What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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Here they drive 10 km/h under the speed limit, alot of people afraid to pass them :lol:
They do that here to bait people into passing them. I got stopped for doing 70 (71-72, IDK) for passing a cop doing 65, yet the legal speed limit was 70. Yeah, you go and write me that warning. :lol:
What grinds my gears.......... A faulty derailer on my push bike. LITERALLY!
New chain and sprocket required just because the stupid thing has shifted a bit since the last time I tweaked it only a few months ago. Stupid Chinese made stuff. No, wait, it's a Shimano.

One word.....SRAM :sly:
What grinds my gears is when someone claims they are smart and they use improper grammar/spelling or l33t speak and say something like "your a idiot" in retaliation.
What grinds my gears is when someone claims they are smart and they use improper grammar/spelling or l33t speak and say something like "your a idiot" in retaliation.


Smart people are supposed to have better common sense.
People who make shoutout and/or announcement threads in a QUESTIONS & Answers Section...
People who don't use what local residents have come to call "The Suicide Lane", even when it's clearly marked that they have to. Despite the name it isn't nearly as dangerous as people seem to believe. And the speed limit is 40mph, so it's not like it's any riskier than other 2 lane roads with 40mph speed limits.
On a 5 mile stretch of Mountain Road, there is a lane in the center that changes direction based on the usual traffic flow at that time of day, usually helping a great deal to keep the traffic down since it's on a peninsula and there are no back roads to cut around if traffic gets heavy. It also helps for anyone merging off of Route 100 because Anne Arrudle County loves making bad decisions and decided not to make an actual merge lane, but that's another story all together.

Here's a picture of what the signals look like that tell you the direction of traffic for the center lane:

The symbols are self explanatory, a big red X, a big green arrow, and a picture of 2 arrows going to the left and right. What grinds my gears about this, is that sometimes, even when the lane is full open or a turn lane, some people will just stop in the far right lane and wait for a hole in the opposing traffic to make a left, instead of moving into the center lane to get out of the way. So I have to sit there for a few minutes because this person was to stupid to look at the giant symbol telling them they can use the turn lane. But that alone isn't the reason I made this post, that would be because of this:

Red Line- Traffic coming from Route 100 merging with Mountain Road.
Black Line- Flow of traffic for the far right lane when heading toward Gibson Island.
Black Circle- A giant sign with large flashing lights(hard to miss even if you're not paying attention), that tells you to "move to the center lane when lights are flashing".
Blue Line- Where that giant flashing sign tells you to to go to allow room for traffic from 100 to merge.

Anyway, sometimes I'm coming off of 100 onto mountain road during rush hour and there are just those people who can't be bothered to move the:censored: into the center lane. And with there being no merge lane, everyone has to slow to a crawl to try to find a hole in traffic so they can merge, causing everyone to get packed together and making things uncomfortable and difficult for everyone involved.

TL;DR Version:
So in short, people who ruin my day by ignoring a massive flashing sign telling them to move the hell out of the way. Today someone wouldn't move over even if it meant they had to stop entirely to let people merge.


And yes, yes it does piss me off enough for me to bother making this long post. It would do the same to you if you were forced to do it every damn day.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm not even going to start on the 🤬 traffic light they just installed, where you drop off of Mountain Road going to 100, to lower the amount of accidents. I'll just say that it only made the accident problem worse, and ended up making the problem I originaly mentioned worse, because now the traffic is released in large clumps instead of a steady stream.
I'll stop there before I go to far and can't stop myself.

Come to think of it, that entire 400ft gap between the traffic light and merge lane is filled with a whole mess of bad decisions.

I've had a bad day:grumpy:
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They do that here to bait people into passing them. I got stopped for doing 70 (71-72, IDK) for passing a cop doing 65, yet the legal speed limit was 70. Yeah, you go and write me that warning. :lol:

Really? I doubt there's a whole lot they could do if you're only 1 or 2 over. I bet you could even get away with blaming on the speedometer calibration or something. It sucks when the cops decide to go on a bender - I've always wondered what it would be like to get pulled over for going one or two over, though...
They do that here to bait people into passing them. I got stopped for doing 70 (71-72, IDK) for passing a cop doing 65, yet the legal speed limit was 70. Yeah, you go and write me that warning. :lol:
I passed them a couple times on the highway doing 130 km/h (120 allowed), they didn't do anything, maybe because they were driving a VW Lupo :scared:
Floating advertisements on websites. 🤬 are annoying as hell. 👎

Yeah, I second that.

Nyehh... I watched two episodes :D


I passed them a couple times on the highway doing 130 km/h (120 allowed), they didn't do anything, maybe because they were driving a VW Lupo :scared:

I find quite contrasting that in America (continent) police cars are always high-powered and very resistant (Mexican police uses Dodge Chargers and F150's), while in Europe police cars are everyday cars (reading your post, Belgium has VW Lupos).
Yeah, I second that.

I find quite contrasting that in America (continent) police cars are always high-powered and very resistant (Mexican police uses Dodge Chargers and F150's), while in Europe police cars are everyday cars (reading your post, Belgium has VW Lupos).

