-on for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue before half-heartedly making its way into the full-fat game. See the PR handlers wince as he starts talking about Gran Turismo 7 before work on 6 is anywhere near complete - and marvel as he then says the first PS4 entry in the series could be released as soon as next year.


Anyway, I suppose you had the copy of GT5 that was released in mid-2009, or at least the copy of GT5 that apparently did have everything Kaz wanted to include when it finally released at the end of 2010 (even though he laughed when he was asked if the game might not release by the end of 2009)? Maybe you have had the GT6 track creator since January, since according to Kaz it might just miss the game's release date. Can you tell us if you have a 100kmx100km working area like Kaz originally claimed? Everyone immediately thought that one was complete BS, but Kaz specifically reaffirmed the possibility (last we heard, it was down to 20x20). Maybe you've got the version of GT6 with the hundreds of duplicate cars removed, after Kaz's detailed apology about the practice (though amusingly with the implication that PD actually model those differences). Or the GT5 with the car clubs and racing leagues. Maybe the GT6 with the damage model as advanced as GT5s? Or maybe *half dozen interviews with Kaz about car sounds*

In any case, I really wish I had those games.

Either way Kaz made sure to clear up the mix up when he was asked about it.
So nice of him to correct the incorrect information officially given (allegedly mistranslated from the original GT6 media event, but later confirmed by someone else anyway) for his upcoming game over a year later. His lead times are getting significantly worse though. It only took him a week to explain where, say, the YouTube upload feature went from GT5 after that game released and that officially stated feature was missing, and I don't think he even talked about that feature himself.
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The connection it has to my childhood is the only thing keeping me tied to it. Otherwise, I would have stopped playing it very soon after I got it just because of sheer boredom.
I always thought they would come in Spec 2.0 around the 1 year mark, but I don't think the GPS addition to the Course Maker is going to make it in. Too bad, but it never was a promised feature. I still hope the Course Maker and B-Spec make it in Spec 2.0 before X-Mas, but they never gave a date.

Apart from where they listed it as an upcoming feature on the official Gran Turismo website?
I always thought they would come in Spec 2.0 around the 1 year mark, but I don't think the GPS addition to the Course Maker is going to make it in. Too bad, but it never was a promised feature. I still hope the Course Maker and B-Spec make it in Spec 2.0 before X-Mas, but they never gave a date.
Crap I missed it. Where did Kaz mention the Spec II update?

Edit: Just noticed Jack is banned already...:lol:
The only feature that was announced that I was actually looking forward to was the GPS course maker. I'm still dying to hot lap a particularly curvy and long avenue in my city. Because it's been a year and they also removed Top Gear and took a year to give us community again, it wasn't worth it. At all.
Crap I missed it. Where did Kaz mention the Spec II update?

Edit: Just noticed Jack is banned already...:lol:
I don't think he ever has, but it happened in GT5 and GT5P so the expectation is continuity.
I cant help thinking how GT6 woild have sold if it was GT6P. If all cars were ONLY the current Premiums and the missing RMs from GT5P, the 15th Anniv Cars by Pre-order, plus the VGT cars and free cars(M4s, NISMO GT-R) as updated during the year, would it have sold more or less or the same as current numbers.

December 23rd is next week. If PD released the "full" GT6 (Course Maker, Suzuka 2014, Andalucia, Standards/Standard Premiums, 15th Anniv Cars included would this have been acceptable and people willing to spend the full amount for it on PS3? I know what's done is done. We wait for GT7 on PS4. It just gets me how GT5P worked fine to build up to the "finished" product. Might have done well for GT6 to have had a GT6P.
I might as well throw more reasoning which I've thought about just today.

Yes it has been worth it, because you get a certain passion for the history of cars, as well as racing. This is proved by the old museum cards, the brilliant car descriptions full of fun little facts for cars, and most of all, the little movies they've made for both Andretti and Senna.

This alone would seal the deal for me as it is something I haven't found in any other games (taking nothing away from them) but to add in the Vision GT project, interesting fictional tracks like Sierra, and a great progression after the game is released.

Of course it has faults, but at the same time I can forgive them and play the game. Because a 4 wheel drift out of the chicane at Monza with a Formula GT against friends makes it very worthwhile.
Yes it has been worth it, because you get a certain passion for the history of cars, as well as racing. This is proved by the old museum cards, the brilliant car descriptions full of fun little facts for cars, and most of all, the little movies they've made for both Andretti and Senna.

