What are you Eating/Drinking?

  • Thread starter Super-Supra
Animal double-double and a Coke.

And 4 boxes of Caramel deLites / Samoas. The nice mom at the Girl Scouts table tried to tell me I could freeze a couple boxes for later, but I threw my head back and cackled something about how they'd barely last the weekend.
Bought some angel food cake, lemon merengue pie, and some apple cobbler to make a splendid treat tomorrow. Will let you all know how it went later.

Tried a new recipe I found online for Chinese pork belly, and despite looking decidedly ropey for most of the cooking, it turned out really well... better yet I have the other half of the ingredients to try it again tmrw with a few tweaks...

I bought some 'cooking wine' from my local Chinese minimarket (which I've never visited before) and was surprised to discover that pretty much everything was written in Chinese, and even the lady behind the counter needed to use Google Translate to tell me what the wine was for - her answer was 'deodorant'... that didn't exactly fill me with confidence, but I do remember a Taiwanese friend telling me that they often cook with alcohol "to kill the smell" (of the meat), which sounds horrible but it is tasty nevertheless.

I also bought Jasmine rice and it seemed to cook very quickly, and it is under the meat and veg in the pic above. The pork belly gets boiled to remove "impurities" and it looks truly revolting after it has been boiled, but then it is covered in 'cooking wine', soy sauce and eventually you can add sugar or honey and then reduce it down into a glaze that covers the meat. Definitely a success, and although it takes two hours and a fair bit of monitoring, esp. at the end, it was well worth it.
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I made 'Lamb Cannon' tonight - lamb loin fillet wrapped in prosciutto with garlic and rosemary... it wasn't what I wanted but the other cuts of lamb were ridiculously expensive. As it happens, though, loin fillet is the most expensive cut of lamb you can get, and in my local Waitrose (a posh UK supermarket chain), it is an absurd £50 a kilo. This fillet was just over 250g and it was priced at £13.70... however, a shop assistant came over and slapped a 'Reduced' sticker on it, and handed it to me saying 'It's less than half price, how could you not?'... and so I got it for £5.

I'm not a big fan of rare meat, but the recipe for this said that it had to be cooked at very low temperature for just 40 minutes, before being seared in a frying pan for a few minutes. I was very skeptical that I'd be able to eat any of it, which would have been a shame given that it is by far the most expensive meat I've ever bought, pound for pound... I'm glad to report, however, that although it didn't look all that great, it was very nice... the meat was so soft, and the flavour from the garlic and herbs was great. The seared proscuitto on the outside was delicious, but I reckon it could have done with another half hour in the oven personally... that said, apparently that is how you are meant to eat lamb i.e. barely cooked. I was kind of hoping the fat would be nice and soft but it wasn't really edible, so for a modest sized piece of meat, there was quite alot of waste... OK when I only paid a £5 for it, but crazy to think that people pay almost £14 for just over half a pound of meat.

Breakside Brewings Stay West IPA. 7%
I’m a huge fan of an IPA by them called Wanderlust (top 3 on my IPA list) and wanted to see how it compares. It was described as citrusy and refreshing.

Appearance: not described as a hazy but it sure was. Straw colored with a huge fluffy, white cloudy head that quickly disappeared.

Smell: not much to like here. Slight orange zest and I mean slight and a tiny burnt caramel malt note.

Taste: disappointing to say the least. I was hoping for more citrus or pine or anything really.
For being a 7% ABV beer it was quite drinkable despite it is average in every way.

Overall: I won’t buy this ever again. Nothing stands out. It’s appearance in the glass is the only thing that’s good about it. 2 out of 5
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I stopped at Uwajimaya for some supplies and saw they had a sale on Japanese mini Kit-Kats. I got Halloween Break (sweet potato) and Cheesecake flavors. The cheesecake Kit-Kats all had the same packaging, but the Halloween Break Kit-Kats all had different iconic monster images on them. They each say “Talking Hands” in English under the pictures. The monsters are all using sign language, and the text on the bottom tells you what they’re signing. When it comes to packaging, the Japanese don’t do things by half measures.

