What do you keep/have in your car?

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In the glove box:

Proof of insurance
Photocopy of title
3.5mm audio cable
Few zip ties
Blue tape

In the trunk:

Car jack
Jumping cables
A quart of oil
Included BMW toolkit
Lug wrench
Tow hook
A pair of gloves
A large box for putting groceries in
Reusable bags
In the trunk:

full-sized spare tire
lug wrench
breaker bar with 3/4" socket on the end

In the glove box:

a pair of leather gloves :sly:
registration and insurance cards
pencil and paper
car charger for the cell phone
a open pack of spare side marker lamps; one burnt out seven years ago but not the other
In the bed:

Spare tire, a few jacks, a lug wrench, quite a few empty bottles and cigarette packs.

Owners manual, a few service receipts, a couple of lighters, registration and proof of insurance.

A Title Fight shirt, cable for iPhone to stereo, a plush cupcake taped to my dash, a little plastic pikachu in the window, my high visibility vest and beanie for work, a few other hats, a bunch of change, some magazines for my airsoft rifle, pens, the old shift knob, and probably over 9,000 lighters because my truck likes to steal them from me.
In the glove box

-Road Map
-Wet wipes
-3.5mm to 3.5mm headphone cable
-De-icer spray
-Ice scraper
-Head torch

Front cubby holes
-Sun glasses
-12v to Micro Usb charger
-Loose change
-Windscreen holder for phone

In the rear cubby holes/parcel shelf
-1 ltr Power Steering fluid
-"Ozzy" the Osprey's RFC mascot and a Wenlock Union Jack stuffed toy.

In the boot
-Foot pump
-5 ltr petrol can (empty)
-Safety tabard
-Very warm workman's coat
-Standard spare tyre and tool set
-Small shovel
-(Soon to add 2ltr of drinking water a packet of cookies)
In the trunk:
2 Amps
Jumper cables
Reusable shopping bags

Glove Box:
Owner's manual
Tire pressure gauge
First-aid kit
Ice Scraper
Insurance documentation

Centre Console:
3 CDs

Passenger Side Map Pocket:
Map of Ontario
Local Transit system maps

On the floor in the back seat:
Snow brush

I try to keep as few items as possible in my car to eliminate unwanted rattles and vibrations when I turn the music up.
-AUX cable
-stuffed silvestre and tweety at the back(actually my mom's car :D)

One thing I am actually considering is putting gloves in the car,driving in the early morning and at night has been a nightmare of late .
Speakerbox with 2 10'' subs
Gas can
Extra windshield washer fluid

Center Console

car charger


Happy Birthday teddy bear
In my trunk: Fuses, ratchet set, screw drivers, spare tire, tire iron, jack, tire pressure gauge, jumper cables, coolant, water bottles, snow brush, and leather cleaner in the trunk along with some handy plumbing/electrical tools.

In the front: Bandages/first aid ointment for work, CDs, road map of Cleveland and surrounding areas, lighters, spare pack of cigs, gloves and my registration in the front.

I like to keep things simple with as little clutter as possible in my car, kind of the opposite of how I do things otherwise.
One thing I am actually considering is putting gloves in the car,driving in the early morning and at night has been a nightmare of late .

Same here, my hands get horribly cold in the morning, though I've gotten somewhat used to it.
-Repair kit, in case something goes wrong with the car
-Simple medical kit, in case something goes wrong with me
-Length of rope
-Duct tape
-Plastic bags
-Bag of candy
-Air freshener

That's all I can think of.
Ok @Thom is bitching at me for not taking part in this sooooo bit of a bump:

-A Chamois Leather
-Pair of black leather gloves
-CD case although I use a USB stick so it's redundant
-Bloodied wrench
-Three kinds of de-icer: Spray, Aerosol and Overnight.
-A rolled up carpet
-A plethora of brochures and catalogues I have never bothered removing.
-Ice scraper
-Two pairs of shoes and a Jacket in case I need a spare set of them at any point
-A Disney cassette despite no cassette player

The boot/trunk is empty though. I have a complex about it, I hate leaving anything in it.
A tube of music-reactive neon under the front seat, even though the music-reactivity only works if the music volume is perfectly matched to an impossibly fine setting on the tube and it seems to pick up engine/heater noise better than the music anyway.

An ice scraper, because I like to be able to see where I'm going.

An "emergency" stash of M&Ms and Reeses PB Cups in the glove box.

A ton of garbage everywhere that I've never bothered to clean up. The trunk liner also probably has trace amounts (i.e. just enough to be dangerous if someone ever tries to carry food in the trunk) of antifreeze soaked into it after a recent fail involving that substance. Here's a tip - a porch light does not provide sufficent illumination to allow adding coolant! I have a bag of cat litter laying around that I'm planning on dumping into the trunk at some point, to soak up any antifreeze that's in there.

