What fur farms really do.

  • Thread starter Cosmic


Please read....
The fur ads you might see in magazines and commercials portray fur coats as a symbol of elegance. But these ads fail to show how the original owners of these coats met their gruesome deaths.

Millions of fur-bearing animals including foxes, raccoons, minks, coyotes, bobcats, lynxes, opossums, nutria, beavers, muskrats, otters, and others are killed each year on fur farms by anal and vaginal electrocution and in the wild by drowning, trapping, or beating.


Ranch-raised foxes are kept in cages only 2.5 feet square (minks in cages 1-foot-by-3-feet), with up to four animals per cage.

Animals can languish in traps for days. Up to 1 out of every 4 trapped animals escapes by chewing off his or her own feet, only to die later from blood loss, fever, gangrene, or predation.

Every year, thousands of dogs, cats, raptors, and other so-called "trash" animals (including endangered species like the bald eagle) are crippled or killed by traps.

To kill the animals without damaging their fur, trappers usually strangle, beat, or stomp them to death. Animals on fur farms may be gassed, electrocuted, poisoned with strychnine, or have their necks snapped. These methods are not 100 percent effective and some animals "wake up" while being skinned.
Now if want to watch the video I'll warn you, it's disturbing and digusting...It's nothing to watch if you just ate or really sensitive or have a weak stomach!

Video : I warned you!

I hope, these people will die someday! :grumpy: I feel really sorry for the animals! :(

PS. Sorry if it's a repost, then mods can close this thread even if it's against the rules of this site.
Is real fur even in fashion anymore? everytime I hear them talk about fur coats and stuff they always stress that it is fake because real fur isn't fashionable anymore.

That's just in the US though, I don't know what the fur climate is in other countries.
That's just sick!

I'll bet I could find some distrubing videos from slaughterhouses too! Or a sewage treatment plant. Personally I get grossed out by plastic surgery videos - hell ANY surgery videos. There's some porn that disgusts me too...

What was the point of this again?
anal and vaginal electrocution

Damn. They've been spying on my HDD again.

Remember, this is PETA, who think you're cruel to animals if you have a pet hamster.
What was the point of this again?
PETA propaganda.

I should find the statistics about how many animals are killed by farm harvesting equipment and send them that information. Maybe I can find a video too. Then they will only be able to eat their own home grown garden vegetables and nothing else. Of course, after they refuse to use pesticides of any kind they might not have enough to last all year and starve.

I do agree however that it was cruel and a hammer and spike could have done the job in a few seconds and not cost a lot of money.
Free Suzy Junior!*

I really don't think fur is a big issue in the West anymore. Designers now proudly tout faux fur in their creations. I see almost no real fur any more - if any at all. That being said, we don't wear anything with fur ourselves, for this very reason. And we do wear leather shoes etc. in order that we get the maximum utility out of cows slaughtered for beef.

And, honestly, a mink is about as smart as a carrot. They're raised as crops and harvested as such. I can't see that as a real issue compared to, say, killing white rhinos to make aphrodesiacs out of their horns or shooting tigers because powdered tiger pineal gland is considered a fertility drug in China (as if they needed to be any more fertile).

* Suzy Junior is the (male) Dwarf Chinese Hamster we're currently pet-sitting for my daughter's elementary school class. He's actually quite nice and seems to enjoy being held and petted and played with. We don't know what happened to Suzy Senior, but I suppose it's possible (s)he was brutally killed for his luxurious pelt.
Free Suzy Junior!*

I really don't think fur is a big issue in the West anymore. Designers now proudly tout faux fur in their creations. I see almost no real fur any more - if any at all. That being said, we don't wear anything with fur ourselves, for this very reason. And we do wear leather shoes etc. in order that we get the maximum utility out of cows slaughtered for beef.

