What are you watching?

  • Thread starter Blackbird.
Watching "Ebert and Roeper". ;)
Delphic Reason
Out of control plot, in "Saw"?... I didn't see any of that... The plot was akin to swiss cheese... Filled with holes, flat, and tasty on a sandwich...
At the end of that movie, it looked like they wanted to keep the audience guessing. But in order to surprise the audience, they threw in all these twists that just became tiresome.

Delphic Reason
BTW, Where in Oregon are you?... I live about 4 hours from Portland...
About 20-30 minutes west of Portland, in Beaverton. Don't you live near Seattle?
Delphic Reason
If you want to see a film that will leave you pondering, and questioning your existance, check out Pi, by Darren Aronofsky... Truly a masterpiece...

It sure is a masterpiece. It's absolutely brilliant. Even though it was disturbing I loved it.

And at the moment, I'm watching Late Night with Conan O'Brien.
Nip tuck, rescue me, Everything's sunny in Philadelphia, Over there... (i like FX)
Law and Order.

and the adult oriented comedy cartoons on the cartoon network are awsome.
Dave Chapelle Show On streaming t.v.!
just watched a documetory about The World's Biggest Sea Barrier in Holland.

and about to watch the last 4 episodes of 4400 season 2
Anchorman. Really dumb movie, but there's been few scenes that made me laugh out loud. :lol: Gang fight scene with cameo appearances by Luke Wilson, Tim Robbins and Ben Stiller was one of them.
Dave Chapelle Show

God damn, I'd hate to imagine what would happen if I saw... Dave Chappelle Show and Ali G at the same time. :ill:
I'm watching "Hunted" on DVD and want to share an interesting story. One of my cowokers were telling me about a friend of his, who got to be in this movie, which was filmed here in Portland, Oregon. This friend of his apparently looks just like one of the stars, Benicio Del Toro. Everybody around him was telling this guy, he should audition for the movie because of it. As soon as he got there, I guess people were pretty much pulling him out of the car, thinking he was Benicio. Anyways, he got to quit his daily job and worked on the movie as Benicio's double for almost two years. During this time, the production sent him to survival school, etc., all expenses paid with spending money! :D If I remember correctly, they paid him almost $150,000 for the work, also. Anyways, I thought it might be interesting to some of the movie buffs here. :)
A Beautiful mind on BBC1, I haven't seen it before but it's quite good. The news updates just come on now though so I thought I'd check back on here whilethe kettles boiling.
I prefer "Rear Window"

just finished watching "50 First Dates"
Yeah.... Like I said, it was (just)OK. :D My favrite Hitchcock films are "Birds" and "To Catch A Thief". 👍
Primetime Emmy Awards on CBS..... BORING! I'm gonna pop in the DVD of "Crash". I hope it's good.
"Crash" was excellent. Highly recommended.

I was watching "My Name is Earl" on NBC and it was pretty good. I was trying to get into the American version of "Office", but I didn't like it.....
I was watching "My Name is Earl" on NBC and it was pretty good.
I was flipping back and fourth between that and NCIS. It was 70% NCIS, but Earl seemed pretty good, I'll try to catch the next one as well.
Why, in a night where there's only two things I want to watch on, will they always be on at the same time? I need TiVo.
Are you guys watching this? There's a plane circling around LAX, because the landing gear got stuck and now they have to make a emergency landing. I hope they can do it safely.....


They just made a safe landing. It was a A320, and the front landing gear was stuck sideways. The tire burnt off, but landing gear held intact. Great job! 👍
