What ails you?

By working out, you make the muscles stronger and it doesn't pop out of place so often.

So being scared of injuries isn't a reason to stop doing it.
Don't worry man, that's normal. 👍

I'm the same; have a fecal discharge every morning. Regular as clockwork at 6am. Trouble is, I don't get up until 7! *

*Old ones are the best...

It's really frustrating for your body to schedule your daily discharge for precisely when you get home because when staying after school for band practice or anything else by the end I'm having to really hold it in. :P And yes, the old ones are the best but only occasionally, usually by the end your really wanting to get out of there. :yuck:

My only sickness or anything isn't really even a sickness, it's just annoying... Well it is a sickness really, Hayfever makes me get sick two times a year and have an occasionally snotty nose for 3 months. :P