Westboro Baptist Church to protest at Steve Jobs' funeral

  • Thread starter Lain
I sincerely don't understand the extent of the "freedom of speech" that allows those people to disturb funerals.

I consider myself a citizen from a country where freedom of speech is respected. However, if these guys lived here, they'd be jailed for disturbing a funeral (technically the "public order" or something like this). With general applause.

EDIT - Today I saw the (very moving) images from Simoncelli's funeral in Italy. It's unthinkable that a group of religious lunatics would try to disturb that. Same goes to Dan Wheldon's funeral.

RE-EDIT - I'm an old guy, so I remembered this, sharing here for those that never saw it. Quite fitting, but I guess not even Monty Python would ever come up with a Church that liked to disturb funerals. Reality wins over fiction ... again:


Note: subtitles in Spanish, this was the clip with with the best sound available.
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On a side note, things like this are why I'm an active athiest. For the majority of believers, religion might just be a harmless way of getting through life's hardships. But invariably, cases like these (or worse) occur. And there are more ways of looking at things than just from a religious perspective in order to deal with all the crazy, difficult things life throws our way.

Also, I didn't post this in the thread about Steve Jobs' death because this is a separate event. I don't want to fill up that thread, a place to pay respect, with a discussion on this vile behavior.

Also disgusting.

As a Christian, this bothers me more than it could bother anyone else.
These people do not act for the Kingdom of God, no matter what they say. They do harm to everyone, they ruin the reputation of Christians, bring shame to God, and offend everyone else.

As sad as it makes me that the OP is an atheist, how can you argue with that? When you see people do like the Westboro Baptist Church does, it's easy to come to such a conclusion.

It's appalling how people act and proclaim that they're for God. Protests, hatred, killings, even wars... all these things have been done "in the name of God."

As a Christian, our goal is to "Go into all the world and tell the gospel to all people so that some may be saved." It never said "Convert or kill," "cram it down people's throats," "protest at people's funerals," or any of the other terrible things that have been done.

What they have done and continue to do is terrible. What makes it worse is that they claim to do it in God's name and for the Church. We are supposed to teach and act in love, this is far from it.

Also, if they were actually trying to protest something, they should have done it while he was alive. Then he might have actually had a chance to hear them. As it stands, I'm of the opinion that they're purposely doing this to bring shame on us and make people hate us. I don't think they're actually sincere about what they say. If they actually believe what they say and do, then they are horribly misinformed and ignorant.

I hope that you can at least take my word that not all Christians are like this. :sly:
We're not supposed to be like that at all.
^Religion, like many other things touched by man, either becomes glorious, or downright corrupted.

When people say religion brings the worst out of people, they tend to forget religion is something that is taught by man too...

But really the best way to take away that Church's power, is to simply ignore them. Don't give them the time.

They are just like toddlers giving tantrums.
Rich S
Many of Fred Phelp's children have law degrees. Some are quite smart. But I do not agree with their wild views. :sly:

I might not agree with thier views,but at the same time the law i.e. Bills of Rights protect their natural right to express whatever views they might no matter how harmful, violent, or vile it is. Sadly though those who continue to rail against the Westboro Church are very ignorant of this fact and they end up falling into a trap. The same goes for these groups who stage counter/anti-Westboro protest...they aren't helping the situation, but rather escalating it.

On the issue of religon, people should really stop blaming it for the majority of problems that individuals face(as athiest say) however 99.9% of those problems really are caused by bureaucrats, that include wars; religion is merely the scapegoat.
I might not agree with thier views,but at the same time the law i.e. Bills of Rights protect their natural right to express whatever views they might no matter how harmful, violent, or vile it is. Sadly though those who continue to rail against the Westboro Church are very ignorant of this fact and they end up falling into a trap. The same goes for these groups who stage counter/anti-Westboro protest...they aren't helping the situation, but rather escalating it.

On the issue of religon, people should really stop blaming it for the majority of problems that individuals face(as athiest say) however 99.9% of those problems really are caused by bureaucrats, that include wars; religion is merely the scapegoat.
Throughout history many times religion was merely the scapegoat used to try to take power(and many times they did get that power). Nevertheless though if religion didn't exist we'd still have problems because human stupidity is infinite.:sly::ouch:
This makes me angry. Really, really, really, REALLY, angry.

The nerve of these people! What selfish, brainwashed, strange, inbred, moronic weirdos to do such a thing! Unbelievable. :yuck:


I hate it.

Also, as a side note, I've heard a lot more than this going on at the Westboro Baptist Freakplace.