What are you watching?

  • Thread starter Blackbird.
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I was just watching an episode of the A-Team and an episode from the first season of Buffy, The vampire slayer
Bill Cosby: Himself

I've seen it about a million times in my youth, and currently there's nothing else to watch. The boys watched the first hour with me. Good times.
Indy qualify show is finishing up right now, NBA Western Conference Finals Game 1 between the San Antonio Spurs and Utah Jazz is coming up soon on A B C. :D
Earlier I saw the end of Nascrap where the first 2/3 of the field crashed before the finishline... one on it's roof. Later on the news I saw people crashing before the finish at the Indy 500. At least there was rain there. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm considering calling Drifting more of a sport than Nascrap.

edit: Oh yeah... there was a commercial for Infineon Nascrap race. About 90% of the clips showed syncronis drifts into the wall, yeah...
Planet Earth on Blu Ray. Most of it is average but, there are a few amazing scenes that can only be appreciated at 1920x1080.
It certainly is, I picked it up on DVD the other night. I got Saving Private Ryan: 2 disk SE, We Were Soldiers and Black Hawk Down: 2 disk SE all for £10, which is cheap.
Just finished watching this new show called "Fast Cars & Superstars"...and I can't stand it!

Premise of show?

Bring in 6 of today's hot, young NASCAR drivers, like Kyle Bush, and set each one up with a TV/Actor/Athlete "superstar" and put them in their own "Car of Tomorrow" NASCAR car....and then see who can get around "Lowe's Speedway" the fastest?

Info about show found here:

Personally...I'd love to see this type of show WITHOUT all those multi-millionaires...but everyday folks!

Oh well, I guess this is the type of B/S show folks today want to watch...don't know why but if makes the promoters money, I guess that's all that counts!
The Sentinel : Meh. 24 is a better show than this was a movie. Kiefer's character was an idiot. Kim Basinger was horrible, and so was her character. A scanky First Lady. lol

The only cool thing about the movie was the silenced .45 used in it. A Kiefer's character got it wrong; a silencer doesn't slow down a bullet. For the most part, it makes it go faster.


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