What air freshener do you use in your vehicle?


United States
I have tried several air fresheners and have had mixed results. Havent found one yet I truly like besides the "Febreze" air fresheners that go into the vents.

These are great for winter because heat is applied directly to each one.

I tried the adjustable Febreze air fresheners with the gel but they don't work very well without heat. Smells good for only about a day. Then have to turn to max settings and hardly smell it.

I am trying to find a better alternative. Any ideas? I might even try just setting a fabric softener sheet into the glovebox or console.
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Don't laugh or make fun of what I'm about to say but they use toxic ingredients to make these fresheners. If you use these in your car, you always breathe in toxic fumes.
Yeah, I was going to say none but I have used the ones that Slashfan posted, I like the smell sometimes but I'd prefer to have none.
I put in the little trees too. Between the kids and the fact my DD is 17 years old once the temp hits above 80 degrees (which is most of the year here) you need some kind of freshener. And yes my car is clean just not spotless.
Febreeze vent clips.

They're the first air freshner I've found that lasts more than 30 days and actually fills the car with a nice scent. They come on sale about once a month, and with coupons, they're basically free. Plus, the color combination matches the interior of my car. :D


*Not my car, just a picture found off the internet.

I don't know why everyone else's car stinks so much that they need air fresheners, but perhaps it's because they don't shower at the right time of day.

I don't know why everyone else's car stinks so much that they need air fresheners, but perhaps it's because they don't shower at the right time of day.
It's a 1991 Japanese car. :lol:

Speaking of interior smells, I was scrubbing some leather conditioner inside a Hawker 800 today. It smelled like old England.
I used Ozium, but I only use it after a camping trips or road trips for the most part.
I use this one air freshener I found at the dollar store. The scent is called 'Angel Heart' and is written with copious Japanese script, and I found it suitably hilarious enough to stick in my Focus. Smells pretty nice, to be honest, but I have no idea what exactly it does smell like.

Let's see if this works:
I've had an empty AirWick freshener clipped on my vent for the past 4 months. Just haven't bothered to refill it, the interior of my car doesn't stink anyway.
No air fresheners, but I do apply Meguiars leather cleaner and conditioner to my truck seats.
(IMO) That is a good smell.
I don't use any. Oddly enough I bought my car brand new over a year ago and still occasionally get a whiff of the new car smell.

Other than that, I use my own natural musk, scent of a man.
I don't use any. Oddly enough I bought my car brand new over a year ago and still occasionally get a whiff of the new car smell.

I find that lasts a few years if the car is well taken car of inside.

I like it, but wouldn't want it to last forever.
None. I bought my car new and no smell-adding activities are allowed in my car other than the occasional road trip food. And I have no problem letting the car air out when something does cause a smell.

In the past I had used cars that came with a scent that wasn't detectable at purchase. Then I just used my grandmother's old remedy: Set a bowl of vinegar in it for a day or two to neutralize the smell, then air out the vinegar fumes. This removed all but the toughest smoke smells, leaving only the occasional whiff of something coming out of the vents.
Set a bowl of vinegar in it for a day or two to neutralize the smell, then air out the vinegar fumes. This removed all but the toughest smoke smells, leaving only the occasional whiff of something coming out of the vents.

That actually works? I always thought it was a load of BS. I've never really had much of a reason to try it though.
My car smelled like typical 2000s/90s bimmmer or VW and on top of that it sort of smelled like oil and being put away, I didn't really mind but other people probably do so I decided to make it smell better. First I put a couple of the towels you put in the dryer to remove smell and that helped, then I proceeded to add a freshner that you put on the floor and that was starting to smell a bit strong so I took it out, but it helped get rid of the smell. Then I just used leatherique on the seats which leaves a very clean smell, so I was finally left with something pretty neutral compared to the trunk (that still smelled like the rest when I got it but I don't care). Right now the car smells pretty neutral with a hint of not so new car smell (not a bad smell) and a little like my perfume.
I use Cetane diesel fuel additive, pour a little in a Tupperware with holes in the lid and place it under the back seat. Smells fantastic, especially when it's hot. Surprisingly the ladies like the smell also!

:EDIT: Hey, this is my 500th post!
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It's a your mileage may vary fix, but it is the primary ingredient for many homemade air fresheners. Vinegar is one of those chemicals that has so many uses that you should always have a gallon-sized bottle on hand.
There's some sort of chemical process to this? Or is it just the fact that the smell of vinegar overpowers the others, your nose eventually gets used to it, and then all the smells seemingly disappear? All I know is that when vinegar is involved with anything around my house, that's all I can smell for a few hours and it's stronger than poo on the carpet.
There's some sort of chemical process to this? Or is it just the fact that the smell of vinegar overpowers the others, your nose eventually gets used to it, and then all the smells seemingly disappear? All I know is that when vinegar is involved with anything around my house, that's all I can smell for a few hours and it's stronger than poo on the carpet.

But it doesn't linger the way other smells do.

My best guess is the molecules trap odor causing stuff and pull it out when it dissipates. But as you know it contains no perfumes or dyes you know it won't harm children or pets.

The only worry with vinegar is if it might damage a surface susceptible to acidic damage.
None. Mine smells like exhaust, greasy fast food, or humid "did I accidentally leave something wet in here?" smells, depending on when you ask.
None. Mine smells like exhaust, greasy fast food, or humid "did I accidentally leave something wet in here?" smells, depending on when you ask.

My pickup smells like oil, grease, gas, and exhaust with old seat hahah.

Wouldn't have it any other way.