What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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And blues.


Because I had to choose between pony remixes and blues, and eventually said "🤬 them both". Just kidding, I also listen Blues, I just forgot to mention it. Also forgot to mention Bossa Nova.
Because I had to choose between pony remixes and blues, and eventually said "🤬 them both". Just kidding, I also listen Blues, I just forgot to mention it. Also forgot to mention Bossa Nova.

Now that's real music!
My life, I've been depressed since last 5 years but now it got even worse, I'm bored all the time, nothing seems to make me happy or satisfied, most of the time I feel like I'm half asleep or time is slowing down and I'm absolutely unmotivated to do anything. I don't even want to start a relationship and I'm immune to flirting, I don't feel anything at all.
Psychiatrist can't help me with their funny colorful pills and I've completely lost all interest in living my life.:indiff:

All I do besides working in my gray, dull and stupid office is sleeping 10 hours a day, eating and weight lifting 3 hours a day to let off some steam. Exercise is actually the only thing that makes me feel better and keeps me away from drug abuse, benching 230 10 reps 5 stints and curling 100 makes me feel alive for short time, its the only thing I look forward to when I wake up.

Yep, really grinds my gears.

Have you thought about hanging with a different crowd or try to be socially active in something? Like weight lifting?
What grinds my gears is people who constantly remind me Beiber exists.
It's bad enough I have to live on the same planet he does, but do I constantly need to be reminded of it every time I use the internet?

Couldn't agree more. 👍
My life, I've been depressed since last 5 years but now it got even worse, I'm bored all the time, nothing seems to make me happy or satisfied, most of the time I feel like I'm half asleep or time is slowing down and I'm absolutely unmotivated to do anything. I don't even want to start a relationship and I'm immune to flirting, I don't feel anything at all.
Psychiatrist can't help me with their funny colorful pills and I've completely lost all interest in living my life.:indiff:

All I do besides working in my gray, dull and stupid office is sleeping 10 hours a day, eating and weight lifting 3 hours a day to let off some steam. Exercise is actually the only thing that makes me feel better and keeps me away from drug abuse, benching 230 10 reps 5 stints and curling 100 makes me feel alive for short time, its the only thing I look forward to when I wake up.

Yep, really grinds my gears.

Deantics or Prozac should clear that up. Worked wonders for me and
I'm as mad as a hatter (bipolar, like a curious bear!).

What grinds my gears.......... having diarrhea. Disgusting but true. :grumpy:
My life, I've been depressed since last 5 years but now it got even worse, I'm bored all the time, nothing seems to make me happy or satisfied, most of the time I feel like I'm half asleep or time is slowing down and I'm absolutely unmotivated to do anything. I don't even want to start a relationship and I'm immune to flirting, I don't feel anything at all.
Psychiatrist can't help me with their funny colorful pills and I've completely lost all interest in living my life.:indiff:

All I do besides working in my gray, dull and stupid office is sleeping 10 hours a day, eating and weight lifting 3 hours a day to let off some steam. Exercise is actually the only thing that makes me feel better and keeps me away from drug abuse, benching 230 10 reps 5 stints and curling 100 makes me feel alive for short time, its the only thing I look forward to when I wake up.

Yep, really grinds my gears.

You don't need any chemical pill invented by a lab coat with 50 different side effects.

If you really wanna change your life, and i mean really change your life....

Jim Carrey DMT experience.

3min 30sec onwards is very interesting.

Psilocybin is the easiest way currently to have a DMT-like experience.
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Todays new music -when compared to 60s, 70s, 80s, heck even 90s rock- is garbage. I know what Justin Bieber should sing 'if I was a guy'. The fact that he sucks, YET everybody likes him grinds my gears.

That's 90% of musicians through this generation of musicians, terrible but people seem to love it. Good news though. Proper metal music (like Priest, Iron Maiden) is due for a come back. The musicians of that generation and the good people listening to it have had children now, and the children have been taught the way of 'The Metal' and have picked up an instrument and are now playing, getting a better taste for music and writing stuff that could easily have come from the 70's or 80's. But some put a twist on it, like me, realizing that songs can be long and powerful and moody.

So lets wait and see if my prediction is right...

If so, then I'm buying Premium and changing my username to Nostradamus... Maybe
That's 90% of musicians through this generation of musicians, terrible but people seem to love it. Good news though. Proper metal music (like Priest, Iron Maiden) is due for a come back. The musicians of that generation and the good people listening to it have had children now, and the children have been taught the way of 'The Metal' and have picked up an instrument and are now playing, getting a better taste for music and writing stuff that could easily have come from the 70's or 80's. But some put a twist on it, like me, realizing that songs can be long and powerful and moody.

So lets wait and see if my prediction is right...

If so, then I'm buying Premium and changing my username to Nostradamus... Maybe

I hope it goes that way. I actually know a guy from college who likes Beiber. I always listen to the classic rock and metal stations because I love the mood, drums, and guitar noise from back in the day. I want to see more of the old stuff in the new music.
I had worse than beiber. I was playing MAG and the platoon leader started talking about Rebeca blacks morning routine along with singing on a platoon broadcast. I wanted to die as I was in a different squad I couldnt tell him to shut up or mute him.
That's 90% of musicians through this generation of musicians, terrible but people seem to love it. Good news though. Proper metal music (like Priest, Iron Maiden) is due for a come back. The musicians of that generation and the good people listening to it have had children now, and the children have been taught the way of 'The Metal' and have picked up an instrument and are now playing, getting a better taste for music and writing stuff that could easily have come from the 70's or 80's. But some put a twist on it, like me, realizing that songs can be long and powerful and moody.

So lets wait and see if my prediction is right...

