What are your hopes/expectations for FH4?

  • Thread starter Northstar
I've tried it recently and I just can't get into it... there's no sense of purpose to the game itself, it's just go here, go there, do races, rinse and repeat...
I've tried it recently and I just can't get into it... there's no sense of purpose to the game itself, it's just go here, go there, do races, rinse and repeat...

Environment and car selection is better IMO. Game also looks a lot better.
I've tried it recently and I just can't get into it... there's no sense of purpose to the game itself, it's just go here, go there, do races, rinse and repeat...
I'll admit the road trip part of it was annoying, especially when it takes about 90 minutes to complete one road trip. Or at least that's how long it took me. And there was no option for just doing a single race when you're in the mood, which was odd. But as @Silver Arrows said, the environment is beautiful and the car selection was very good.
I'm happy for you an I'mma let you finish, but FH3 had the best car selection of all time. I think that's part of the problem for me, coming from FM6/FH3/FM7 feels like there's basically nothing in there... I should have played it from day 1 to get the full feeling, I guess. But there's no denying it's miles better than the 360 version I bought back then.
I'm happy for you an I'mma let you finish, but FH3 had the best car selection of all time. I think that's part of the problem for me, coming from FM6/FH3/FM7 feels like there's basically nothing in there... I should have played it from day 1 to get the full feeling, I guess. But there's no denying it's miles better than the 360 version I bought back then.

I mean, from a purely size related standpoint, sure, you can say that. But I mean, I played H2 over the summer and I still had fun with it, and that's after playing H3 as long as I did. It helps too that the driving environment of H2 destroys H3. Arguably 2 has the better expansion in Storm Island then Blizzard Mountain or Hot Wheels.
I'm Contemplating fh2 now. Never played it, but its 30 with the Porsche pack. Downloaded the demo 5mins ago.

It's a great game, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It will take a bit time to get used to the graphics and HUD if you come from FH3 though. :) It was my first Forza game (coming from GT6 on PS3 moving to Xbox One) and still my most fun Forza game to this day. Yes FH3 looks a lot more gorgeous due to the more diversified ecosystems, better graphics with HDR and captured skies and has a lot more cars, but FH2 still has that special something: 5 cities instead of 2, the handling in FH2 felt better to me and the map layout (elevations, tunnels etc) just felt more interesting. Australia in FH3 is gorgeous but the land is a bit flat. Either way both are absolutely great games, I'm really looking forward to the 4th in the series.

FH2 is also the most complete Forza game on Xbox One in regards to major car brands even to this date: RUF, Porsche, VW and Toyota, they are all there! ;)

FH1 lacks Porsche
FM5 lacks Porsche
FM6 lacks RUF
FH3 lacks RUF & VW
FM7 lacks RUF & Toyota

Personally I don't care too much about RUF when Porsche is in so for me FM6 comes pretty close to FH2 in this aspect.
Horizon 3 was my first Forza game, and I enjoyed reading all your wish list and am amused at how different it is from mine.

My wish list for FH4:
  • Better PC stability
  • Correct dusk/dawn lighting for the Cockpit camera - FH3's cockpit camera is too dark in low light conditions, and makes the exterior much darker than every other camera (too dark to see in the rainforest areas)
  • Faster loading times
  • Allow modifying default wheel button configs without having to make a custom config (I have unused buttons on my wheel, unmapped functions, but no way to map them, and the custom config cannot be made to match the default config)
  • Better force feedback
  • AI that's less prone to crashing into you
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I'm very concerned it will never be a FH4. Playground are working on a fantasy game or something.
I hope I'm wrong.
I'm very concerned it will never be a FH4. Playground are working on a fantasy game or something.
I hope I'm wrong.

