What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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What is currently grinding my gears is V8 Supercars 3, I entered a race in a Honda NSX at Phillip Island, and it is my first competitive race using manual, and a clutch, qualified on first. Started the race, and I get overtaken by the guy in first, and in turn 1 get spun out by the next guy behind, then I restarted, got a good start but the car in second still gaining, so he spins me out, causing a MASSIVE pile-up, and it carried on like that until I raged at it and decided to just smash everyone to try and teach them a lesson
Well, if I'm doing Grifball in Halo: Reach and I end up facing a team of total n00bs I get all excited at turning it into an epic killfest and going on huge sprees and whatnot. But what really grinds my gears is when those situations appear, and I get stuck with teammates who think the best think to do is score the bomb ASAP and the rounds only last 10 seconds.👎:ouch:

So much wasted potential.:grumpy:
What is currently grinding my gears is V8 Supercars 3, I entered a race in a Honda NSX at Phillip Island, and it is my first competitive race using manual, and a clutch, qualified on first. Started the race, and I get overtaken by the guy in first, and in turn 1 get spun out by the next guy behind, then I restarted, got a good start but the car in second still gaining, so he spins me out, causing a MASSIVE pile-up, and it carried on like that until I raged at it and decided to just smash everyone to try and teach them a lesson

Yeah, starting off in that game is a PITA. Somehow everyone else manages to leave you in the dust :grumpy:
I might do another GTP time trial with that game. It's my favourite racing game to date 👍

Yeah, starting off in that game is a PITA. Somehow everyone else manages to leave you in the dust :grumpy:
I might do another GTP time trial with that game. It's my favourite racing game to date 👍

I really enjoy this game too (TOCA 3 over here).

Pretty challenging on maximum difficulty, especially tier 25 and up (yay! locking wheels at 180mph due to super-keen A.I!)
I really enjoy this game too (TOCA 3 over here).

Pretty challenging on maximum difficulty, especially tier 25 and up (yay! locking wheels at 180mph due to super-keen A.I!)

It is very difficult, but I made it through all except the final challenge, the one with F1's from the 80's, 90's and the new BMW Williams. I'm at 99%
I don't like to complain about nature, but... loudest woodpecker in existance pecking on the fence around my property is NOT cool. Lil' punk...
People who yell at you for "handling" their dog when you just pulled it out of the middle of the road.

Earlier today, I had a little Yorkie come wandering over to greet me from a yard across the street. So I say hi, give it a few pats, and then it goes wandering back to the street and it got distracted by something in a drain. And of course there's a car coming. Now, it's likely that he would have noticed the car coming and/or the driver of the car would have stopped, but still, I wasn't just going to stand there. So I go out and grab him and take him back to the yard he came from.

So then I close the gate so he can't get back out and I'm starting back on my merry way, when this bimbo (sorry, no other word for her) comes out the front door and starts yelling: "What the **** are you doing handling my dog?? You get the **** off my lawn right now, if I ever see you again I'm calling the mother****ing cops."

I tried to explain myself, she just continues to yell profanity and threats at me until I figure there's no point, so I tell her to go right ahead and call the cops, they can come up the street and arrest me if they feel so inclined.

It's still got me mad, this world is a disgusting place.. You can't help a lost child get home because people will assume you're abducting him, now you have to stand idly by and watch as a dog gets hit by a car..
The fact that I can't top up the balance on my cellphone means I won't have internet on it tomorrow and grinds my gears.
People who yell at you for "handling" their dog when you just pulled it out of the middle of the road.

Earlier today, I had a little Yorkie come wandering over to greet me from a yard across the street. So I say hi, give it a few pats, and then it goes wandering back to the street and it got distracted by something in a drain. And of course there's a car coming. Now, it's likely that he would have noticed the car coming and/or the driver of the car would have stopped, but still, I wasn't just going to stand there. So I go out and grab him and take him back to the yard he came from.