I'm frigging terrified of the Ford Foci and Vauxhall Astras used by the North Wales Constabulary.
Ah see, my local force has unmarked Omegas in addition to Vectras and Mondeos. Big giveaways; carbon black paint, conspicuously long aerial and blues and twos visible on the parcel shelf.
Really? I doubt there's a whole lot they could do if you're only 1 or 2 over. I bet you could even get away with blaming on the speedometer calibration or something. It sucks when the cops decide to go on a bender - I've always wondered what it would be like to get pulled over for going one or two over, though...
There isn't. This officer did it by judging my speed in correlation to his, thus if I was ticketed, I would probably win it in court.

However, we've had some cases that if they radar you & show you the speed they clocked you at, you might actually lose as you technically did break the law.
I passed them a couple times on the highway doing 130 km/h (120 allowed), they didn't do anything, maybe because they were driving a VW Lupo :scared:

I've got a buddy, who if given the opportunity, will do that. Except he'll "fly by" them & then exit on a service ramp before the officer can react. :dopey:
People who don't kill the IMG tags for redonkulously huge images when quoting someone.
Nestle have just ground my gears... I want to redeem some points on their website, and I have enough points to earn me a free box of coffee machine pods (worth £3.46) or a travel mug (for coffee, worth £5.15). The mug will use up all my points, but I almost have enough points for two boxes of pods, but not just yet. I need to use my points soon as the whole points system is closing soon, hence I figured I might as well score some free stuff while I can.

The catch? They charge £3.50 delivery on every item. So my "free" box of pods, worth £3.46, will cost me £3.50 :ouch:
I've got a buddy, who if given the opportunity, will do that. Except he'll "fly by" them & then exit on a service ramp before the officer can react. :dopey:
That's a bridge too far for me. :lol:

Nestle have just ground my gears... I want to redeem some points on their website, and I have enough points to earn me a free box of coffee machine pods (worth £3.46) or a travel mug (for coffee, worth £5.15). The mug will use up all my points, but I almost have enough points for two boxes of pods, but not just yet. I need to use my points soon as the whole points system is closing soon, hence I figured I might as well score some free stuff while I can.

The catch? They charge £3.50 delivery on every item. So my "free" box of pods, worth £3.46, will cost me £3.50 :ouch:
Well played Nestle, well played... :)
What grinds my gears?


Why? Because once you have them on, they will hurt your teeth for the first couple days. But that's just the beginning. Not only will the excess wire(s) begin to poke you, almost anything you eat (or try to eat) gets stuck in your braces. Especially in the least comfortable spots. And to maintain good oral hygiene, you have to scrape the food out of every nook and cranny. Try putting up with that for 1+ years.

And that, my friend, is what grinds my gears.
Yeah I had to put up with it for 4 years. Never used the retainers since they were disgusting when I could feel my saliva on my teeth. Only two of my teeth shifted because of not using the retainers so my teeth were in good condition.
I find quite contrasting that in America (continent) police cars are always high-powered and very resistant (Mexican police uses Dodge Chargers and F150's), while in Europe police cars are everyday cars (reading your post, Belgium has VW Lupos).

I think that more has to do with the type of vehicle the cops have to catch. Fortunately, Europe has largely avoided the SUV/pick-up craze of the last 20 or so years, and most of the cars there are smaller and more nimble. I bet a fair percentage of the cars on European roads would leave a Crown Victoria or an Impala unable to keep up - different cars for different envirmonments. In N. America, the raods have a much higher proportion of big, heavy, bulky machinery and thus need big, heavy, brutish cop cars to match.

For what it's worth, those new Cherger cops look scary as all 🤬 coming up behind, and I wouldn't want to lock horns with a Crown Vic either...

Just my $0.02, but SUVs and trucks do sort of grind my gears - for those who need them that's ok, but 90% of people would be better serviced by something I could actually see around in traffic, because most SUV and big truck drivers think that a direct correlation between vehicle size and road rights exists....
I think that more has to do with the type of vehicle the cops have to catch. Fortunately, Europe has largely avoided the SUV/pick-up craze of the last 20 or so years, and most of the cars there are smaller and more nimble. I bet a fair percentage of the cars on European roads would leave a Crown Victoria or an Impala unable to keep up - different cars for different envirmonments. In N. America, the raods have a much higher proportion of big, heavy, bulky machinery and thus need big, heavy, brutish cop cars to match.

For what it's worth, those new Cherger cops look scary as all 🤬 coming up behind, and I wouldn't want to lock horns with a Crown Vic either...

Just my $0.02, but SUVs and trucks do sort of grind my gears - for those who need them that's ok, but 90% of people would be better serviced by something I could actually see around in traffic, because most SUV and big truck drivers think that a direct correlation between vehicle size and road rights exists....

I guess it also has to do with the level of violence of the zone, I sincerely don't imagine crazy fat guys with shotguns inside crack joints or fights between drug cartels (That sometimes require the army showing up with machine guns and grenade launchers) in say, France.
True - areas with more or heavier crime will need beefier vehicles - I hadn't considered that...

I guess the ultimate end to that strain of logic is that we should be lucky and thankful to not have tanks rolling down the street everyday. THAT would marjory grind my gears!!!
Grinding in GT5 to get to level 30 so I can do the Red Bull challenges so I can get to level 32 so I can win an Audi R8 LMS, then getting to the Red Bull challenges and finding I can barely make bronze. Wooow, that was a big sentence, bet I couldn't say that all at once in one breathe at a normal pace.


Anyway, back to the daily grind
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