What I meant was that it's people like these that make me want to actively try to persuade people away from their belief in religion.
Don't do that. Then you'll be as bad as them.
I see that in the protestant world any bunch of nitwits can call themselves a church, there should be some sort of rule to distinguish a "church" from a mere group of so-called believers in whatever God.
Well said.
Mother of god I hope that woman is kept away from scissors.
Well, in the end, it will go like this..
This is a problem that exists in America. Other countries too, but to a lesser extent. You have a bunch of nut jobs who call themselves a church, when the church is pretty much a front for bigoted actions against people that are doing no harm to them at all.
They target gay people, they target people of different ethnicities. Pretty much anything that doesn't fit in with their "White, American, Hetero, praise god" agendas. They're nothing more than a cult manifesting themselves as divination.
I spent six months in Toronto recently, and while in a Tim Hortons for a morning pick me up, there was a woman holding a crucifix, shouting all kinds of filth about gay people, lesbians and anyone that wasn't caucasian. Being that I was there with my girlfriend, who is Japanese, I got fed up and confronted her.
She told me I had no right to question her as she "was the voice of god". I quoted two very famous lines from the bible "Judge not lest ye be judged" and "thou shalt not cast the first stone".
By walking into that Tim Hortons on a nice summers morning, confronting people without provocation, she had broken these two rules. She paused for a second then told me that she was "provoked" by the amount of "sinners" in the place.
Nut jobs. I speak as an agnostic, but don't let people like this confuse you from the real churches and parishes out there.