There is far too much money on the table for there not to be one. I wouldn’t mind them skipping a cycle though.
Great elevation,
traffic lights,
bigger map with snow driving,
more cars,
longer highway,
more customization (including the own manufacturer customization),
color change of brake callipers
Great elevation,
traffic lights,
bigger map with snow driving,
more cars,
longer highway,
more customization (including the own manufacturer customization),
color change of brake callipers
i think in FH3 if you go into the design editor you'll find a way to change the color of the brake calipers. i agree with longer highway, though, because the highway in FH3 is basically only from Outback to Surfer's Paradise. then it starts to get all twisty and turny...
If the rumors are true, and FH4 is set in japan, i'd love to see the mountain roads be a thing. Playing driveclub and being able to slide around on those curvy roads made me all giddy, and being able to do that with over 400 cars, and with the expertise that T10 and Playground have would be preferred. It made even more sense when i found out that when Bizarre Creations shut down, a good deal of the employees there moved to Playground. Explains the Skill Points and arcade-like controls. I love PGR2 with all my heart.
Two more trucks have been introduced to FM7, the 2017 Ram Power Wagon and 2018 Dodge Durango SRT. With all the other trucks that have been added to FM7, I'm begging to wonder if FH4 might not be in Japan after all (no confirmation that it ever was going to be Japan, just my guy instinct). Now I'm wondering if it might be someplace more rugged with a lot more unpaved roads. Russia? Iceland? Sweden/Norway/Finland? Chile? Argentina? Brazil? South Africa? Tunisia? Kenya? Ivory Coast?
Two more trucks have been introduced to FM7, the 2017 Ram Power Wagon and 2018 Dodge Durango SRT. With all the other trucks that have been added to FM7, I'm begging to wonder if FH4 might not be in Japan after all (no confirmation that it ever was going to be Japan, just my guy instinct). Now I'm wondering if it might be someplace more rugged with a lot more unpaved roads. Russia? Iceland? Sweden/Norway/Finland? Chile? Argentina? Brazil? South Africa? Tunisia? Kenya? Ivory Coast?

I mean, at this point, who knows, but I still saying the betting money is on Japan.

Besides, Playground could take 'creative liberties' and widen Japanese roads. Didn't they do that for Horizon 2? :lol:
Now I'm wondering if it might be someplace more rugged with a lot more unpaved roads.

Oh sweet, it'll be set in my home county! ;)

I just finished the game and I had so much fun, I deleted the data and started all over again! :dopey::D The only thing that really annoyed me was having too much traffic at the most inopportune times (gunning for a speed trap, trying a drift zone, I suck at drifting), so I would like two things for FH4: an option to reduce traffic OR a return to a right lane driving country! (the wrong lane Jeremy Clarkson would say) so no Japan, England or New Zealand please.
I just finished the game and I had so much fun, I deleted the data and started all over again! :dopey::D The only thing that really annoyed me was having too much traffic at the most inopportune times (gunning for a speed trap, trying a drift zone, I suck at drifting), so I would like two things for FH4: an option to reduce traffic OR a return to a right lane driving country! (the wrong lane Jeremy Clarkson would say) so no Japan, England or New Zealand please.

As someone who lives in a country of RHD cars, it's always funny watching people mention how annoying it is to have to adapt to something different than what they're used to. Those who live in the RHD countries have (mostly) just been rolling with all the LHD open world games for years, it's really not that hard to adapt.
As someone who lives in a country of RHD cars, it's always funny watching people mention how annoying it is to have to adapt to something different than what they're used to. Those who live in the RHD countries have (mostly) just been rolling with all the LHD open world games for years, it's really not that hard to adapt.

FWIW, I don't really care about it being LHD or RHD.

Then again I guess I am an outlier, considering I've used and am more used to MPH then KM/H and I live in a country that uses the latter.
FWIW, I don't really care about it being LHD or RHD.

Then again I guess I am an outlier, considering I've used and am more used to MPH then KM/H and I live in a country that uses the latter.

Neither. I mean, it's nice when you have a game that's the same as your local area, but I'm not going to complain if it isn't.
I’ve been playing the first Horizon again lately and it has this sense of progression that Horizon 2 and 3 lack.

In the first game you were a nobody that had to beat the well-known racers at the festival to earn the opportunity to get the Horizon Champion title. You also started off with nothing but a cheap Volkswagen. Since you started at the lowest point, everything you get and the progress you make from there really felt like you earned it.

However, in Horizon 2, literally everyone was your friend. It was more like you were a new member of a posse than a competitor. You also get a free Ferrari very early in the game. The goal to become Horizon Champion was still there but it didn’t feel like you were competing against anyone for it. And because of the road trips, you were never truly on your own. Horizon 2 felt more like a tour of Europe than anything else.

