What are some video games you used to like, but dislike/don't care for anymore?

  • Zelda games, open world doesnt do it for me.
  • Call of Duty / Battlefield more generaly war fps
  • FIFA / PES / NBA 2k used to play them (even won a tournament in my town on pes) but can't anymore I just find them boring, also doesnt help that I dont follow soccer anymore. As for NBA2k it just became stupid. They close server too soon to force you to buy the new version so I can't get behind that marketing stunt. So they wont have my money.
  • Forza games isnt going in the right way, dont like what it became in the new gen of consoles, GT7 in a way too but I still do sports time attack and do some race from time to time as the game still feels and looks good, it just lacks a lot of things imo.
Recently revisited some Atari arcade games featured on a PC game of ours and found 2 worthy of being posted in this thread.

Crystal Castles.
Used to like this game right much as a kid and have good memories playing it, but revisiting it as an adult, it no longer holds up anymore. The controls and the way you navigate the levels are just tedious and awkward and for that reason, I don't get much enjoyment from it anymore.

This used to be my favorite of the bunch on that disc, but not anymore. Replaying it a couple of times made me realize our old computer might not have been running this game at full speed because I remember it being a lot slower than it is on my current PC. Now that it's running at a faster pace, and I find it harder to enjoy it now. Everything just happens a little too fast and it feels like it wants to throw everything it has at you and I just find it to be a bit too chaotic. Those spiders are really annoying in this game and they kill me more than anything else. Not only that, but I hate the death sound this game has simply because it's way too loud in contrast to the rest of the game.

To be fair, I wonder if my PC might be running the game too fast or this PC disc just runs it at a faster speed than the original arcade machines, but either way, it's not the game it used to be for me. Ironically, I used to like this one more than Centipede because it was slower on our old computer, but now it's the other way around.
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Overwatch. Blizzard basically killed the entire player base by neglecting it for years while they worked on the "sequel". When that finally came around no one was interested in playing it and it was a massive disappointment for the ones who did. Then they announced that they scrapped the PVE mode, the sole reason everyone was interested in the sequel, and that was the final nail in the coffin. Can't go without mentioning the whole misconduct fiasco as well, that made me feel really bad for supporting Blizzard as a whole.

Codemasters' F1 series. Been on a downward spiral since F1 2020. Each entry has less features than the last, they are bug ridden messes and full of janky physics and questionable core gameplay decisions. Only reason I still play it is because of a couple of leagues I'm in. Thanks EA.
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FIFA/PES/2K : I used to buy those games every years, i played a lot of hours to these games for about 20 years, but now i could care less about them. All those games modes are based on a pay to win or pay to enjoy the experience, no new feature, they don't care about the solo modes specially the career modes.

The sports itself is dead.

F1 games : Same as the ones i mentionned above, the sport is dead, the graphics and the audio of the car are not attractive, the career mode is empty. I take much more fun and pleasure to race on F1 05, F1 Championship Edition or F1 2010/2011 than any of the modern F1 games.

Gran Turismo : Ok GT Sport was not bad but the lack of content, the lack of feature, race cars, events etc.. didn't convinced me to jump and buy GT7.

It seem that a part of me as a gamer is dead probably.
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GTA V/GTA Online: I was all in when it was the biggest game in the world like everybody else was and played a ton of Online when it finally got working. Then Rockstar milked Online for every single penny and turned it into a pay-to-win cesspit. Not to mention the planned single player story DLC that ended up getting axed to keep squeezing players dry in Online.

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