What changes would you make to the Livery Editor?

Oh, I mean after you've already made a livery and come back to it later. The colors don't show up in the recent colors section so I have to remake the colors I need.
Can't believe I didn't say this the first time I posted!!

To be able to draw a line from point to point and then curve it if needed.!!

Please gt designers please hear this
Thought of something as I was searching decals and it could apply to liveries as well...

I would love for shared items like decals and liveries (and maybe even replays and pics) to be taggable by other users. Still only let people put 3 of their own but let the crowd also put 3.

For example, if I upload the image below as a decal, i could tag it #nurbugring, #numberplate #123. Someone else could then come by and add #zurich or #adac or #n24 or #blue, the team name, etc. It would make decals far easier to find, especially if the original uploader mistagged or didn't tag at all.

Got another one - The ability to select multiple layers, so we can manipulate them and change their color without having to group them up.
The whole interface for discovery mode scapes and liveries needs looking at. You should also be able to search liveries by the amount of activity on that picture or livery..
The most important one I think; being able to see how many downloads a livery has and use a trending bar like there is for likes.
1. Use special colors on shapes and patterns. Special colors are pointless if I'm using colored shapes to mask other things. You end up with an off color shape in your nice special paint.

2. Rotate shapes at set angles instead of eye balling it.
I've got a lot of things I'd like too... I see a lot were already covered, but here are a few I can't see.

> Move your cursor over a spot on the car and be able to highlight those layers, like with an outline around them on the car and on the layer list. I've had so many times I've been looking at a squiggle or gradient or whatever but not been able to find the layer in the list!
> Select a later on the list and make it highlight where it's visible on the car model. I always end up with lots of covered-up decals when I'm finished and it's a pain going and deleting them at the end, and also I often delete one from where I can see it in one spot but I don't realise that part of it was showing in another spot.
> Stop resetting the camera view every single time I go to move a layer.
> Copy layer and be able to paste elsewhere.
> Transparencies! An alpha gradient would be nice.
> An option to "stretch" the area of a patterned decal but not re-scale it, I mean like you apply it to an area and it tiles the pattern. E.g. this would be for carbon fibre effects, pinstripes, half tone patterns, etc.
> Change the projection of a layer after you've applied the decal.
> Change colour of a decal you've just chosen without having to place it, go to the colour picker then back to resizing the layer.
> Move the layer you're currently working on up/down in the layer order using the d-pad or something, rather than placing the layer then re-ordering it in the list.


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