A bottle of Heet that I never got round to putting in the tank - perhaps using it would help the increasingly obnoxious rough-running issues I've been having! Although, perhaps fuel injector cleaner would be the better solution for a situation where a car, while idling (i.e. at a stoplight) after driving for some time, randomly starts to stall out - after clearing it out with the throttle (or restarting it, if I'm too slow), the car seems to run better than usual for some time.
Updated from before:

Jumper Cables
Tool box (locked), contains a full ratchet and socket set in 2 drives with 32 SAE combination wrenches, breaker bar and hammer
Operators license (usually on me)
Prior Records
Bill of sale
Random car parts
Shotgun shells - 2" 3/4" and 3" deer slugs, usually Remington Slugger's or Winchester Super X
1 box of .22 rounds
4 boxes of 7.62x39mm rounds
NY legal 5 round magazines (curse you NY I want to use my 31 round banana magazines)
.44 Magnum and respective rounds
Phone Charger
Condoms (hey, you never know :lol:)
Automatic transmission/power steering fluid
1 quart of 10W-40 Oil
Windshield washer fluid
Radiator Coolant
Spare tire
Wiper blades
1 gallon of water
Something to drink (usually)
Duct tape
Electical tape
Cassette to mp3 adapter
Snow brush/ice scraper
Air freshener
Haynes Manual
2 knives
Cardboard box for target practice

That's gonna weigh you down. :P

God forbid his car is any slower :lol:

See above. Personal protection, because I can, and because I like to randomly go out shooting either by myself or with friends, so I have stuff with me. You wouldn't even know it's in there, it's mounted up under the seat. When it was in the truck we had 2 racks mounted on the window behind your head. You could clearly see it through the window :D

I have a funny comment I could make but I'd probably get banned for it.

Yes I'm a redneck, and I don't give a damn. :dopey:
Front 2 seats and Door panels-
-Scantron sheets
-Water bottle
-Gas receipts

Back seats and floor-
-sheets of 1500 grit sandpaper in the rear seat cupholder that pops out
-Blue full-face-covering Ski mask

Glove Box-
-Insurance card
-Voter's card
-W203 Owners Manual in a leather case
-10 blank CD cases
-Some other type of paper. It's a mess...

Ash Tray-
-Change. Conveniently pops out and I run it into the Krogers coin machine and get $6 every now and then.

Trunk(top layer)-
-Giant umbrella I've never used. Pretty sure there's a hole in it.
-Some type of gray case that holds sockets. Don't have the actual wrench...
-Tool case that includes the necessities. Duct Tape, knife, factory LED bulbs, tire pressure checker, socket/ratchet wrench set that I can actually use, bright ass dual LED magnetic flashlight that you can attach to hood... some other stuff, can't remember

Trunk(left and right side that indents)-
-old practice shorts and shirt
-Box that has old side marker lens
-One of those little drawstring bags that you get from giveaways

Trunk(lifting the top layer up)-
-Spare tire. Not even close to the size I have on there now.
-Really small jack. Just enough to lift 1 tire about 10 cm off ground
-Nope, no torque or 4-way wrench.

And if it counts, a cassette to AUX input that is stuck in my tape player. It doesn't work anymore, either. So I just have a rather long cord running into the passenger floor...
I would love to see you get pulled over. :lol:

It's not a big deal. You aren't required by law to tell them you have a gun in your vehicle anyways. They need a reason to search your vehicle. Don't give them one. If you tell them you have a gun, you grant them the right to search your vehicle because you've given them a probable cause, and that you might be up to something. As far as the pistol, it's not technically on me in a holster, so they can't bust me for concealed carry without a permit. If I had a concealed carry permit, it would come up when they ran my license.

And the condoms?

I have a bad tendency to get lucky at random :dopey:
It's not a big deal. You aren't required by law to tell them you have a gun in your vehicle anyways. They need a reason to search your vehicle. Don't give them one. If you tell them you have a gun, you grant them the right to search your vehicle because you've given them a probable cause, and that you might be up to something. As far as the pistol, it's not technically on me in a holster, so they can't bust me for concealed carry without a permit. If I had a concealed carry permit, it would come up when they ran my license.

I have a bad tendency to get lucky at random :dopey:
I'm sure it's different in NY, but if a cop pulls you over in Texas you have to tell them you have a gun in the car; even if they don't say they're searching. They don't have a problem with guns in cars (obviously, it's Texas) but you can't be a felon or something.
I'm not following?

I'm sure it's different in NY, but if a cop pulls you over in Texas you have to tell them you have a gun in the car; even if they don't say they're searching. They don't have a problem with guns in cars (obviously, it's Texas) but you can't be a felon or something.

Yes it varies per state. By all means tell them you are armed but don't say gun right away. The last thing you want to do is spook someone who is authorized to kill you if they deem you a threat.
Glove Box:
- Insurance card
- Owner's manual
- Two other unimportant papers I can't remember

- Duct tape
- Flat tire tools
- Blanket
- Spare tire

I admit I'm not very well prepared for the inevitable breakdown we call "Rolla life" =P
My ex's father took part in shooting competitions regularly. He simply prefaced any stop with "just so you know officer, there is ammunition and firearms in the back (of the Suburban)" if he was ever pulled over for any reason. Never was a problem.

Well, except the one time he forgot to mention it at the US border as we were heading in, and they had asked to open the tailgate. That was awkward.

I just keep one in my wallet.

If that wallet is kept in a back pocket, that's one of the worst places.