What do you think Kaz means by "human drama"?

  • Thread starter paskowitz
Disaster to who? You? The GTPlanet minority?

GT5 has sold close to 7.8 million copies in less than 2 years and plenty of people are happy with it!

Still fighting the good fight I see. Particularly good in this case because he specifically was referring to the massive hype backlash that GT5 pretty obviously got (and deserved to a certain, arguable extent) and you regurgitated sales information at him. Unless you're actually suggesting that the 5th game in a cornerstone franchise selling well somehow means something in regards his point how PD's build up to its release was fraught with PR SNAFUs.
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Disaster to who? You? The GTPlanet minority?

GT5 has sold close to 7.8 million copies in less than 2 years and plenty of people are almost happy with it!

There you go my friend, now that sentence of yours makes much, much more sense 👍 .
Disaster to who? You? The GTPlanet minority?

GT5 has sold close to 7.8 million copies in less than 2 years and plenty of people are happy with it!

I wonder how many of those 7.8 million copies are still being played, weren't traded or sold away at a Game Stop, etc.
I wonder how many of those 7.8 million copies are still being played, weren't traded or sold away at a Game Stop, etc.

Or maybe how many of those copies have been run over by a car, thrown in the trash or burned in a fire :sly: .
Or maybe how many of those copies have been run over by a car, thrown in the trash or burned in a fire :sly: .

I'm willing to bet that outside of accident home fires those things have happened to fewer than 100 copies of the game worldwide. They don't seem like smart ways of getting rid of something that has monetary value.;)
I'm willing to bet that outside of accident home fires those things have happened to fewer than 100 copies of the game worldwide. They don't seem like smart ways of getting rid of something that has monetary value.;)

So people set their whole house on fire just to get rid of a video game :odd: ? How stupid do people get these days?
That does not automatically mean that there are no issues with GT5.

Of course. In fact every video game has issues. I seriously doubt you will find anyone who pretends it doesn't.

No, but it also doesn't mean that a game cannot be appreciated even with it's flaws. Me, and a whole host of the majority (At least, I think!) enjoy the game from time to time.

Exactly. Sure, GT5 drops the ball in several areas, but it also succeeds in many.

You are right, the majority do enjoy GT5 as evident by how many people are still playing the Time Trials.

Still fighting the good fight I see. Particularly good in this case because he specifically was referring to the massive hype backlash that GT5 pretty obviously got (and deserved to a certain, arguable extent) and you regurgitated sales information at him. Unless you're actually suggesting that the 5th game in a cornerstone franchise selling well somehow means something in regards his point how PD's build up to its release was fraught with PR SNAFUs.

Again, what "massive" hype backlash are you referring too? The one here at GTPlanet? Do the math friend, the few thousand here that have complained and nitpicked GT5 to death are insignificant compared to amount of people picking up GT5 on a monthly basis.

Yes, PD made some mistakes with the launch of GT5, but they still got plenty of people to buy it, perhaps even you.:)

Plus, if a few major issues with GT5 are addressed, I am sure everyone here who so passionately involves themselves with Gran Turismo in the "fight" will quickly part with their cash.

I wonder how many of those 7.8 million copies are still being played, weren't traded or sold away at a Game Stop, etc.

The same could be applied to every game out there, correct?

As far as the amount of people still playing, I believe there is a thread somewhere in which provides the answer to that very question.👍

I thought you already acknowledged the "minority" as a considerable problem, with this thread you created.

Well. Is not that what GTPlanet is? A place for people to rinse and repeat their opinions?
Again, what "massive" hype backlash are you referring too?
Probably the stuff where the game was raked over the coals across the internet as a direct result of PD's bumbling information release process in the year or so before it was released. "Expect perfection," "We could release GT5 whenever we want," "Standard cars do not support interior view." All off the top of my head, and all of which directly raised ire in reviews when the game came out.


Also, memo to Kaz - If you'd like to avoid another GT5 hype-train disaster, lay off the vague comments perhaps?

The one here at GTPlanet? Do the math friend, the few thousand here that have complained and nitpicked GT5 to death are insignificant compared to amount of people picking up GT5 on a monthly basis.
Which is clearly why we're all still running GT5 1.0, with the inability to even change gear ratios. Let alone things like Standard car wheel changes. And how the DLC still requires you to rebuy it each time you want another version of it in the game.

Plus, if a few major issues with GT5 are addressed, I am sure everyone here who so passionately involves themselves with Gran Turismo in the "fight" will quickly part with their cash.
I think it goes without saying that the people who have issues with GT5 want it to be better rather than taking issue with the fact that it exists, yeah.

Well. Is not that what GTPlanet is? A place for people to rinse and repeat their opinions?
I dunno:
Anyways, I will not single anyone out but many of the posters who are unhappy with GT5 repeat that fact over and over again. I just don't understand a level of that dedication regarding a video game especially if there is no monetary reasons involved.
Is it?
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Well if he wants to include "Human Drama", what better way than to have the AI drivers engage in pathetic intellectual and semantic nitpicking...?
Kazunori wants to replicate: Human drama.