Horizon 3 just takes it even further. You run the festival now and there’s no longer a Horizon Champion title. As a result, trying to win races is pointless. You make progress regardless of what place you come in. No kind of competition or motivation to actually win.

The Horizon series has become more like a sandbox-style racing game over the years, and while I don’t mind that, I do miss having a ladder to climb. So I hope Horizon 4 is more like the first game this time in that respect.

As for the festival theme of the games, I think it needs to stay. It’s what Horizon has always revolved around and it hasn’t hindered the growing success of the series. I’d hate for Horizon to have some sort of identity crisis that NFS suffers from. There are more important things that need attention. Don’t fix what isn’t broken.
I’ve been playing the first Horizon again lately and it has this sense of progression that Horizon 2 and 3 lack.

In the first game you were a nobody that had to beat the well-known racers at the festival to earn the opportunity to get the Horizon Champion title. You also started off with nothing but a cheap Volkswagen. Since you started at the lowest point, everything you get and the progress you make from there really felt like you earned it.

However, in Horizon 2, literally everyone was your friend. It was more like you were a new member of a posse than a competitor. You also get a free Ferrari very early in the game. The goal to become Horizon Champion was still there but it didn’t feel like you were competing against anyone for it. And because of the road trips, you were never truly on your own. Horizon 2 felt more like a tour of Europe than anything else.

Horizon 3 just takes it even further. You run the festival now and there’s no longer a Horizon Champion title. As a result, trying to win races is pointless. You make progress regardless of what place you come in. No kind of competition or motivation to actually win.

The Horizon series has become more like a sandbox-style racing game over the years, and while I don’t mind that, I do miss having a ladder to climb. So I hope Horizon 4 is more like the first game this time in that respect.

As for the festival theme of the games, I think it needs to stay. It’s what Horizon has always revolved around and it hasn’t hindered the growing success of the series. I’d hate for Horizon to have some sort of identity crisis that NFS suffers from. There are more important things that need attention. Don’t fix what isn’t broken.

The problem is, as you said, is that there's no sense of progression with regards to the festival setting. In fact, that festival setting has been window dressing ever since Horizon 1. To H1's credit, they at least tried to make it seem like the Horizon festival is taking over a small town / city, but if you're not going to really expand on it, why bother?

Horizon 4 needs to take from the first Horizon, but especially the TDU games in that regard. Let the events open up as you complete them, a ladder as you say.
I'd really like a more immersive open world feel.
  • Multiple Houses/Garages that you can purchase in the world to store cars.
  • At least the choice of fuel consumption. And you have to get to various gas stations for fill up.
  • Body shops being the ONLY way to repair damage. Or at least a side option. This way, damage/dirt/scrapes can be kept if desired.
  • Better physics for vehicle to vehicle contact. i.e. PIT maneuver is completely non existent in FH3. It's crazy. Even when you're using a much larger, heavier, more powerful vehicle, a hit to the rear quarter does almost nothing.
  • Full control of vehicle lighting. Interior and exterior
  • More tire options. Brands, treads, sidewalls. Tire pressure settings that show deformation, especially on very low pressure off-road tires.
  • Drag racing with proper physics and a real tree. E/T, R/T, Trap Speeds, etc.
I'd have to agree with Fred. I loved FH1 and FH2 kind of was the start of the rot... I think its the 4wd offroad component.

FH3 is just more of the same.

I find there's a lot to do but none of the stuff to do is actually rewarding. The circuit races are boring the layouts of the road races arent interesting and the offroad is as annoying as ever.

FH1/2 had the advantage of being new. FH2 was a new system but the underlying gameplay in FH2 is actually worse than FH1.

I kind of get the impression that Microsoft have a formula... this formula as it stands, will still earn millions of dollars so why change?

Both FH and Forza Motorsport need a change in the underlying formula.

FM6 is a good title being better than FM7 but it comes on the back of FM5.

They both need a revamp but I'm guessing it won't happen.

FH4 and FM8 will have the same formula, same car packs VIP and maybe the 2 addons. It wont be enough for many but for the majority it'll be business as usual.