Westboro Baptist Church to protest at Steve Jobs' funeral

  • Thread starter Lain


United States
Pasadena, TX


On a side note, things like this are why I'm an active athiest. For the majority of believers, religion might just be a harmless way of getting through life's hardships. But invariably, cases like these (or worse) occur. And there are more ways of looking at things than just from a religious perspective in order to deal with all the crazy, difficult things life throws our way.

Also, I didn't post this in the thread about Steve Jobs' death because this is a separate event. I don't want to fill up that thread, a place to pay respect, with a discussion on this vile behavior.
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If you actually choose to believe there is no god because of those who use the idea for there own ends then you need to check yo self fool! ;)

This sort of thing is a shame but no more so than when it happens to the soldiers dying in wars. :irked:

Rip Mr. Jobs
He must of had one hell of a ride to the top!

Btw, no one who honors or obeys god would protest a persons funeral.
If you actually choose to believe there is no god because of those who use the idea for there own ends then you need to check yo self fool! ;)

I'm not saying that's why I don't believe in a god. There's many reasons why I don't find religion to be very credible.

What I meant was that it's people like these that make me want to actively try to persuade people away from their belief in religion.
It is disgusting that these people are doing this. Why can't they respect Steve for the person he was, not disrespect him because he didnt share their beliefs.

A fine quote i once read sums up my feeling to this:

"Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around, and PLEASE don't try to shove it down my throat."

I am non-religious, but have no problem with those who are so long as they keep it to themselves. It's groups like this that give religion a bad name.
It's a shame how minorities of people can to so much damage to the public image of what Christianity is all about. People often get angry when I mention that I'm a Christian. "Why are there so many bad people in this world who are Christians?" I get asked this question literally on a daily bases. What am I supposed to say?

Anyone can do anything "in the word of God", people can spread hate like in this instance. Does this mean that the act is done "in the Spirit of God" though? No! They are two different things!

The Nazi's stormed across Europe with the words "God be with us" written in German across their belts. Hitler and the whole Nazi party committed so much devastation "In the word of God". Does this mean that they did what the Bible teaches? Did they do it "In the spirit of God"? No they did not.

If I was not lucky enough to be given the chance to learn about the Gospel, then I would be angry at the whole Christianity group too. In my eyes, these people are not Christians, they are doing acts which the Bible claims are wrong. It's in the word of God, yet not in the Spirit of God.

I am not here to start a religious debate, in fact I usually keep my beliefs to myself, but I would just like people to keep what I have said in mind. I am a Christian, and I have nothing to do with these people.
It's disgusting when the protest at any funeral, not just Steve Jobs'.
Those people are inbred (no, literally, they are) morons. The world needs to just ignore them & one day, Phelps will just die off without any sympathy outside his family.
They're only being such idiots and protesting to get people to do illegal things to them, so they can sue. We ought to protest them back every time they protest someone. That's probably the only way to deter them.
When Fred Phelps dies, I'm going to picket his funeral. And I'm going to play this song at full volume:

We'll see how much they like picketing funerals then.
I don't know how anyone could go and protest a funeral for soldiers who died while serving their country. They do what few people are willing to do and protect our country, and paid the ultimate sacrifice doing so. They should be honored not scorned, these people make me sick. :yuck:

And to picket Steve Jobs funeral... the guy made computers :confused:. You would think being as far right as they are they would have appreciated the fact that Apple doesn't allow adult apps for the iPhone. We need to have a land giveaway in Antarctica to get rid of some of these people.
This is nothing compared to those who protest military funerals.

They can all die.

I respectfully disagree. Protesting at one person's funeral is no less disrespectful than protesting at any other.

And while their actions are disgusting, it's not enough to make me care enough about their pathetic lives for me to wish them to end.
I don't know how anyone could go and protest a funeral for soldiers who died while serving their country.
But they believe that the country is inherently corrupt, and the last bastion of morality is their little enclave. Basically, it amounts to a case of "you don't think like us, so therefore, you're wrong".

And they would probably condemn me to hell for using the words "inherently", "bastion" and
"enclave" in a sentence because those words are too homosexual.

And to picket Steve Jobs funeral... the guy made computers :confused:. You would think being as far right as they are they would have appreciated the fact that Apple doesn't allow adult apps for the iPhone. We need to have a land giveaway in Antarctica to get rid of some of these people.
Yes, but he made computers, and computers made it easier for homosexuals to find one another, and gave rise to gay rights being proliferated (another word that is probably too homosexual).
This church should be evaporated. Im all for free.speech and all but this and just about anything else this church gets involved in.

Westboro babptist church, please stay away from my case you bunch of wingbats
I see that in the protestant world any bunch of nitwits can call themselves a church, there should be some sort of rule to distinguish a "church" from a mere group of so-called believers in whatever God.

