Marine's father successful in suit against church for picketing his son's funeral

A bunch of whackjobs from a "church" in Kansas. I suspect their sermons consist of everyone inbreeding with each other and shooting meth.
When I saw the title mentioning church for picketing, I knew it was the Phelps. I hope they get what they've got coming to them.
Yes, a citizen can sue another citizen for anything they want, but it doesn't mean the case has merit. It's not about an allegeed "right not to be offended" at all.

The family is not suing Phelps over Phelps' right to free speech. The family is suing over the disruption of their privacy. They're not trying to stop Phelps from saying anything - they are trying to stop him from saying it on private property at a private event. There's a fundamental difference there.
While I agree with everything that Duke says, I want the guy gone. Not only because he is a disrepectful asshat, but because he gives Churches, God and Christianity a bad name.
There are plenty of whack jobs out there doing that. By and large they are not getting their "15 minutes" in the media.
I don't begrudge him his right to freedom of speech. I fought to protect it.
But there should be some "common sense" exercised. You don't go into a crowded theatre and scream "Fire!" cause it might cause a human stampede and get folks hurt.

There are better ways of teaching God's love than by telling mulitple groups that God hates them.
That is not how "reverse" psychology works.

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