- 621
- United States
- Boston77Bruins
Then out of the corner of my eye I see this bottle here before you. Stone makes it a couple times a year and it out of this world! Fresh, fresh, fresh IPAs are the best IPAs and Stone tells you how long you have to drink it buy placing it as the label.
Pours a deep Amber color with a one finger head forming that dissipates quickly. Lacing is spider web fine as it descends down the glass.
For a hop head this is heaven. Heavy pine sap/resin mixed with sweet citrus fruit.
Spruce, grapefruit, orange, and cut grass are up front and finishes with a sweet and dank on the tongue.
4.7 out of 5. A remarkable beer that is full of character. An IPA that knows how to be an IPA. Citrusy, piney, dank and floral. It should be a crime to drink a beer that is 9.4% this dang easy.
Lock me up. Im hooked again.