But Kazunori fails to replicate:

-A fair/accurate depiction of regional manufacturers

-Competitive, human-like A.I.

-Ability to customize cars beyond painting rims and car bodies

-A long A-spec mode with new events (or an A-spec mode that contains events for rally and other disciplines of racing)

-Quality engine sounds

But sure, let's start with the ambiguous "human drama" first.:ill:
Kazunori wants to replicate: Human drama.

But Kazunori fails to replicate:

-A fair/accurate depiction of regional manufacturers

-Competitive, human-like A.I.

-Ability to customize cars beyond painting rims and car bodies

-A long A-spec mode with new events (or an A-spec mode that contains events for rally and other disciplines of racing)

-Quality engine sounds

But sure, let's start with the ambiguous "human drama" first.:ill:

Exactly. Here we go on another direction. Let's perfect what has made GT what it is before we start making some RPG crap. otherwise we end up with a bunch of incomplete features that really don't add to the core gaming experience. Focus!

Probably the stuff where the game was raked over the coals across the internet as a direct result of PD's bumbling information release process in the year or so before it was released. "Expect perfection," "We could release GT5 whenever we want," "Standard cars do not support interior view." All off the top of my head, and all of which directly raised ire in reviews when the game came out.

Again, all of the internet complaints that you speak of have not stopped GT5 from continuing to sell better then any racing title.

Ah, the critics.. Reviews that did little to stop Gran Turismo in the numbers game... hence the reason I continually mention "minority".

As I said prior, PD (Sony) made mistakes. Good thing this place was here to point that out.

Which is clearly why we're all still running GT5 1.0, with the inability to even change gear ratios. Let alone things like Standard car wheel changes. And how the DLC still requires you to rebuy it each time you want another version of it in the game.

You "all"?? You mean the small number of players who are unhappy with the game and post here? Are you wearing that V1.0 as a badge of honor or something?

Since we are sharing gaming habits, count me with the multitude who are still playing GT5 on a weekly basis and enjoying it. Yes, even the ugly parts.

I think it goes without saying that the people who have issues with GT5 want it to be better rather than taking issue with the fact that it, yeah.

As I have stated before, there are a few issues I have with GT5, but you see, I didn't make it one of my daily goals to take the "fight" to the internet. The world has to know about the massive injustice PD has done to people, right?

It is a video game, and like all other games I purchase, I'll eventually get bored with it and trade it in for something new.

End of story.

I dunno. Is it?

Well, as the old saying goes... "can't beat 'em, join 'em":ouch:
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I would say more content like GT Aacademy, more competitions where players all over the world get involved.

Also, it might mean a revamped carrear mode, with more emphasis on people.

Both sound very good to me.
I'm thinking it'll be some super dramatic scene where you are sitting on the grid at Monza, your Ferrari F430 revving as you blip the throttle, and then with a BANG, everything goes quiet briefly and into slow motion, then the camera pans backwards in, out through the rear window to reveal a spreading pool of oil, and your avatar shoots the pit crew an accusatory look while the smoke billows up. All set to:

To answer the question fairly, I just hope he doesn't add a story mode like various NFS titles. That would be aweful, honestly. Also, hold the cheesy cutscenes and flashy holywood-ish sound and visual effects.

Another option would be that he might give the A.I a personality according to the situation in A-Spec. He already tried this with B-Spec and it doesn't work well (I'm still at lvl 0 since release date so I'm not sure).

It could also mean that he will give us that stress bar in A-Spec, that will affect the handling. That would be absolutely rediculous and hope is not the case.

The last thing that comes to my mind is an online carreer mode. If that's the case, I just hope it's optional for people that want to play like that, because in my case I refuse to play my game with strangers. I like the sense of privacy and ownership that videogames are suppose to give.

Overall, I really don't care anymore since Yamauchi San always will do whatever he please and ignore his loyal fandom. I just hope that he remembers that before adding something new, he needs to fix and add things that were suppose to be in GT since the PS2 era.

No matter how much I complain, I will but GT6.
You are right, the majority do enjoy GT5 as evident by how many people are still playing the Time Trials.
Actually, I personally do time trials and drift trials only because I need the credits to build new cars, so I can find my own enjoyment in the game. When you have to strain yourself to find ways to enjoy the game, that's not a good sign.
Yes, PD made some mistakes with the launch of GT5, but they still got plenty of people to buy it, perhaps even you.:)
Tell me more about how one finds out whether they will enjoy a game before they even buy it.
Well. Is not that what GTPlanet is? A place for people to rinse and repeat their opinions?
Oh, so now you're saying that those who talk negatively about the game are the same people. I'd like to see your evidence and reasoning on why you believe this.
Again, all of the internet complaints that you speak of have not stopped GT5 from continuing to sell better then any racing title.
Those who buy the game (early) choose the game based on what they already know about it. In this case, people were told that GT5 was going to be the most realistic driving game ever, coupled with the best graphics ever for the PS3. Then they start up their copy of GT5 and realize that their dream car, the Bugatti Veyron, has jagged edges all over. Then they realize the Veyron has no interior view at all, as with 800 other cars. Then they realize the engine sounds have not in fact improved at all since the last iteration. Then they realize that the online physics for the game is a watered down, essentially less-realistic, offline physics.
Ah, the critics.. Reviews that did little to stop Gran Turismo in the numbers game... hence the reason I continually mention "minority".
Sales does not represent how good a game is. Most of the time, sales represent the reputation of the series/developers and the quality of the marketing.
You "all"?? You mean the small number of players who are unhappy with the game and post here? Are you wearing that V1.0 as a badge of honor or something?
I'm still interested in where you get these figures on just how many people are happy with GT5.

