What do you keep/have in your car?

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If mine gets used, there is the chance I won't be one using it. ;)
My ex's father took part in shooting competitions regularly. He simply prefaced any stop with "just so you know officer, there is ammunition and firearms in the back (of the Suburban)" if he was ever pulled over for any reason. Never was a problem.

Well, except the one time he forgot to mention it at the US border as we were heading in, and they had asked to open the tailgate. That was awkward.

It's ultimately your choice if you tell them. Either way it can go good or bad.
Today I learned not to mess with Slash.

Jumper Cables
Tool box (locked), contains a full ratchet and socket set in 2 drives with 32 SAE combination wrenches, breaker bar and hammer
Operators license (usually on me)
Prior Records
Bill of sale
Random car parts
Shotgun shells - 2" 3/4" and 3" deer slugs, usually Remington Slugger's or Winchester Super X
1 box of .22 rounds
4 boxes of 7.62x39mm rounds
NY legal 5 round magazines (curse you NY I want to use my 31 round banana magazines)
.44 Magnum and respective rounds
Phone Charger
Condoms (hey, you never know :lol:)
Automatic transmission/power steering fluid
1 quart of 10W-40 Oil
Windshield washer fluid
Radiator Coolant
Spare tire
Wiper blades
1 gallon of water
Something to drink (usually)
Duct tape
Electical tape
Cassette to mp3 adapter
Snow brush/ice scraper
Air freshener
Haynes Manual
2 knives
Cardboard box for target practice

I keep very little in my car because clutter drives me nuts. The registration and owner's manual are kept in the glovebox, and a small piece of a phone holder I disassembled are in a small storage compartment by the center armrest. I keep a couple jazz CDs and two whatever the hell CDs in the door's storage compartment. A box of wipes stays under the passenger seat, and the sunshade goes in the back when not in use.
Today I learned not to mess with Slash.


I keep very little in my car because clutter drives me nuts. The registration and owner's manual are kept in the glovebox, and a small piece of a phone holder I disassembled are in a small storage compartment by the center armrest. I keep a couple jazz CDs and two whatever the hell CDs in the door's storage compartment. A box of wipes stays under the passenger seat, and the sunshade goes in the back when not in use.

Honestly, the sound never really bothered me with all that stuff. I tend to not really notice it, but I also listen to music a lot so I probably don't really hear it. Normally the volume is at mid volume or less, but I do have a tendency to let the world know Metallica is playing :lol:
Today I learned not to mess with Slash.

I keep very little in my car because clutter drives me nuts. The registration and owner's manual are kept in the glovebox, and a small piece of a phone holder I disassembled are in a small storage compartment by the center armrest. I keep a couple jazz CDs and two whatever the hell CDs in the door's storage compartment. A box of wipes stays under the passenger seat, and the sunshade goes in the back when not in use.

Are you in your mid-forties?
Yeah, he keeps guns, knives, various fluids, and rubbers in his car, so it really is a bad idea.

I see what you did there :lol:

This looks like my house. :D


Maybe not quite as bad :lol:
Here's what I have in my car

Chair for car shows
size 11 CAT steel tow boots
welding gloves
Napa tool book

Back seat
winter gloves
snow brush

Ipod charger
random CDs burned from Itunes

Car information and deodorant

Change and garage opener.
I keep my WRX very empty. I do have a few more items in my car for winter driving.

Glove Box:
  • Owners Manual
  • Insurance/Registration
  • Stereo remote

Center Console:
  • Music CD's
  • Small Set of Tools
  • Paper Towels
  • Snow Brush/Scraper
  • Gloves
  • Jumper cables
  • Amp, custom box I built with sub
  • Spare tire, jack, factory tow hook.
  • Tow strap, shackles (WRX is AWD so it can pull many other vehicles out)
My WRX trunk. As you can see, almost all the parts listed above, are hidden. And yes I can still reach the spare tire and jack without removing the speaker box. I designed the box thin specifically for that reason. ;)
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Jumper cables, jack, spare, jacket, hat, flashlight, change in cups ($10) (and only in the cups, no free floating change or change in center console), ownership papers (insurance etc.), and a couple of gear shift knobs for different times of year/outside temperatures.

