What are you watching?

  • Thread starter Blackbird.
How bored would you need to be to buy this??


32524 mins, 692 episodes 174 (179?) DVD set, all yours for $AU 1600 :crazy: That's more than they spent making the bloody show!!
I've just completed watching the whole of the first series of Monty Python's Flying Circus, and here's a quick guide to each episode, and the stand-out moments from each. I've added a rank (out of 5) for each episode! However, I'm slightly biased in favour of several episodes, since I had some on VHS, taped from the telly from many moons ago...

Monty Python's Flying Circus: Series One​

1) Whither Canada?

  • Arthur 'Two Sheds' Jackson interview
  • The funniest joke in the world

2) Sex and Violence

  • Frenchmen explain commercial possibilities of flying sheep
  • Arthur Ewing and his musical mice
  • Marriage Counsellor sketch

3) How to Recognise Different Types of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away

  • Bicycle repairman
  • Storytime
  • The Restaurant Sketch
  • Nudge! Nudge!

4) Owl-Stretching Time

  • It's a Man's Life Taking Your Clothes Off in Public
  • How to defend yourself against a foe laden with Fresh Fruit
  • The Bookshop/British Dental Association Sketch

5) Man's Crisis of Identity in the Latter Half of the Twentieth Century

  • Confuse A Cat Ltd.
  • Customs sketch
  • Police Constable Henry Thatcher's raid for substances of an illicit nature
  • Career advisory board

6) It's The Arts

  • Johann Gambleputtydevonausfernschpledenschlittcrasscrenbonfriediggerdingledangledonglebursteinvonknackerthrasherapplebangerhorowitzticolensicgranderknottyspelltinklegrandlichgrumblemeyerspelterwasserkurstlichhimbleeisenbahnwagengutenabendbitteeinnurnburgerbratwurstlegerspurtenmitzweimacheluberhundsfutgumberaberschonendankerkalbsfleischmittleraucher Von Hauptkopf of Ulm;
  • Planning a watch robbery
  • Crunchy Frog
  • The dull life of city stockbroker
  • 20th Century Vole presents Irving C. Saltzberg Jnr.

7) Oh, You're No Fun Anymore

  • The Science Fiction Sketch

8) Full Frontal Nudity

  • Mattress sketch
  • The Dead Parrot sketch
  • Hell's Grannies

9) The Ant, an Introduction

  • Mountaineering sketch
  • Lumberjack Song
  • Ken Buddha, Brian Islam and Brucie
  • Visitors sketch

10) Untitled

  • Vocational guidance counselor sketch
  • Ron Obvious tries to jump the English channel

11) The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes to the Bathroom

  • Inspectors Tiger, Lookout, There's-a-man-behind-you, and Fire investigate a murder
  • A re-enactment of the Battle of Pearl Harbor by Mrs. Rita Fairbanks and the Battley Townswomen's Guild

12) The Naked Ant

  • North Minehead By-Election with Adolf Hilter -
  • The 127th Annual Upper Class Twit of the Year competition
  • Ken Shabby proposes
  • A Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Wood Party

13) Intermission

  • A.T. Hun turns himself in
  • Psychiatrist Larch sees a man about strange voices the man is hearing
I just watched Accidental Hero with Dustin Hoffman, without Duston playing the lead role that probably wouldn't be half as watchable. It's an enjoyable film but not somethin gI'd watch many times. I've seen it once before. I prefered Dustin in Mad City, but he carries this film well enough.
Just finished watching the replay of the Grand-Am Rolex "Porsche 250" that I recorded earlier today.

Great race BTW!

Up next, yesterday's recording of the same series, but the "GT" class...even though I know who won! ;-(
I haven't seen Leno or Conan in a while but ever since I can get them in HD I can't get enough of them and the News. :dopey:
Saw "Hot Fuzz" the other night. Hilarious.

Watched "Pathfinder" last night. American Indians vs. The Vikings. Predictable from the start. I seriously could have watched it on fast forward and still understood the story.
Just watched Japan lose in the Little League World Series. It took eight innings, and while I wasn't impressed with either teams early, both teams really stepped it up a notch in the last 2, 3 innings.

Congrats to Georgia. 👍
Just watched Japan lose in the Little League World Series. It took eight innings, and while I wasn't impressed with either teams early, both teams really stepped it up a notch in the last 2, 3 innings.

Congrats to Georgia. 👍

I recorded it, for my boys and I to watch it later. It only recorded to the 7th inning. I didn't know who won until now.