So then I close the gate so he can't get back out and I'm starting back on my merry way, when this bimbo (sorry, no other word for her) comes out the front door and starts yelling: "What the **** are you doing handling my dog?? You get the **** off my lawn right now, if I ever see you again I'm calling the mother****ing cops."

I tried to explain myself, she just continues to yell profanity and threats at me until I figure there's no point, so I tell her to go right ahead and call the cops, they can come up the street and arrest me if they feel so inclined.

It's still got me mad, this world is a disgusting place.. You can't help a lost child get home because people will assume you're abducting him, now you have to stand idly by and watch as a dog gets hit by a car..

Guess that the reason superheroes don't exist. :dopey:

But really, I was once helping some guys that had to move a lot of crates, I offered, they accepted. Suddenly the boss comes out and yells: "WTF are you doing? Don't think I'm stupid, I know you are robbing me." And stuff.

People being too hysterical grinds my gears too. :grumpy:
People who yell at you for "handling" their dog when you just pulled it out of the middle of the road.

Earlier today, I had a little Yorkie come wandering over to greet me from a yard across the street. So I say hi, give it a few pats, and then it goes wandering back to the street and it got distracted by something in a drain. And of course there's a car coming. Now, it's likely that he would have noticed the car coming and/or the driver of the car would have stopped, but still, I wasn't just going to stand there. So I go out and grab him and take him back to the yard he came from.

So then I close the gate so he can't get back out and I'm starting back on my merry way, when this bimbo (sorry, no other word for her) comes out the front door and starts yelling: "What the **** are you doing handling my dog?? You get the **** off my lawn right now, if I ever see you again I'm calling the mother****ing cops."

I tried to explain myself, she just continues to yell profanity and threats at me until I figure there's no point, so I tell her to go right ahead and call the cops, they can come up the street and arrest me if they feel so inclined.

It's still got me mad, this world is a disgusting place.. You can't help a lost child get home because people will assume you're abducting him, now you have to stand idly by and watch as a dog gets hit by a car..

I know, it's horrible isn't it, my sister's friend, let's just call him Bob, once saw a young girl about 8 or 10 years old walking towards a road. Eyes glued to cell phone. And like your dog thing, there's a car coming, and this little girl is about to walk on the road and get hit. Bob stops her and says, "wait, there's a car there," and what she said. Is so agitating I would of raged, she jsut screams at him, "I know how to cross a 🤬 road, 🤬 leave me alone you perv," And it was those exact words too.

The reason here in NZ is the no physical punishment idea, I see why they did it, to try and stop serious abusers, but now all kids just think, "oh, they're not allowed to hurt me, so I can do it, let's get pregnant at age 13," and bad things like that happen. The generations are getting extremely bad. So much disrespect, it's so shameful about this younger generation. My cousins aged about 8, and 9 were playing a game, which was GRAND THEFT AUTO, a game definitely not for little kids, and they were talking about how their character was having "sex with the lady," I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT WAS TILL I WAS LIKE, 11 or 12. It's embarrassing, and I've just embarrassed myself in front of everyone getting a point through.

I mean, if those words I just said are coming from someone who is almost in that generation, because I am 15 yrs, it must be veeery bad, why can't the world go back to a way of respecting others and appreciating what you have and all the small things in life (like the sunset, birds chirping, etc) These small things mean nothing to most of my generation these days, and that's what causes my rather limited number of good friends, because I WILL force you to pick up your litter, to not hurt an animal like a bird in shock from hitting a window, or squashing a cute and innocent bee. Yet they still do it. I despise these people and wish they could think of the future, think about how there are other life forms on this earth other than humans.

Next part of my biggest rant ever, Science classes, for one reason, only one.