And, honestly, a mink is about as smart as a carrot. They're raised as crops and harvested as such. I can't see that as a real issue compared to, say, killing white rhinos to make aphrodesiacs out of their horns or shooting tigers because powdered tiger pineal gland is considered a fertility drug in China (as if they needed to be any more fertile).

* Suzy Junior is the (male) Dwarf Chinese Hamster we're currently pet-sitting for my daughter's elementary school class. He's actually quite nice and seems to enjoy being held and petted and played with. We don't know what happened to Suzy Senior, but I suppose it's possible (s)he was brutally killed for his luxurious pelt.
Just think, somewhere out there, there's a rich soulless bastard with a fur thumb cozy.

Great video! Pass the popcorn!

Remember, this is PETA, who think you're cruel to animals if you have a pet hamster.

Did you watch that video?

That was really sick :mad::mad:, how can people do that? Ok, it's not very nice to skin dead animals, but live ones? :mad: These people are sick. :yuck: :mad:

I had to keep glancing twards my cat while watching this
Did you watch that video?

That was really sick :mad::mad:, how can people do that? Ok, it's not very nice to skin dead animals, but live ones? :mad: These people are sick. :yuck: :mad:

I had to keep glancing twards my cat while watching this

You're just ticked because you think they're cute. That's it. That's the whole thing with these animals.

You don't care if cows are slaughtered because cows aren't cute. You don't care if people smack a fish to kill it or gut a fish while it's still squirming because it's not cute and can't make noise.

*sigh* So many people are so emotional.

DO you know what they do to snakes? Do you care? No, because snakes aren't cute.

If you went hungry for a few days that racoon would start looking less cute and more like dinner. Just because its cute doesn't stop a mountain lion from gnawing on it while it's alive.
Did you watch that video?

That was really sick :mad::mad:, how can people do that? Ok, it's not very nice to skin dead animals, but live ones? :mad: These people are sick. :yuck: :mad:

I had to keep glancing twards my cat while watching this


Where do you draw the line? If skinning a live animal is bad, how about catching a live fish with a sharp, metal hook through its face? What about swatting a fly? How about keeping a dog/cat/hamster/fish/python as a pet in a caged environment? How about zoos? What about things bred to feed you - pigs for pork are castrated without sedative or anaesthetic - and supply the interior to your car? And let us not forget how lobsters are cooked.

If one is fine by you, why are any of the others not?

Where do you draw the line? If skinning a live animal is bad, how about catching a live fish with a sharp, metal hook through its face? What about swatting a fly? How about keeping a dog/cat/hamster/fish/python as a pet in a caged environment? How about zoos? What about things bred to feed you - pigs for pork are castrated without sedative or anaesthetic - and supply the interior to your car? And let us not forget how lobsters are cooked.

If one is fine by you, why are any of the others not?

Good examples Famine. I like the lobster one. I was trying with the snakes but it was a weaker example. I think it's interesting that we both went to fish. 👍
I can't be bothered to watch it, I've seen too much of this junk in R.E last school term. It gets boring and if anythng you get angry at the people complaining.

Also, the British royal guard still wear black bear fur on their hats because no other man-made or natural material was as good as it. (impermeable, low-weight etc)
Although i hate to admit it, it's probably either because they resemble animals that i like, or because none of the above things has ever been shown to me in a video before.
Show me most of them in videos and i wont be to happy about it either.
Oh, and he swatting of flys, because i neverwant them anywhere near me.

Oh and i wouldn't be very happy if could see a snake being skinned alive either. Maybe i'd be a little less concerned if it was about to inject lethal venom into me.
You woudn't want a mink near you either.

When some environmentalists released a load from a fur farm in the New Forest people cats and small dogs were getting mauled and a few got killed.
And let us not forget how lobsters are cooked.
Are you referring to the boiled alive or chopping their head in two with a butcher knife before stuffing and broiling them? Both are harsh, and both are fun.