If so, then I'm buying Premium and changing my username to Nostradamus... Maybe

I can't wait for the comeback...
What grinds my gears? Harry Potter.
You know how you all know how to say you know, that grinds Spacegoat's gears you know. Yeah, now you know. Jokes :dopey:

What grinds my gears: People who enjoy getting drunk. I mean, what is so fun about:
Drinking something which tastes fowl, then getting drunk, doing stupid things at the risk of killing yourself, vomiting, passing out in the toilet, and waking up with a bad headache with now memory of what they did. HOW IS THAT FUN!!!!!
What grinds my gears: People who enjoy getting drunk. I mean, what is so fun about:
Drinking something which tastes fowl, then getting drunk, doing stupid things at the risk of killing yourself, vomiting, passing out in the toilet, and waking up with a bad headache with now memory of what they did. HOW IS THAT FUN!!!!!

It's not the getting drunk that's fun, although it can be, it's the being drunk.

For me it's a social lubricant. I'm usually quite anxiety prone which is relieved with a few beers. I've had some of the best times of my life while drunk and experienced and done things that most could not even dream of doing.

My Monday Club would not exist if it wasn't for the enjoyment of drinking which all the member attend for. It also helps with the banter. We don't always do stupid things, rarely puke, rarely pass out in toilets (though I hold the record for that) and don't always get hangovers. Just men enjoying a day off without our wives/ girlfriends.

With regards to health, I have to agree with you Skython, it's punishment for one's body. I've been to work many times with a hangover and regretted getting drunk the night before. I've also had a fatty liver due to drinking too much and a 'live fast, die young' attitude.

I've just recently stopped drinking because I'm actually feeling mortal for once in my life and it scares me. Check the user title, it's how long I'll last. Wish me luck. :nervous:
People that use the phrase "You Know", 450 times in one sentence.

Agreed. Also those who use the word "like" constantly. Like don't you get it? Like don't you?

You know how you all know how to say you know, that grinds Spacegoat's gears you know. Yeah, now you know. Jokes :dopey:

What grinds my gears: People who enjoy getting drunk. I mean, what is so fun about:
Drinking something which tastes fowl, then getting drunk, doing stupid things at the risk of killing yourself, vomiting, passing out in the toilet, and waking up with a bad headache with now memory of what they did. HOW IS THAT FUN!!!!!

Yeah I have to agree with Shem here, its not getting drunk but being drunk that is the part worth enjoying. Haven't drank so I can't say from personal experience but I've done other things (possibly illegal?) where this is basically the same. Its not the getting part that's the fun part, its the being part that's the most fun.
exams and revision:yuck:
especially when its physics!!!

Physics is fantastic.. it makes everything in the world work! My biggest regret from college days is not studying Physics harder (actually did no revision at all..) and getting a better grade.. got a C, with work could possibly have got an A.

I'm considering trying to retake on a night course...
Physics is fantastic.. it makes everything in the world work! My biggest regret from college days is not studying Physics harder (actually did no revision at all..) and getting a better grade.. got a C, with work could possibly have got an A.

I'm considering trying to retake on a night course...

I'm glad you stepped in there to say Physics is fantastic, because I was just going to do the same thing :P

I love Physics, I'll be studying it next year at University if everything goes to plan. Now, Biology, I can understand if you had a hatred for that. I'm revising (well supposed to be) for that at the moment, its just really uninteresting. Compared to Physics anyway...
Agreed. Also those who use the word "like" constantly. Like don't you get it? Like don't you?

Yeah I have to agree with Shem here, its not getting drunk but being drunk that is the part worth enjoying. Haven't drank so I can't say from personal experience but I've done other things (possibly illegal?) where this is basically the same. Its not the getting part that's the fun part, its the being part that's the most fun.

But you don't even remember what you did
^ You might not remember what you did, but one of your buddies will. Most likely the designated driver. Anyway, the color purple grinds my gears.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet and I know many of you will blast me for saying this but....

What grinds my gears?............. Pony pics in the "Is genuinely funny except for all the pony picks in it: Return of the laugh as soon as all the pony pics stop being posted" thread.

It might just be because I'm missing something but I really don't see the 'funny' in them. The tables are cool though.
When someone starts a conversation with you in and they end up telling you to shut up because it's silent work.
When someone snitches on you because they can't respond to me being rightfully angry.
^ I agree with that. Also what about when a teacher tells you to work on an assignment then seconds later flips out on you after you started working on it.
I hate when a teacher givesyou a study guide but the test has nothing to do with it.

We had that in our mocks. The chemistry department decided to teach everything in a different order and they gave us a sheet of what topics to revise but a third of the questions were of things that we hadn't studied yet.
When I'm sitting in English, and for the first time in a month or so I have lyrics flowing onto the paper, then the teacher comes up and gets angry at me for not doing the work, but something I am passionate about, which is music instead of writing a boring essay about an extremely boring book, then the teacher rips it up and throws it in the bin :grumpy: :mad:, I swear if it does that again I'm going to smack it in the face
Skython, if one of my teachers did that, I'd unleash my large vocabulary of obscenities and direct them at him. My one teacher stole a car drawing I made, -I am really passionate about car drawing and this was my best work I ever did, and ever will have created.-, I kind of let her have it. I said things, mean things. When I'm drawing cars, for me it is like all my problems just float away. And when someone disrespect's your work... Its like a punch in the face. And when you get punched in the face, you fight. Teachers that don't know anything about you and mess with you, don't just grind my gears, they split them in half.
I've probably said this before, but here goes: "news" programs. At what point in your life would you think that planking belongs in the same space as K2 being declared dangerous and could be illegalized? :ouch:
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