What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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People addicted to Twitter/Facebook/MySpace. Yeah I have accounts on them too, but I don't tweet or update my status every 5 minutes. My email has 5000 messages from those 3 sites.
People addicted to Twitter/Facebook/MySpace. Yeah I have accounts on them too, but I don't tweet or update my status every 5 minutes. My email has 5000 messages from those 3 sites.

Email spammed with Facebook/Twitter notifications? Same here bro.
Do you know what grinds my gears? I am now counted as a GTP brony. Seriously WTF, I am not a brony goddammit!
According to Mrs Madmike:

"What Grind's my gears, Mike, is when you don't replace the toilet roll and leave the cardboard tube on the side of the bath!"

That and leaving things in my jeans pockets when I put them in the wash basket....
This fly in my room! I'm trying to do some work and it keeps buzzing around. I'm even armed with a fly swatter, but the thing is fast.
When I need a band-aid, all I can find are the stupid plastic ones and not see any fabric strech ones. I like fabric-sterchy ones... :grumpy:
This fly in my room! I'm trying to do some work and it keeps buzzing around. I'm even armed with a fly swatter, but the thing is fast.

Want something somewhat fun and addictive.....?

Get a few rubber band and wait for that fly to land somewhere and then try to kill it with the rubber bands. It's not easy to do but sure feels good when you nail the annoying thing. When I was younger I could hit one at 7-10ft away and kill it. Not very far but with a rubber band...that is challenging.
I clean one part of my room, and now I have another 2 parts to clean because the last time I cleaned one part and put all the junk in another place.
Life giving me lemons grinds my gears.

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
The wasted efforts designers go to make signages and prompts more effectively and easier to understand...

A store doesn't have a directory with aisle numbers for no bloody reason, you dumb customers...
Back again with something new. people who steal my things. It's worse when you have to re-buy your item (see "show off latest purchase" thread for details).
What grinds my gears..... When my company insist that I join the other teaching staff for training from an outside source when it's myself that does the training for them. Not only are they not going to learn anything I haven't already taught them it's an insult to me that they need a 'fresh take' from an individual most likely less qualified than I am.
So from tomorrow begins two whole days of boredom listening to somebody give a training session exactly the way I would. Talk about teaching old people to suck eggs.
I was in public transit (Like the first time all year) and the really weird ugly south Asian lady was coughing and not covering her mouth (hell, she was coughing so damn loud) and now I think I maybe sick. fffffuuuu

I'm raging.

Also, adding, my english teacher's stupid sexist ways of only giving us books about women and giving a the girls in the class better marks. If we do one more book on a female character I will snap, start a intelligent calm argument and slowly turn up the heat and finishing of by saying "your argument is invalid." No more feminist BS from you. BTW, I'm furious writing this.
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When people form an opinion or idea on/about something or someone and think that it is fact and set in concrete, instead of being open to listening, learning and possibly adapting their ideas over time.

Had it yesterday with a contractor where I work. I KNOW i'm right because I created the damn 'thing' that we were talking about in it's entirety! I tried to explain this but he kept repeating 'No, that's wrong. Listen, i've been a contractor for over XX years and...'.
Even when I tried to move on or minorly skirt around it (kind of irresponsible to do this as the 'thing' could easily kill him) by asking him to do specific things, he replied with things like 'Listen buddy, I have my own systems of working and i'm sticking to them...'

Sure, stick to your systems of working and get crushed in the machinery/cut in two... I won't be the one cleaning up the mess!
WE'RE THE ONES PAYING YOU, 'PAL', SO DO AS WE ASK! Hate to stereotype, but the older guys are terrible for being stuck in their ways. Can't take advice from a younger guy because their pride makes them deaf, dumb and blind! ARGHHHH!
Right now the US Postal Service is grinding my gears. :mad:

Sold a PSP go on eBay. Sent it out Priority mail with insurance and delivery confirmation. Guy who bought it sends me a message like two weeks later saying he never got the system, even though it shows as delivered. Told him I would file an insurance claim through USPS and to wait for their decision. Apparently he got impatient and filed a claim through eBay, so they gave him his money back. 👎 And now I'm having issues with the postal service trying to get my claim because it shows as delivered.

So I might just be out the $150 I paid for the system and games. :(

Edit: 🤬 scammed me, I know it.
What grinds my gears right now?

There's this girl who had a crush on me. I don't mind that fact. She's just a kid, I don't mind too. But what's annoying is that first, she kept on chatting with me over at Facebook. I'm quite tired of chatting with random people already.


I also hate it when my parents get the TV from me just because of breaking news. Why not use the other TV in the other room? I'm busy playing GT5.
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You my friend have a stalker. :P

Apparently 2 persons told me that. You and another friend of mine. Just ain't sure if she's really a stalker, being a small kid in elementary and all that.

My day's so bad, I ended up spamming this page up. Now that kid and another friend of hers wants to chat with me. I need some breathing room, but they still want a chat.

Just became offline in Facebook chat to stop all this 🤬.
Apparently 2 persons told me that. You and another friend of mine. Just ain't sure if she's really a stalker, being a small kid in elementary and all that.

My day's so bad, I ended up spamming this page up. Now that kid and another friend of hers wants to chat with me. I need some breathing room, but they still want a chat.

Just became offline in Facebook chat to stop all this 🤬.

Elementary? That's young.... :scared:
People that have no clue why you are mad at them after they did something you told them not to do. There is a cable outside my house and after me telling them multiple times that it's just a phone cable they cut it anyways(they apparently were convinced it was a power cable even though it had a phone company name on it). I was rather 🤬 that because of their stupidity my internet(that I pay for) was out. For some reason neither my mom or her amazingly stupid boyfriend(both unemployed) have even apologized for their stupid decision that shouldn't have happened in the first place, than again that would require my mom to show respect towards me, which she is incapable of doing. It of course back on now, but it never should have happened to begin with.

You think??? Anyways, being constantly sleep deprived is stressing me. I can barely think, listen, comprehend, remember, aghhh... Overload. Brain overload.
People who say:
"CVT transmissions" = continuously variable transmission transmissions
"ATM machines" = automated teller machine machines.
People who say:
"CVT transmissions" = continuously variable transmission transmissions
"ATM machines" = automated teller machine machines.

What about PIN Number = Personal Identification Number Number?

I get that one a lot at work.
Breaking up with my girlfriend. Which I did just now.

Seriously, I can't even believe how egoistic and self-righteous some people can be. And she didn't even have the guts to tell me herself that she wanted to 'take a break from the relationship', no, she asked some random guy to tell she was his girl now. Didn't even admit to that, only doing so bit by bit, while telling him every single friggin' word I said to her on the phone.

Meh, that's what you get for acting like a white knight, I guess: Girls that think they can do whatever the hell they want with you and constantly keep on takign whatever they can get without ever giving something back.

So I told her I really don't need BS like that and to get lost.

Meh, I actually don't feel any worse about the money I spent for her and the four hours each weekend I traveled by train just to see her than actually ditching that chick.
God, I'm so friggin' pissed right now.
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