What do you ride in real life?

  • Thread starter mrslick151
I have an 01 R1 with some small mods for now, i have a 2 page list of mods to put on it in the future though lol, i love the 01 r1 though, even over the 02 and the 04-06s. the 00-01s had alot more bottom end power. but after 3rd gear or so the newer models will take me..not by a huge amount but there ratio was moved up in 02.. But i love how this bike handles, i can throw it into the corners better than my old 636..all about throttle control :P
I have a 1982 CB900C much like the CB750F in the game. but has a bigger 900cc engine making 98hp plus shaft drive and air ride suspention and a 10 speed tranz:crazy: nope im not kidding its a 5speed with a slit rear like a 18wheeler it has 2 shifters. oh and its a 4 into 4 exaust.

its no crotchrocket or motard but i rode from CT to Cally and BC to the thousand islands, and would not trade that bike for any other... well maybe a Rune but thats it.

i can fit a weeks worth of cloths+food and a sleeping bag+tent all ducttaped to the sissybar and in a backpack
What's up guys! I'm Phil, I'm new here and this is what I ride:
I wish I owned a classic BMW R, or an '80s K........but all of the ones I find cost more than my car cost, and I hear that insurance would be hell with me being 19 and all... :indiff:
I ride this

My wife and I are currently in negotiations over whether I am allowed to get a bike.

The good old Yamanote line, I love it :)....

Don't get a bike, it's too dangerous... there are such great used cars on the japanese market, get one of those !
Let's see, my first bike was a '72 Honda CB100SS, then a '82 Honda C70, then a '85 Yamaha FZ750 which didn't take me long to destroy, and now my 1974 CB750 wich I might just love more than my wife :P .


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Go for it SS, she’ll give in eventually.;) If I was in your shoes, I’d probably opt for one of the plentiful domestic 400cc bikes. The exotic little NC35 would be my pick.:)

The NC35 would be my pick as well! I have no real desire (yet) to go over the 400cc level as I am admittedly inexperienced. My wife is just worried that it is dangerous. I try to tell her that driving bikes in Japan is safer than if I were back in Canada as there are more bikes on the road and the cagers are used to them. That and my ability to take a fall from my years of martial arts should see me pretty safe. Also, with the amount of travelling I have to do on the trains, the bike would actually save me (us) some money. She is still reluctant and I feel, to be a good husband, I should respect her opinion. But that doesn't mean I am not going to go and get my Japanese bike license? Time will tell.

p.s. Love the pics. Bikes are sexy..
I know jack about bikes, but my sales manager had a Ninja 600 race spec bike, sold it and now has a huyabusa ( I don't even know how to spell it though ) anyway, he asked If I wanted to rip around the block on it, I sat on it and chickened out. I don't think the first bloody bike over 70 cc I ride should be that thing....
DR Motard

Nobody can deny the risks involved with riding motobikes. You can ignore them for sure, but apart from that... I'd never buy one, maybe if I'd only use it on racetracks, but never on the streets. You just can't have the same amount of control compared to driving a car, that's physics. And when you have an accident because others or you make faults, you will be more than likly very very injured or even dead. That's the way it is, and that's why it is too dangerous imo.

I study medicine, and my father is a doctor aswell. We know those many young men in who lost their health, life etc.

It's not that I am not driving fast. I have a 300 hp STi and I use its power to the fullest, sometimes way over legal speed limits. It's not that I don't enjoy speed... but I have an insurence : 4 wheels, 4 brembo brakes, the ability to drift and if necessary an airbag & 1,5 tons of steel around me.

It is fun for sure and it's cheap performance. But don't tell me it's safe. And you can drive like Valentino Rossi, if there is a hole in the street, a little dust in the evening sun you don't see or just an old grandma who is a little less concentrated than normal, then you have a huge problem.
Well Doctor, the problem isn't that there are risks, everybody knows that.
But because of those risks, you say not to buy one ! Every thing is dangereous, and the only way to avoid risks is to stay in your bed. And you even don't know what could happen to your house ! lol

So what I say is that in front of the risks, there is pleasure, there is fun, there is life.

And between taking risks, and staying in my bed, i've made my choice.

Then you compare the pleasure you get in a car and the one you have on a bike by telling speedy_samurai to get a car instead of the bike he wants. But this is really not the same at all.

I really love bikes and cars, and I can't do without these two different pleasures.

To end, do you prefer to avoid risks or to live doctor ?

PS: Excuse me if I made mistakes, but I'm a french rider...
The danger factor does not really concern me. I am not ignorant or naive when it comes to bikes. I am not overconfident of my riding ability, and I am cautious. Also, I mentioned that I 'have the ability to receive the ground well' as they would say in Japanese meaning I can take a fall and have been for years.

The factor for me against a bike is my wife. I have to respect her opinion and hope that we can reach a compromise. If I choose a bike over a happy marriage then I am not such a good husband/person.
I’ve been married for a few years, and during that time my partner has come to accept that riding bikes is something that I value highly- and thankfully she respects my decision to do so. In turn I respect her safety concerns by taking a few precautions:
-Limit rides to clear weather.
-Full leathers for all rides (despite inconvenience getting milk from the shop etc.)
-No wheelies on public roads.
-Speed kept to a reasonable level.