They were delicious.


A piece of buttermilk pie because it's Pi Day. Okay so I made it Saturday and I've had a piece every night since. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?
Visiting with family in Jersey. Only time I get to eat these since Wawa refuses to build a location within 4 hours of me.
View attachment 1238216
That looks really good, it's tempting me to go get some, but we cannot tolerate meat right now as we have high Sulphur. We have to limit protein. Mostly we've been eating starches, fruits and vegetables. Potatoes too, but mostly russets. Cool coke can with the League of Legends logo.

1.5oz Redemption High Rye bourbon
1oz Campari
1oz Dolin Rouge sweet vermouth

Stirred with ice and served up in a coupe glass with orange peel. So frickin' good.
Looks like a free lunch (or two...) for me today possibly...

My workmate has organised a workshop and lunch for 63 people, but there will be a good number of meals going spare.

I usually have lunch with my pals on a Friday, and so I've asked if they can come too... she said yes, but can we turn up after everyone else has had their lunch - that's alright, but it does mean a) all the good stuff will be gone, and b) it will likely be cold by the time we get ours. Another problem is - it's mostly veggie / vegan - this is their 'hot pot' menu - I reckon the meat option will be the most popular.
  • Spiced saag curry w/ marinated tofu w/ rice (vgn, GF)
  • Mac & cheese w/ rosemary & sage crumb served w/ garlic bread (v)
  • Leek & kale potato gratin w/ sautéed green beans (v, GF)
  • South Indian pumpkin & split pea rasam w/ gunpowder potatoes (vgn, GF)
  • Dan dan noodles - spicy sichuan ground beef OR oyster mushrooms (vgn) w/ sesame, spring onions & pak choi
The beef one sounds good, but the rest don't sound too appealling to me...
  • Dan dan noodles - spicy sichuan ground beef OR oyster mushrooms (vgn) w/ sesame, spring onions & pak choi
The only logical option is the beef noods.

As somebody who lived in the region for some time, I can say there’s no cow beef in Sichuan. At best it’s yak or buffalo (hungry now). At worst it’s goat. Which is still pretty awesome compared to the rest of the options there.

Egg noodles with bovine trimmings would perfectly suit my hunger right now. Especially if it’s spicy.
The only logical option is the beef noods.

As somebody who lived in the region for some time, I can say there’s no cow beef in Sichuan. At best it’s yak or buffalo (hungry now). At worst it’s goat. Which is still pretty awesome compared to the rest of the options there.

Egg noodles with bovine trimmings would perfectly suit my hunger right now. Especially if it’s spicy.
It was all a bit bizarre in the end.

We arrived 'late' to pick up the leftovers, but (as I suspected) the lunch was running late anyway, so we ended up arriving just as people were being served, so we looked like a bunch of freeloaders.

We decided against it and went to a local Thai restaurant instead, but we picked up the free stuff on our way back. I'm not having any as there was no beef stuff left (as expected), but my workmates all took some and will use it for dinner tonight, so it won't get wasted. And my workmate who told us about the free food is happy, although she thinks we had it for lunch...
View attachment 1242186Homemade 50/50 pizza. One half is prosciutto e funghi, the other is “El Greco” (Feta cheese & pickled Mediterranean peppers with chorizo on a hummus base)
Bread is homemade
If I wasn’t already hungry, I am more so now.
Please send the prosciutto half, express mail, to:
1 Hungry Person,
Over There.
Earth. (Local Cluster)

I am able to pay in multiple currencies, including but not limited to;
  • Pokémon cards
  • hand rolled Lanna cigars
  • contracted prankery
  • well wishing
  • listening (subject to terms and condition)
  • possibly monetary currency

If the wine is included, I’ll tip.

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