Anyway, disgusting attitude, the fact that those people call themselves christians is an insult to the guy (son of God or simple Man, not shoving anything into anyone's throat :D ) whose name they're invoking.
Not entirely surprised, but only because they'll end up picketing their own funerals soon enough simply for something to do.

I'm intrigued to know what exactly will be splurged across their signs, though. 'God hates iPads', perhaps? 'Pray for Blu Ray'? Or maybe just 'Burn in Hell - Sent from my iPhone', given that this announcement was actually tweeted from one. Apparently they don't do irony in Westboro.

Stupid, stupid people looking for media attention. As per usual. Where's a Toyota with a dodgy floor mat when you need one?
Or maybe just 'Burn in Hell - Sent from my iPhone', given that this announcement was actually tweeted from one. Apparently they don't do irony in Westboro.



I hope WBC protest at my funeral. That'll mean I'd made it.
You have to remember about WBC is that it's really nothing more than a business. They use tactics designed to inflame and incite, then sue when somebody snaps and becomes physically violent. It's their source of income.

These people aren't representative of even the right-wing fringe. They're simply a group of scam artists.
I think it's time to put these people in their places. We need to do something about them before their crazy-ness inside turns from protesting good people's funerals to actually committing deadly crimes. Things like "Rebels mad cuz I used iPhone to tell you Steve Jobs is in hell. God created iPhone for that purpose!" is clearly indicative of a mental illness, and it's not long before it turns violent. She's also been brainwashing normal people to committing her acts. How long is it before she kills a mass number of people because her God apparently told her they were going to hell? This is incredibly sick!
I think it's time to put these people in their places. We need to do something about them before their crazy-ness inside turns from protesting good people's funerals to actually committing deadly crimes. Things like "Rebels mad cuz I used iPhone to tell you Steve Jobs is in hell. God created iPhone for that purpose!" is clearly indicative of a mental illness, and it's not long before it turns violent. She's also been brainwashing normal people to committing her acts. How long is it before she kills a mass number of people because her God apparently told her they were going to hell? This is incredibly sick!

I don't see why the public funerals of people should be determined to be inhibited for profanity toward God followed on doctrines of a single religion they believe, might still be alright if their thoughts are applied only within the group believing in the same religion - that stipulates from their daily customs to the way of intering someone in the ground after their legal death, but it's evil to intrude their belief to other people believing a different religion causing real crimes in society or conflicts between masses.

Brainwashing other people with ordinary minds is the outcome of their excessive attempt to try to spread their own religion farther - acting in accordance with spirit of God is religiously safer, whereas putting all the things into practice can heinously be dangerous in allegiance/obedience of God or its words whispered in the devotee's ears - in fear for their punishment in case of breach of the voices of God.
Could well be their last funeral picket considering how rabid Apple fans can be. :D
I mean, I guess I understand (and of course disagree with) why they picket military funerals because they think the soldiers are acting out for a godless government, but why Steve Jobs...is Angry Birds the spawn of Satan or something?
They showed up here in Oklahoma a few months ago to picket a soldier's funeral...one man and two kids showed up two miles down the road. Nearly 2000 people and motorcycles showed up in the rain to 'counter them.'

Needless to say they stayed all of three minutes and went home!
I think it's time to put these people in their places. We need to do something about them before their crazy-ness inside turns from protesting good people's funerals to actually committing deadly crimes. Things like "Rebels mad cuz I used iPhone to tell you Steve Jobs is in hell. God created iPhone for that purpose!" is clearly indicative of a mental illness, and it's not long before it turns violent. She's also been brainwashing normal people to committing her acts. How long is it before she kills a mass number of people because her God apparently told her they were going to hell? This is incredibly sick!
Except they're not violent at all. These people are not stupid in the terms of common sense. They know they are protected by law to do what they do & they know as soon as they break a law or turn violent, every judge in America will prosecute them to the fullest.

The best way to go about them is to protest right in front of them (there is a gigantic organization of motorcycle riders who do this) or ignore them.

Of course, as some YouTube videos have shown however, a large enough mob that outnumbers local police is enough to scare the hell out of them.
...but why Steve Jobs...
Because they're stupid. There's no other way to slice it. These people are nigh insane and ineducable. There's a small group of people out there who are not of this world, and these people are in that group. We should all just ignore them and stop wasting our energy.
I'm appalled that "these inhumane parasites" would use the death of a human to further their disgusting beliefs. WOW! What's next? I'm sincerely disturbed with this... I have to raise my sons in a world where that's ok. What happen to the rites of the family? Someone in the judicial system should help stop this, before these type of situations incurs violence.

R.I.P. Mr. Steve Jobs
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