PETA really hates me. Not only do I have nor problems killing animals for food, clothing, whatever, but I also eat fish in the same room as my aquarium. They say it's cruel but the fish don't seem to notice.
Although i hate to admit it, it's probably either because they resemble animals that i like, or because none of the above things has ever been shown to me in a video before.

Nail. Head. Bang.

The video is shocking, but no more shocking than a good scat porno or watching liposuction. So you're shocked by what you see, but combine that with animals yelping from pain (lobsters can't yelp when they're boiled alive) and the fact that they resemble your pets and you get a strong emotional reaction.

But that doesn't make it fundamentally more cruel to gut a racoon while it's alive than to gut a fish or cow while it is. I'd argue (as Famine did) that it's marginally more cruel to castrate farm animals.
PETA really hates me... I also eat fish in the same room as my aquarium. They say it's cruel but the fish don't seem to notice.


I don't have a major problem with things being killed for fur, and even less with them being killed for food, but when i see this cute fluffy animal that resembles my cat, i'm not best pleased.
Nail. Head. Bang.

The video is shocking, but no more shocking than a good scat porno or watching liposuction. So you're shocked by what you see, but combine that with animals yelping from pain (lobsters can't yelp when they're boiled alive) and the fact that they resemble your pets and you get a strong emotional reaction.

But that doesn't make it fundamentally more cruel to gut a racoon while it's alive than to gut a fish or cow while it is. I'd argue (as Famine did) that it's marginally more cruel to castrate farm animals.

That's exactly right. It's no more cruel, but it's more emotional to see something that resembles your cat ebing skinned alive, and slapped against a wall like a paintbrush.
Big deal. A lot of people object to fur because fur usually comes from animals many consider cute. However, many of the animals used for fur clothing are pests, or worse (anyone whose car has been trashed by a bear will attest to this). Animals used for fur that are farm-raised don't seem to care all that much (animals don't really have consciousness, except for elephants and certain sea mammals and primates with rudimentary consciousness), and some are impossible to farm-raise, like raccoons, which will figure out ways to escape from cages and will bully their caretakers.

Animals are not sapient like humans. All the other sapient beings on this earth are gone, some probably at our own hands in the distant past. Giving animals "rights" is futile from the animal's point of view. What if the humans don't kill you? The ouma will have no such reservations, and he'll rip you limb from limb and tear your throat out while you're still alive instead of killing you first.

As for the electrocution, a lot of people think that burning someone to death with electricity is humane compared to say, the guillotine (the electric chair was touted as a humane and state-of-the art execution method in the early 20th century). This conception is absolutely false, but it is till very widespread.
Maybe take some of those fur farm workers and make a lovely skin coat for my dog !
No, he already has a coat. And don't worry, I don't want a dog fur coat. Imagine how bad it would smell if you got caught out in the rain.
I am a P.E.T.A member...

...Peoplle for the Eating of Tasty Animals.


PETA is the most useless, whiny,liberal bunch of idiots on the planet.
As "bad" as the fur industry is, it does provide a source of income to some aboriginal groups. Many Inuit in Northern Canada rely on trapping for a few bucks to purchase goods needed to survive today. The Northern territories up there aren't really a haven for jobs. Sure, there's some high-tech mining going on up there, but most Inuit don't have the secondary education to work in that field. Are PETA actually willing to take away their only source of income?

Another good thing about fur is that it is free of chemicals. A factory producing nylon pants does much more damage to the enviroment than a bear trap ever could.

I think we can all agree that whaling and killing elephants for ivory suck though. Killing tigers and sharks has no benefits today either. However I generally think it's okay to go fishing for game fish (Marlin, Swordfish, Sailfish) as long as the person eats the fish as well as keeps it for a trophy.
Grand Prix
Another good thing about fur is that it is free of chemicals.

Chemicals are good. Chemicals are the reason people live more than twice as long today as they used to.... just pointing that out.
Chemicals are good. Chemicals are people live more than twice as long today as they used to.... just pointing that out.

I was referring to harmful chemicals, not all chemicals in general. :)

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