Not voting because of my use of all 3. The first couple weeks of playing/learning the game I played Easy and Normal because I hadn’t played recent Gran Turismo games in years (never owned/played GTS and had limited experience with 5 and 6). I’ve been playing Hard exclusively since then because I noticed Normal was too easy, there just wasn’t much of challenge really, and thus no real enjoyment unless I intentionally went into races with underpowered, underperforming cars, which itself wasn’t a lot of fun either most of the time as I usually only run races that require Racing Cars, not Road Cars.
Recently switched back to Easy because of the damage update. The aggressiveness of AI in Hard results in too many unnecessary collisions which results in too much time spent limping around the track and trying to avoid any type of close proximity with AI which resulted in less enjoyment for me. Switching to Easy the AI are definitely much less aggressive, more predictable and I take a lot less damage from them as they aren’t as wild with their driving behavior and I can actually enjoying driving around the smaller, technical tracks more with them again. Unfortunately this also means the AI are much slower and now races are never close, but ultimately at least I can enjoy the races more and incidental rubbing while overtaking doesn’t result in exaggerated damage effect to steering.
If PD were to provide damage level options in single player, or make AI better drivers I’d switch back to Hard in a heartbeat. As is though, I have to pick the least of bad options as there are no real good options anymore.