Anywho, to conclude then, (and to bring this thread back on topic), your argument that GT5 is perfect does not hold water, ergo what machschnel said earlier about how PD needs to focus on the fundamentals of a racing simulator before any "human drama" malarkey makes a lot of sense. At least in my opinion.
Again, all of the internet complaints that you speak of have not stopped GT5 from continuing to sell better then any racing title.

Ah, the critics.. Reviews that did little to stop Gran Turismo in the numbers game... hence the reason I continually mention "minority".
Perhaps you missed this when I said it the first time:
Unless you're actually suggesting that the 5th game in a cornerstone franchise selling well somehow means something in regards his point how PD's build up to its release was fraught with PR SNAFUs.
You still have to explain that part. Simply repeating your "good sales means the hype was fine" bit still doesn't mean anything by itself any more than it meant anything the first two times you said it.

You "all"?? You mean the small number of players who are unhappy with the game and post here? Are you wearing that V1.0 as a badge of honor or something?

Unless you meant something else by "insignificant," the massive DLC backlash and Kaz's immediate apology and promise of a fix for it should be enough by itself to tell you what the score is in regards to how important Kaz finds the "insignificant" criticism. To say nothing about the backlash against the lack of gear ratio tuning (which Kaz also personally apologized over and promised to fix ASAP) when the game first came out. Or maybe the dynamic chase camera added in an update is more your thing? Where PD completely changed how the camera worked without telling anyone, it was giving some people outright motion sickness from using it, those people told Kaz about it and then it mysteriously was removed in the next update.

As I have stated before, there are a few issues I have with GT5, but you see, I didn't make it one of my daily goals to take the "fight" to the internet.
Except, you know, the thread you made so you could do exactly that from the opposite perspective (the irony of which was pointed out to you then as well). Your posts in this thread similarly make that a particularly interesting statement to say considering you were the one took issue with a fairly straightforward sentiment ("Kaz should lay off the vague statements to avoid a repeat of GT5's backlash") and felt the need to correct it by bringing up irrelevant information to prove his viewpoint was "insignificant."
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Again, all of the internet complaints that you speak of have not stopped GT5 from continuing to sell better then any racing title.
You have to remember that the Gran Turismo franchise is well established since late '97, and the name let alone will generate a good amount of sales. Take that into account with the never-ending hype-train and voilà, you've got yourself brilliant sales figures, as said in previous posts.
I think the human drama he is talking about will be the massive failure of sales of Gran Turismo 6 after dissapointing the fans of Gran Turismo with Gran Turismo 5.
The same could be applied to every game out there, correct?

That's kind of the point I was trying to make. If every game that comes out, regardless of how well it sells, is eventually disowned by some of the people who bought it, how do sale figures hold any relevance of how good it is?

I believe there are more people who bought GT5 due to the reputation of the series beforehand and felt they could trust Kaz when he said things like "Expect perfection."
Radio: "T. Alonso / G. Maldonado / R. Massa - is - faster - than - you."

Or how about an animation of a grey-haired Kaz proposing track-sprinklers.

And of course, WAGs!
It has a story mode of course. You have a rival whos your friend, but turns evil, but your mates in the end. Its alot like real life racing film, theres a point where you both crash and are hospitalized. Itll be quite good except underneath the glamorous story it will just be like Gran Turismo.
Again, all of the internet complaints that you speak of have not stopped GT5 from continuing to sell better then any racing title.

Again, all of the internet complaints that you speak of have not stopped the iPhone from continuing to sell better then any phone.

I wouldn't be using the opinions/purchases of the "masses" as supporting evidence for my claims. People are idiots....
Kazunori wants to replicate: Human drama.

But Kazunori fails to replicate:

-A fair/accurate depiction of regional manufacturers

-Competitive, human-like A.I.

-Ability to customize cars beyond painting rims and car bodies

-A long A-spec mode with new events (or an A-spec mode that contains events for rally and other disciplines of racing)

-Quality engine sounds

But sure, let's start with the ambiguous "human drama" first.:ill:

I long for the day that PD implement these things into Gran Turismo. Make it happen 👍 .
Honestly I won't buy gt6 until after a few good reviews show up but I see gt5 as something PD can learn to prevent "idiodicy" and try to actually improve the game over such a long time, not just copy paste and dust off the previous game but in my opinion gt5 was a good game, it was originally designed to compete with forza 3 and gr5 is a better overall game than forza3