Animal dissection, we're ripping apart innocent creatures we SHARE the earth with, my class had to dissect rats last year, and I was peer pressured to not sit it out :(. They brought out the rats, still completely in tact, still like a cute animal, and told us to rip it apart, all my friends and I refused, as we all share the same opinion. We know, this animal was once alive. This creature of nature, never ever got to see its natural habitat because it was a lab rat all its life. It deserves as much respect as any other life form in this world, but yet we take multiple of these cute rats to get teenage students to dissect them, even though almost every one of them will never need to know how to do that. when the teacher says it's for Science, it's a lie, for Science, you'd only need to take apart one, then we'd all know by those things, images and words, or a mix, called videos and the internet. We don't need to kill over a thousand rats to teach 3-4000 students how to take apart an innocent creature. Animals, plants are all here for a reason, to help us survive or to help keep a balance in nature. Also, to show us there is more to life than survival. But most people don't seem to understand this, and harm them, it breaks my heart, and maybe yours too, it is something that doesn't grind my gears, but completely obliterates them, breaking them into many little pieces.

And this is my rant
That was deep Skython 👍. Yeah, each generation seems to get even worse. Having Kids at the age of 12, its rediculous.
People who dawdle. In city centres, supermarkets and on train platforms in particular.

If you have been blessed with motor skills, walk faster or get the 'F' out of my way!

I cannot describe how wound up I get when people push their trolley about at a snail's pace in the supermarket, leave it in the middle of the aisle at a horrible and obstructive angle, then dawdle about 20 paces away.

I have no qualms about slipping through any small gaps that are available, whether I make a nuisance of myself or not.

Oh, and people who don't stick to the left when you need to get past one another.
People who dawdle. In city centres, supermarkets and on train platforms in particular.

If you have been blessed with motor skills, walk faster or get the 'F' out of my way!

I cannot describe how wound up I get when people push their trolley about at a snail's pace in the supermarket, leave it in the middle of the aisle at a horrible and obstructive angle, then dawdle about 20 paces away.

I have no qualms about slipping through any small gaps that are available, whether I make a nuisance of myself or not.

Oh, and people who don't stick to the left when you need to get past one another.

What about people who have a car with 300 hp and drive it like a Subaru 360? My brother said it best. "To the general public, if you don't want me to buy a F:censored: shotgun, learn how th F:censored: drive!"
People who dawdle. In city centres, supermarkets and on train platforms in particular.

If you have been blessed with motor skills, walk faster or get the 'F' out of my way!

I cannot describe how wound up I get when people push their trolley about at a snail's pace in the supermarket, leave it in the middle of the aisle at a horrible and obstructive angle, then dawdle about 20 paces away.

I have no qualms about slipping through any small gaps that are available, whether I make a nuisance of myself or not.

Oh, and people who don't stick to the left when you need to get past one another.

I know what you mean. Last week I saw someone who had taken their child, complete with her scooter, shopping. She was riding around the supermarket, whilst her mum just shopped as normal.:crazy:
That was deep Skython 👍. Yeah, each generation seems to get even worse. Having Kids at the age of 12, its rediculous.

Thanks, I think alexleighton's post triggered me to think of all that.

Also, people who are girl crazy, like my mate, he likes this one girl that he's been trying to get the courage to tell her how he feels. But wait, then he tells me he likes another girl AS WELL, and then about a month later he seems to have some sort of list. WHY!!!! He goes out with the most recent girl he claims to like. And the worst part, yes, there is worse than that.

About 2 weeks ago, he was cutting himself like an emo and I had to take away all of his knives to make sure he doesn't manage to cut an artery, because believe it or not, this guy is my best friend. Anyway, he was being emo, really badly because he couldn't stop liking the first girl, and now he's going out with his newest victim, he's all good, and when (I don't think this one will last) they break up, he'll be all sad again, and he'll just get worse. And I was putting up with it. He fell into the same trap I once did, by liking a girl you forget about your friends, and ignore them, and when he does take note of my existence, it's because he wants something. So now I ditch him in break and walk around with another mate, and in classes try to not talk to him, show him that if he's going to act like an imbecile, then keep it away from me.

