What does every call dirty driving?

Hey all. I want to know what everyone considers dirty driving. There is obviously the usual, but I’m talking the small little things.

Just say a slight tap into a corner not bad just the usual little bump. On that one I think as long as you stay behind them it’s a mistake. However a lot of people seem to think it’s a major deal. And will seek revenge after it even if you get a clean overtake two laps later.

The next is the gentle squeeze off the race line/ track. I consider that dirty but others argue that’s just part of racing?

Next is driving slow in corners were one car has an advantage in the corner vs the other on the straights. That brake hard at the apex when there really isn’t and reason for it to slow the person behind and stop them from getting the drive out of the corner. Is that dirty?

I’m seeing a lot of small things in my races of late I’m one or two races of A+ like I don’t know how long the bar needs to be filled it looks maxed out and has been for like 10 races. But I feel there’s a different scale of dirty racing between low A and B rank races were people just ram others oh without penalties a lot of the time also. And these A+ filled lobbies were people race in a subtle dirt manner.

I feel as thought in the higher rated lobbies a 0.300 sec penalty should be given for any contact with another car. I know it might sound harsh. But I think it would clean the races up. What’s everyone’s thoughts.

I don’t think there going to ever fix the penalty system it does do its job but it’s random and very very inconsistent. I think the best system is what I said earlier.
If you are looking for something official:

But that doesnt apply to GT that much (and I think it doesnt cover all questions possible).

In my opinion:
1. agree on the tap and staying behind
2. I dont see a problem here, the one who takes initiative in conquering the space has the advantage, the other could have been the one pushing the opposite direction earlier which then leads to a different line approach. In my opinion this is fine.
3. Pretty mean strategy of old NA cars vs cars with a large turbo gap ;)
If it's intentional contact, it's dirty.

If it's accidental contact that you gain a position from, you should give the position back otherwise its dirty.

The problem with an automated penalty algorithm is that it can never know what the intent was.

Next is driving slow in corners were one car has an advantage in the corner vs the other on the straights. That brake hard at the apex when there really isn’t and reason for it to slow the person behind and stop them from getting the drive out of the corner. Is that dirty?

As long as its not a full on brake check, this isn't dirty and is a valid racing technique. "Parking it on the apex".
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Dive-bombs aren't dirty! If you make the apex and don't overshoot, you've made the corner fairly.

In fact what I find much dirtier (and more salty, I guess is the online nomenclature), is when the defending driver panics and tries to close the space a moment too late and just goes into the side of you (then probably call you out for being dirty too).
Dive-bombs aren't dirty! If you make the apex and don't overshoot, you've made the corner fairly.
I think that, for the most part, people define a dive-bomb as one in which the inside driver will not make the regular apex and needs the outside driver to either get out of the way or be hit. The "bomb" part implies the explosive outcome if evasive action isn't taken.

There is, as you say, nothing obviously awry with a very late braking dive if you still make the apex, although it is contextual.
Setting aside a very broke penalty system in the game... There's a very fine line between "dirty" and aggressive driving. A bump draft to work as a team to some people would be considered an act deserving of the 7th plane of hell to another.
I think in general people are very fast to 'retaliate'. As you said in the opening post, when you slightly bump someone, all bets are off and the other person seems to feel like they now have the right to completely annihilate you. When you try to race and make an overtake, the car in front also needs to play along a little bit and give some space. People seem to forget that. They just turn in like you don't exist and then get upset because they were 'pushed' wide. People have very short fuses.
Just say a slight tap into a corner not bad just the usual little bump. On that one I think as long as you stay behind them it’s a mistake.
Like you say, I would see that a mistake, but no dirty driving as long you stay behind...
The next is the gentle squeeze off the race line/ track. I consider that dirty but others argue that’s just part of racing?
That's a hard one...when someone pushes the other car off the track it's definitely dirty driving in my world, if both cars stay on the track I would say it can be ok...could still be considers dirty, when the pushed car suffers massive negative consequences!
Next is driving slow in corners were one car has an advantage in the corner vs the other on the straights. That brake hard at the apex when there really isn’t and reason for it to slow the person behind and stop them from getting the drive out of the corner. Is that dirty?
For me, this is definitely not dirty driving, but a way for a slower car to fight off attacks from faster cars...

But this are just my very personal opinons...
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