What are you watching?

  • Thread starter Blackbird.
A couple movies I bought from RiffTrax. Married Too Young is a laughably moralistic movie from the ‘50s. Bridget and Mary Jo roast it perfectly. I love the movies they riff because they are genuine friends so their delivery bounces off each other just right.

Savage is a ‘90s sci-fi yawner of a thriller with a cast of mostly nobodies (okay, Cary Grant and Lee Remick’s daughter Jennifer Grant is in it) and the budget of high school play. Thankfully Mike, Kevin, and Bill are there to make it watchable.
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Sorry @UKMikey I had to.. :D

Speed Racer is fantastic. I’m really hoping it gets a 4K HDR release as I’m sure it will look insane.

Bound is another Wachowski I can watch over and over again, superb thriller.
Just finished watching season's one and two of The Chosen, and really enjoyed it. It scored 9.4 on IMDB, and 4.9 on Google Play. It's the biggest crowd funded TV series of all time, and is highly recommended.

There are Lots of ways to watch it for free.

Watch it on Roku, FireTV, AppleTV, etc, via Angel Studios.

Download The Chosen app to your phone, and cast it to your TV.

Watch it for free in a browser here: https://watch.angelstudios.com/thec...1-episode-1-i-have-called-you-by-name&ap=true

Also available on PLEX, as well as loads of other places.
I think the What are you watching thread is more about TV shows than movies.

Anyway one of the best shows I have seen in years, or maybe ever is Heartstopper, on Netflix. The show has a 100%/97% score from Rotten Tomatoes.

I am gay, so I could be biased.

Here is a compellation of the two main characters. If you have already watched Heartstopper, you will like this.

If you have not watched Heartstopper, don't watch this vid, Watch the show, It is eight episodes of awesome.

A new season is coming soon.

I wasn't aware there was any restriction upon what you could say you were watching on this thread. If it helps I'm watching these movies on a TV (or a tablet if I'm still in bed).

Independence Day Happy 4Th Of July GIF by Stan.

No spoilers...


I watched the finale of 'Better Call Saul' last night.

I'll be sorry to see it go - I loved 'Breaking Bad' but it kind of got bogged down a bit in the middle, and the end was pretty unsatisfactory, though it had plenty of awesome moments.

'Better Call Saul' was just epic from start to finish, but the last two seasons in particular were pretty special.

I'd say you don't have to have watched BB to enjoy BCS, but knowing the context and background (well, foreground really...) of Saul from BB does add an extra dimension throughout the series, and by the end it becomes hard to tell how much those who never watched BB would not get.

BB is kind of heavy weather at times, but BCS is funny, endearing, beautifully shot, brilliantly written and superbly acted. It's an absolute televisual masterpiece.


Season 6 Goodbye GIF by Better Call Saul
Finished Better Call Saul last night. It was absolutely wonderful. In general, everything was done so well in Better Call Saul. The cinematography was consistently awesome. Lalo is one of my favorite characters in anything ever.

I might have to watch Breaking Bad again now to see what knowing more of the background does for that show. It does not help that I did not remember so many things from Breaking Bad.
I'm watching the first TV programme on BBC1 in three days that isn't about the Queen's passing...

Appropriately enough, it's a new David Attenborough documentary - Frozen Planet II - and there's already a contender for the most amazing piece of footage on TV this year in this episode... the whole thing is absolutely stunning, but the footage of a pod of killer whales attacking a seal that is taking refuge on a massive slab of ice is truly breathtaking.

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