Er, didn't they take out the museum cards for GT6?
Well, judging from this past update just released, it pretty much seals the deal for me....time to move onto something different. Even though I wasn't expecting much from this update, I must say it is pretty disappointing for what it was. Two pieces of 🤬 concept cars and a few bug fixes, that shouldn't of been there anyway if PD had bothered to do their damn job and proofread their work before they released these updates. You can't really count the new Seasonals as part of the update as they could have been released without an update. Pretty disappointing beings we are still lacking stuff advertised, or hinted at, at release a year ago, not to mention the outright lies and deceit by its developer and/or associates. I'll continue to play out the game until I can afford to make the switch to a different console and new game, but I have lost all faith in PD and won't even consider GT7 unless it is something spectacular. Its sad really because at one point I had all the faith in the world in PD and was one of their biggest fans....well, not anymore.
GT6 looks very good visually the cars sound like vacuum cleaners I think my vacuum cleaner sounds better than most cars on the game I don't like the sound the tyres screeching and I don't like the windows 8 style menu and the game is to easy they should make it as hard as GT4.
Not only have I still not bought GT6 (though I've played enough of it at a friends house to know what it's like), but I feel like it's a waste of time checking for news on updates, because I know it's not going to improve enough to make me finally buy it. Still, it's not like it's the first franchise from my childhood that lost it's quality.

At this point I don't see GT ever getting back on top, or even getting one more game that isn't more than mediocre.
Old museum cards 👍

They left the old ones in but didn't add any new ones? What are you trying to say here?

I never found any museum cards in GT6. I don't see how you can use a feature from GT5 to justify that GT6 was "worth it".

If you want to demonstrate that GT6 is worth it because of the passion it shows for cars, how about listing the things in GT6 that actually do show that? I'm not going to argue that you're wrong, because there certainly are features that show that some people at PD do care deeply about cars. But museum cards aren't one of them, because they're not there.
They left the old ones in but didn't add any new ones? What are you trying to say here?

I never found any museum cards in GT6. I don't see how you can use a feature from GT5 to justify that GT6 was "worth it".

If you want to demonstrate that GT6 is worth it because of the passion it shows for cars, how about listing the things in GT6 that actually do show that? I'm not going to argue that you're wrong, because there certainly are features that show that some people at PD do care deeply about cars. But museum cards aren't one of them, because they're not there.
my point is museum cards are not in GT6 in any form, and are on the old platform.

And did I not already?

I might as well throw more reasoning which I've thought about just today.

Yes it has been worth it, because you get a certain passion for the history of cars, as well as racing. This is proved by the old museum cards, the brilliant car descriptions full of fun little facts for cars, and most of all, the little movies they've made for both Andretti and Senna.

This alone would seal the deal for me as it is something I haven't found in any other games (taking nothing away from them) but to add in the Vision GT project, interesting fictional tracks like Sierra, and a great progression after the game is released.

Of course it has faults, but at the same time I can forgive them and play the game. Because a 4 wheel drift out of the chicane at Monza with a Formula GT against friends makes it very worthwhile.

I have also posted a lot more detail in another thread as found here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/goto/post?id=10310325#post-10310325
when i first fired up the disc a year ago at v1.0 i thought... this is b*ll****!

where's all the content??? got ripped son!

but a year later you cant tell me this hasnt been a great ride... all these added cars, tracks, seasonal events

you can buy GT6 for $20 now on the PSN store and thats a bargain is it not?

one thing i love about GT6 is how polished the interface is compared to GT5

the music, the way the menus swipe, it gets you excited about the experience every time, this was not the case with GT5

and the sounds are better now too

you can tell the people behind this game, love the game, love cars

when I play Forza 5, i can tell that the people behind it DIDN'T love making it and it was pure work... this is not the case with GT6

oh yeah, one complaint, B-Spec, where is it?
Said this a few months ago in a another topic. GT6 is and continues to be 10 pounds of "$7!+" in a 5 pound bag.
Talking specifically about memory size, processing capability. Some of the processes GT try's to accomplish are just too much of the PS3. Now if you look closely at the Gallery image of premium cars, you'll see choppy graphics presentation.
The spinning of the car is anything but smooth. Just about every track display is choppy.
Even painting of the home screen images/icons has slowed to a crawl. The PS3 is splitting at the seam's trying to run GT6

I think PD thought they cold get away with this initially. But they soon found out that if they put more of the promised features in, they would completely choke the PS3. There is only so much they can add to the game anymore on the current platform. Why they don't come out ad say that is most likely due to Japanese pride, and business practice.

They are trying to save face, and really can't admit that GT6 is dead weight until they can cross over to GT7.
Why would they waste production on any new real world cars that they can not port over to GT7?
I think vision GT is all we'll see from here until GT7 arrives. Most likely a year from this very day.

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