Although I fully appreciate where Max DC is coming from, I am firmly of the view that motorcycles can be ridden safely and responsibly.


And I must say that I agree completely. Luckily, my EO has also accepted my love for bikes... She still prefers me to do TDs instead of riding on the road though..
-Limit rides to clear weather.
-Full leathers for all rides (despite inconvenience getting milk from the shop etc.)
-No wheelies on public roads.
-Speed kept to a reasonable level.

Although I fully appreciate where Max DC is coming from, I am firmly of the view that motorcycles can be ridden safely and responsibly.
First of all, sorry for being offtopic...

Well maybe YOU can influence certain factors, but you also have to count in the other drivers and circumstances. And that is the point. The same thing in a car, sure, but you have more possibilities to react ( 4 wheels. the ability to drive offroad etc ) and if something happens you have way better safety.

Simple case : Let's say you drive 60 mph. Now *insert random type of accident* happens... and take me and my car and put me into the same situation. Well, we both could die but let's face it... I wouldn't bet on you if you understand what I mean. As soon as you fall off your bike ( which happens very easily in an accident ) you are the football of physics... and your fullleather suit is TEH AWESOME when you hit a wall/tree/car/truck with 40 mph...

The danger factor does not really concern me. I am not ignorant or naive when it comes to bikes. I am not overconfident of my riding ability, and I am cautious. Also, I mentioned that I 'have the ability to receive the ground well' as they would say in Japanese meaning I can take a fall and have been for years.

The factor for me against a bike is my wife. I have to respect her opinion and hope that we can reach a compromise. If I choose a bike over a happy marriage then I am not such a good husband/person.

Your decision,...or buy a roadster if you like fresh air ;)

Well Doctor, the problem isn't that there are risks, everybody knows that.
But because of those risks, you say not to buy one ! Every thing is dangereous, and the only way to avoid risks is to stay in your bed. And you even don't know what could happen to your house ! lol

So what I say is that in front of the risks, there is pleasure, there is fun, there is life.

And between taking risks, and staying in my bed, i've made my choice.

Then you compare the pleasure you get in a car and the one you have on a bike by telling speedy_samurai to get a car instead of the bike he wants. But this is really not the same at all.

I really love bikes and cars, and I can't do without these two different pleasures.

To end, do you prefer to avoid risks or to live doctor ?

PS: Excuse me if I made mistakes, but I'm a french rider...

It is a pity, but I'm no doctor yet ;)
Sorry, but your definition of living is a bit simple. It's not that I stay in bed allday ( Subaru Impreza WRX STi, tuned.... hello? ;) ) ... you tell the story as if it was black and white.

"Fun" and "life" is risky, but not everything is as dangerous as riding a motorcycle. Maybe taking heroine is great fun, an awesome feeling for sure. But do you take it ? No you don't. I realize that riding a motorcycle can't be compared to the constant damage of drugs, but I hope you can understand my point.
So you have made your decision, ok why not. You ignore the danger and you can live with that.

So personally I like to enjoy life. But I don't search for a way to die as soon as possible ;). I don't question the fun of those bikes... 150 hp on 250 kg... that can't be boring. But in the end driving is driving. And although I don't know official numbers or statistics, I'd say that the risks involved with driving a motorcycle are WAY higher than driving a car. And the rational part of me says : motobikes are a NONO ... the emotional part of me can perfectly live with that...

I mean honestly... ok you have a high sense of speed on a bike... but can you drift ? Can you drive your bike with 180 km/h (100 mph) on a bumpy and winding road with your tires crying for mercy ? No you can't.
So why should I risk being killed or living handicapped because I didn't see the hole in ther street, the dust in the corner, the wet leaves in the forrest or because some idiot decided to overtake that truck although he didn't see the street in front of him or because of some grandpa who drives out of the supermarket parking lot without watching the traffic ?

Sorry that's not how I want to die ;)

Oh et pas'd problème, j'ai compris tout ce que vous avaiz dit :)
Merde, j'ai perdu un grand part du vocabulaire et grammaire francaises...
J'ai eu le fracais au lycée mais c'etait le temps jusqu' à 2003.

Damn, I really should improve my french skills again, I can hardly write down a simple and correct sentence... If my french teacher would see me now :ill: :D
well my expireance with bikes is little more of a car guy.I have drove my friends Honda 900rr cbr wich the first time i got on it it jumbed wich was a bit scarey but:nervous: But after i learned how to ride it i realized that it was a little too much bike for my expireance:.But my dad owns a 91 harely heritage wich is kinda heavy for me :indiff: .But i plan on owning a sports bike in the next couple of years.heres a pic of the heritage

and yes that is my 96 trans am in the background it now has 27k miles on it.
I used to ride.

Had a Honda Shadow VT600. I felt slowly (around 20Km/h), while braking to avoid crashing into a bus that closed my front in "gran-turismo-AI-style".

There was a little sand into the road and then all those 250Kg pressed my leg against the road surface. It hurts like hell.

I fixed the bike and then sold it. That was a fun bike :(

Positive point: bought for R$13.800, sold two years later for R$15.550