Not quite. If you say "you suck", you're saying "you're a gay dude". Which then becomes "that sucks" meaning "that's gay". It then loses all meaning by the time it's a reference to a chick, at which point it should no longer be an insult.
I've never heard that. Unfortunately I don't feel safe googling it from work.
I never got blows even as a direct reference. There is no blowing involved (that I'm aware of - maybe I'm just missing out). Seems very strange. I'm sure it comes from something.
I believe Cornell did a study with MRI's and patients.
They found that normal language is processed in the cerebral cortex. This is the area of the brain that focuses more on "higher thinking."
When you curse, your brain isn't using the cerebral cortex, the area of activity changes to the limbic system.
photonriderThe limbic system is okay when you mash your thumb.
photonriderAnd that is why cursing . . and swearing . . are two different things. One should use the cerebral cortex when taking the stand.
The limbic system is okay when you mash your thumb.
I swear whenever it will make my statement funnier which is pretty much most of the time I'm not on GTP.
FamineKnowing expletives in addition to the rest of your language only expands your vocabulary - which in turn increases your ability to use your imagination in language..
You're literally telling us that adding more to a whole makes the whole smaller.Try an exercise, instead of saying someone is being a troll, say antagonist
Edit: Just thought of the perfect reason why you all know or will know that swearing is bad. If you dont have kids yet you wont understand, but I am sure there are some parents out there that have been in my shoes. You dont realize you sweet inocent little 1 year old angel is listening until the first time you hear her say "oh sh**". You know your heart just sank a little like mine did this week. You'll blame yourself and tell your wife "we need to watch what we say around the baby" yeah-thats how I know swearing isnt a good thing...
People who swear infront of other people's children, however, really annoy me, as I think that is really inconsiderate. Yes, it is up to parents to ensure that their child is told that those words are not acceptable to repeat, but really young kids can't possibly be expected to understand, and will parrot whatever they hear for weeks.
What's wrong with swearing is society and it's love of 'social norms', which are all a load of nonsense.
Its not social "norms", its social values. The reason they constantly change is because people stop caring about the decline of certain values, like what is appropriate to air on tv at certain times of day, or what words should be used as social commentary for entertainment purposes like Mr. Carlin. Some people just have more respect for family values than others.
Its not social "norms", its social values. The reason they constantly change is because people stop caring about the decline of certain values, like what is appropriate to air on tv at certain times of day, or what words should be used as social commentary for entertainment purposes like Mr. Carlin. Some people just have more respect for family values than others.
Roger the HorseBut it's only considered a value by everyone because it's the social norm to do so. In the opposite respect it's only considered polite to say please or thank you because it is the norm. I personally don't get anything out of somebody saying thank you to me, so why should they thank me? Logically thanking someone would be rude because you're wasting their time.
JubbyThe words existed and were used many years before any comedians, televisions, or radios uttered the words.
Have you ever spoke/written a vulgar/offensive word? I don't know of anyone that has not. By your explanation, you don't care or have respect for social or family values.
I think it's less of caring, more acceptance. They're words.
I think if anyone wants to look at family values, we need to discuss many items before vulgar language... but that's a different subject.
False: Most people who choose expletives do so not because they have weighed each word they want to use carefully before they speak them, but merely they do so because once curse words become part of their vocabulary they become cache for that presons brain. When someone who uses a lot if profanity in their everyday conversations wants to find the most powerful words to use in EVERY difficult situation whether it is appropriate or not (hardly ever appropriate unless just with the guys) they will more often choose the explatives because the other more appropriate words have been unused so long they fall out of that persons vernacular. Vocabulary is like math, if you dont use it you lose it.
Yea, stop mewling.