The difference between me and him on the trap we fell into, I realized I was in that trap, and did something about it, and now almost any girl in creation could want to go out with me and I'd refuse because I don't want to do what my mate's doing. Grrrrraaaaaaa :mad: 🤬 :grumpy: :mad: Grrrrrrrr
Year 8 students irritate me. I don't know how it happens, but they go from wide-eyed in Year 7 to cynical over the summer holidays. They're right at the age where they're still impressionable, but believe the mysteries of the universe are finite. Maybe it's just an age thing, but the boys in particular seem to think they already know everything and I'm teaching them purely for my own entertainment. It's funny in its own way, because they challenge my authority at every opportunity and ignore my instructions if they'd rather socialise ... but they still copy my handwriting exactly, so if I write something on the board entirely in captial letters, so will they.

Year 9 students are also frustrating because they're right at the age where they realise they have the guile to get away with lying. I had two of them try and convince me that their assignments were not identical because, masters of deception that they were, they had changed three words betwen the papers. But at least they're capable of independent thought and don't need to be told to write something down.
When I can't think of an answer for a stupidly easy math item. The frustration never ends. :mad:
Do you know what grinds my gears? Every. Single. ****ing. Morning. I go outside and see my dog (or somebody else's dog) has pissed on my tires! I'm about to go get a dog whistle to try to prevent this.
People who dawdle. In city centres, supermarkets and on train platforms in particular.

If you have been blessed with motor skills, walk faster or get the 'F' out of my way!

I cannot describe how wound up I get when people push their trolley about at a snail's pace in the supermarket, leave it in the middle of the aisle at a horrible and obstructive angle, then dawdle about 20 paces away.

I have no qualms about slipping through any small gaps that are available, whether I make a nuisance of myself or not.

Oh, and people who don't stick to the left when you need to get past one another.

Do you know what grinds my gears? Every. Single. ****ing. Morning. I go outside and see my dog (or somebody else's dog) has pissed on my tires! I'm about to go get a dog whistle to try to prevent this.

I can relate. A neighbor's dog kept ******** the frontyard (literally) and my parents are pissed off about that too.
How about when cops drive incredibly aggressively - you know, aggressively enough that if it was you driving like that you'd get a ticket....:yuck: They shouldn't abuse their powers like that....

I was coming back home from the mall yesterday evening and I made a left turn out onto the side road the proper way - buy turning into the first lane and then moving right. The cop just pulled straight into the right hand lane and crawled right up behind me and just sat there. I didn't really think much of it but the same scenario happened again on the next turn, so instead of sitting behind me he pulls out from behind me and floors it, hard enough that I could her the engine at full song with the windows closed and over the radio, and complete with squealing tires. Then, he darts back in front of me, cutting me off, and jams his brakes as we're both waiting in the left turn lane at the stoplight. Like seriously, WTF?

And it wasn't like he was on a call - no lights or sirens or anything. Just too busy being an 🤬... I gave him the horn as he blasted past, which may not have been the smartest thing but it was the only legal means I had of expressing my displeasure. I gave my friend a good shock though...
That's one of things I have noticed about cops on the highway. Whenever I see them on the highway they were speeding without their lights or sirens.
That's one of things I have noticed about cops on the highway. Whenever I see them on the highway they were speeding without their lights or sirens.

Here they drive 10 km/h under the speed limit, alot of people afraid to pass them :lol:
- "Men" who wear white sunglasses.
- Kids who drive while wearing a hood... Did your heater break? No? Then take your damn hood off, you no-peripheral-vision-having doucher.
What grinds my gears.......... A faulty derailer on my push bike. LITERALLY!
New chain and sprocket required just because the stupid thing has shifted a bit since the last time I tweaked it only a few months ago. Stupid Chinese made stuff. No, wait, it's a Shimano.
What grinds my gears.......... A faulty derailer on my push bike. LITERALLY!
New chain and sprocket required just because the stupid thing has shifted a bit since the last time I tweaked it only a few months ago. Stupid Chinese made stuff. No, wait, it's a Shimano.

My father's Supercycle bike has the same problem, as does my Supercycle bike.


This is my bike (the rear-end is very, very weak, on my actual bike we reinforced it by welding a plate -one on each side- to strengthen it)
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