I try to keep as little as possible and keep it clean...

Oh, forgot the mini first aid kit, calculator, and spool of string.
In the trunk:

Spare tire
Jug of coolant
Tire lug wrench
Dog leashes
Sunshade for the windshield
Fire extinguisher (it's original, so about 25 years old...)
Seat protector for the back seat if I ever take dogs somewhere (I never use it because we usually take them in the trucks)
Tarp (no idea why it's in there :lol:)
Jumper cables
A few other things that are underneath the spare tire and I haven't bothered to take out/rearrange.


Ice scraper
Cup holder/change holder thing (the car didn't come with cup holders)
Tire pressure gauge
More dog leashes
Handicapped placard in case I ever take my grandma or uncle anywhere
Lots and lots of receipts. I'm too lazy to throw them away I guess...

That's all I can think of. I try to keep it pretty organized.
I'm trying to turn over a new leaf here and keep my interior and all nicer. Currently it's got:
Pair of oakley sunglasses, pair of berkeley sunglasses
Bottle of water
Hotwheels car
Motorcycle helmet/leather jacket

Bed of the truck has my a bamboo pole, spare tire, and an old spit bottle

Toolbox has jumpers, and an assortment of crap. My tools to keep with the truck turned into tools for work. I need to make a harbor freight run to re-outfit the truck with some basics. And a jack.
I usually carry a knife with me when I'm driving but I usually carry a knife any time. The AK-47's and .44 Magnums are a bit of overkill :lol:. A 9mm would or even a .22 would suffice. You usually don't need to shoot to kill, and even if you do, you have more rounds with a small caliber weapon (there are exceptions) but I'm getting wayyy off topic.

Also, when I think of @Slash I don't think of AK-47's :lol: that was unexpected.
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I carry a full jack and suitcase tool kit in my Subaru trunk plus a Alice Pack with Frame just because I don't know where else to keep the pack. In my back seat I have kids seats for my 8yo and 1yo. Beyond that I have a flashlight and multitool plus insurance and registration papers in the glove box.
I have the usual stuff and two 'lucky coins', a Brittish penny and a 50 cent coin from Aruba.
Don't ask why because I couldn't tell you.
Off the top of my head

12 volt air pump
Booster cables
First aid kit
Tire repair kit/plugs
Tire pressure gauge
Washer fluid
Warm blanket
Travel pillow

In the summer I carry a digital multimeter, usually to check the batteries in the boat or troubleshoot trailer lights etc. the wiring on one of the trailers I use is a little sketchy.
I usually carry a knife with me when I'm driving but I usually carry a knife any time. The AK-47's and .44 Magnums are a bit of overkill :lol:. A 9mm would or even a .22 would suffice. You usually don't need to shoot to kill, and even if you do, you have more rounds with a small caliber weapon (there are exceptions) but I'm getting wayyy off topic.

Also, when I think of @Slash I don't think of AK-47's :lol: that was unexpected.

Hey I like powerful guns haha. I've got a lot of high powered rifles.

I always thought he was more of a shotgun guy.

I've got an arsenal of those as well, at least 8 of them, most of them double barrels.
I don't know why haha. There's no reason to be. Its not like I'm going to hunt you down or anything :lol: I'm actualy a responsible gun owner.
I really don't keep to much in my car, can't comprehend how people can have mounds of crap stuffed into theirs. (Not that I'm referring to anyone here :P)

In the glovebox:
Insurance papers
Notepad and a few pens
Multiple 3 CD loader trays
Owners manual

In the cabin:
Ice scraper
Seat cover (for driving home from work)
My parking pass for school

Jumper cables
A quart of 5W-30 oil
Spare and tire iron and jack

That's all :P
A gun
Basic tool set
Spare Tire
Registration Stuff, Vehicle info and all that stuff I need if I get pulled over