What are your GT7 2025 goals?

Hello there!

This is inspired by this very good thread right here by my good friend @Pesselles :

'What are your 2024 GT7 goals?' https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/what-are-your-2024-gt7-goals.424793/

I'd like to keep the conversation up and ask: What are your GT7 2025 goals?

Here are mine GT7 resolutions:

- keep myself engaged in the online time trials. That is for me the best portion of the game, not only it has helped me improve my (poor) driving skills but the social aspect I see here on GTP is great.

- try to lap Nurburgring with as many cars as possible while uploading the laps on YT.

- try to complete 100% on circuit experiences. 2 rally tracks and the aformentioned Nurburgring left undone at the moment.

- (Maybe) get engaged in sport mode and take my chances raising my DR.
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Happy New Year GT friends!!!

Main goal is to complete the car list with no rush or grinding
As updates are coming i will enjoy them!!!
Online TT and every event that PD will add i will participate.

Happy GT miles and races!!!!

Gran Turismo Ps5 GIF by PlayStation
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  • Get more gold at TTs
  • Keep improving
  • Keep racing with Titans cause it is the most fun of everything I do in this game.

Optionnal :
  • 100% the events
  • Get more CE golds
  • Progress towards platinum trophy
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Happy new year to all of you guys. I wish all of you all the best for 2025.

One goal. Plain and simple…

A top 500 finish in a Time Trial.

Job done.

There are other goals but that would mean naming names - marking targets - and that would be rude to say the least! 😁

My very best regards to all here.

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  • Get better at trail braking
  • Participate in more Time Trials
  • Be more positive / complain less about stock / BoP setups
  • Learn to not hate Gr.3 cars (hardest personal challenge) :lol:
  • Get better at tuning
  • Max tune every car in the game
  • Do a write-up on how the GT7 economy put me in an unhealthy mental place
  • Share my tunes
  • Use custom races to benchmark my tunes and enjoy the game more

Keep interest.
Yes, I felt that in my bones.
I turned away from online TTs some time ago and only casually drove the Nordschleife in normal street cars for a while (as i performed poorly there and was more than 20 seconds of CE gold there, my only thing i could never gold in the game).

Driving there a lot helped, it seems:
I tried the CE again last week and got gold on the first try even though i didn't touch any race car for month.

So my 2025 goal is to complete and completely gold one of my newer accounts on GT7.
With now a full year to enjoy the game, the goals I have devised are as follows:

  • Focus the grinding for the 20 Million Credit Cars (Halfway done getting them, just need the other half)
  • Do abit more online racing. Didn't think I'd miss racing with people given the at times awful driving standards and yet my newfound self-esteem has me actually yearning to compete again. Nothing full season just yet, but just getting my feet wet.
  • Host a fictional series using the Custom Races. Been having a story in the background for years that I was kinda finally able to bring to life through the cars themselves in GT Sport and now can finally do via races in GT7. Tough task given the combined 31,770,000 credits to do so (22,000,000 for 10 Gr.1 cars and 9,770,000 for 19 GR.3 cars) but I'm up for it.
  • Continue with my Weekly Challenges Guides (Something I started after going "Hey, nobody really does this" and its going well so far)

That's my main ones.
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Play less. Through 2022, 2023 and 2024 I was motivated to collect all the cars I wanted without grinding. Almost there and I think I’ll achieve that goal in the first quarter of 2025. The daily workout has become a FOMO-esque habit, but without the desperate need for credits I can see myself skipping more daily workouts in the new year. In 2024 I played GT7 for more than 550 hours. It’s pretty much the only game I’m playing regularly, but all these hours in GT7 blur together. I can barely remember any standout moments, because it’s all the same over and over. The game is one of the best ways to kill time while you’re at it, but ultimately that’s not what I’m trying to do.

I don’t care much about 100% stats. For example, my World Circuits completion has been sitting around 80% for a very long time. Some of the events just don’t appeal to me, and the same goes for trying to gold every challenge. I don’t feel the need to, and the game doesn’t give me great incentives.

I also used to enjoy the driving more before the physics changes in July. To this day some cars are still casualties of the changes, and it’s particularly noticeable when bouncing off the taller curbs on the Nordschleife. Since then PD has improved the suspension behavior in incremental steps benefitting some cars, but they are not done if you ask me.

The content updates will probably keep me hooked, but January looks bleak with the expected arrival of the IONIQ and the formula car. I naively hoped that GT7 would get positively smitten by all the stuff happening around My First Gran Turismo and the PS5 Pro launch. But nope, PD is all dull and business as usual.
  • Participate in more daily races (Either that or find a balance with my studies).
  • Crawling back to DR A+
  • Getting the 250 GTO to complete the 20 mil car roster as of typing.
  • Try to participate in all races of a GTWS event at least once.
  • Try to advance past the Quarter-Finals stage of the upcoming TGR GT Cup Malaysia (if there would be another/if I qualify to begin with)
  • Attempt more livery designs if I could
Just a personal goal; drive every car stock (now that I have at least one stock of each one or with removable parts) with no HUD at all at the Nordschleife for five laps minimum. See where my muscle memory and visual reference points stands.

Secondary goals; polish my livery skills and give online a chance.
Unless one of my favorite cars comes along, I'll try to spend less time playing GT7 which takes more from me than it gives back. I'll let the updates accumulate enough so that there's may be more to enjoy next time.
Well, I decided to retire my day one main save file and work on two alt accounts. One was started as a minimalist run with no credit spent on cars except ones required that was left abandoned after about 6 months. They other is a brand new start. I found both to be tedious at best to unlock what I wanted to do so I am stopping completely on all saves until more content is released.
Happy New Year!

My goals:

  1. Fix my Fanatec CSL Elite v2 brake pedal so it works properly again - the load cell appears to be failing on it...
  2. Heal up a lower back and upper left leg injury that occured just before the holidays so I can actually press a brake pedal again
    (Doctor told me not to cycle for several weeks but said nothing against racing - I may have forgotten to mention that LOL! - but I tried tonight for 1/2 hour and it killed me. I need more time to heal)
  3. Complete the game! I have not done that on any account yet. My VR account is only two trophies away from platinum but it still has a lot of work to do in the challenges and a couple menu books.
Optional Goals if I do the above:
  1. Take part in a GTWS race or series.
  2. Join a racing league? I've been thinking about that for a while but never found the time.
Oddly, one goal is to be on GT less. I need to do more cycling (my prior main passion) again...
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Going to attempt to go bronzeless in the weekly TT events. All gold/silver, no bronze is my goal (mostly gold hopefully).

Also hope to get back on the CEs and finish them up to gold level now that I'm done with the fomo car-collecting stuff and the grinding can be less of a focus.

and of course lots and lots of Nordschleife laps in various cars selected at a whim from my garage...
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Start a new account, reacquire all the prize cars from not just the menu book campaign, but also MFGT and licenses/missions. I sold them all long ago on my main account and deeply regret doing that. plus, I'm a bit bored of my main account, a replay of the campaign should keep my interest for a few weeks at least.
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