What Grinds your Gears?

  • Thread starter MadMike'86
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People who think I'm trying to annoy them, although I'm explaining things to them. Every time I try to teach my younger brother a valuable lesson in life, and that he should take a break from video games for awhile, and actually be active (Walk around the house, talk to REAL people, etc.), my sister, mom, or dad always thinks I'm annoying my brother purposely, as he's yelling at me. It annoys me to the limit when they come in, yell at me, and tell me to get out. Then my brother also agrees. I just want people to understand my wisdom without thinking I'm annoying. Heck, my brother actually thinks I'm annoying during things like that just because of my toneless expression, and, "Complex", words. Oh how I wish people would take me seriously, instead of ungratefully.

A bit the same with me, I have this cousin, I tell her advice about school but she doesn't want to take it. I decided to leave her be and live life like it sucks.
I come across this "not wanting to listen to what you're telling me because I believe I'll find it out on my own anyway!" quite often when I teach kids swimming of about 6 years to 16 years.

It is really annoying sometimes. I know the kids aren't going to be the next Phelps, but still.... teaching and getting them to learn and apply all the skills that they have been taught in the lessons, to do all the skills would lead to a more confident person and increase their enjoyment of swimming. But I still care enough to try to teach them to do it as I know that later on in their life, if they know how to do it, it makes them pleased and happier to do it themselves. And they can show it off to their friends.

Plus, because I am a cover teacher for other main teachers, quite a few of the kids think I know nothing about swimming.... even though I had been swimming for more than 10 years at a relatively high competition standard.

But then, their surprise when they find out that I can cover 100 metres in 1 minute doing butterfly more than makes up them doing all that ignorant listening in the first place... hee hee!

So yeah, its frustrating when you explain what they need to know and they don't seem to take it to heart. Next time, just tell them that you are annoying them because you care.
My upcoming move...Monday/Tueday/Wednesday. Moving in with some friends, it's the best I could do - the building I'm living in has been sold, so I have to move out soon anyway. I hate moving. From the bottom of my heart.
We're in a recession, right? So why is it impossible to get people to come and do work to my house? If they turn up to look at what I need doing, they don't then send out a quote... useless.
Other kids in my current residence. It's either I become, "Cool" enough to be in the same class, or they bully me until someone brings all to an end. What's up with kids in this area? Why do they all hate me ever so much? I remember how back in Canada, I actually talked, because most kids thought I was pretty cool, and very few hated me.

When your a kid like me, life is just a huge grinding of gears all mashed together to make you feel disappointed, and/or unwelcome.

@Ryou: You were treated great in Canada because Canadians are 37 shades of the colour awesome. What grinds my gears? My runny/stuffy nose. Its like someone turned the faucet on and forgot to turn it off. Ugh yuck! My birthday is in two months and it looks like I won't be getting a Mathieu Darche Montreal Canadiens jersey until Christmas now. If I'm lucky... But Ryou, you should come back to Canada, the True North Strong and Free. Plus we have the BEST maple syrup. Oh and we got Tim Hortons Ice Cappucinnos.
Whiny b*tches on facebook.


Wish I could change their status' to 'Get on with your 🤬 life'..

Also hate those idiots on Deal Or No Deal who go into it all cocky and say it's their game and they're gonna go all the way to the end, get a big offer and turn it down, then in the next round lose a big red and start freaking out, with suddenly the whole room making them feel guilty if they don't deal. They then deal at a much lower offer, and later on start crying when they end up having a £250,000 in their box. Drives me mad when this happens, I've even shouted "WTF" at the TV because it happens so many times.

Maybe I'm just overly-cynical, but it's probably the only time these people could win a load of money. Might as well go for it.
@Ryou: You were treated great in Canada because Canadians are 37 shades of the colour awesome. What grinds my gears? My runny/stuffy nose. Its like someone turned the faucet on and forgot to turn it off. Ugh yuck! My birthday is in two months and it looks like I won't be getting a Mathieu Darche Montreal Canadiens jersey until Christmas now. If I'm lucky... But Ryou, you should come back to Canada, the True North Strong and Free. Plus we have the BEST maple syrup. Oh and we got Tim Hortons Ice Cappucinnos.

AHAHAH!!! So true! Canada Power! No power! We just ask politely! >:)
People who used to be enjoyable to be around, but over time become ignorant, arrogant, deeply stupid, get annoyed when you enjoy yourself and then attempt to end it all when they can't take the heat. There really are some low people in this world... Sad really...
Other kids in my current residence. It's either I become, "Cool" enough to be in the same class, or they bully me until someone brings all to an end. What's up with kids in this area? Why do they all hate me ever so much? I remember how back in Canada, I actually talked, because most kids thought I was pretty cool, and very few hated me.

When your a kid like me, life is just a huge grinding of gears all mashed together to make you feel disappointed, and/or unwelcome.

That's because from what I've noticed, almost all Canadians are really nice people. It's what I've noticed well, everywhere. That's why it's in my list of places I'd want to go to 👍
People who used to be enjoyable to be around, but over time become ignorant, arrogant, deeply stupid, get annoyed when you enjoy yourself and then attempt to end it all when they can't take the heat. There really are some low people in this world... Sad really...

Please stop harassing me. . . It's simply annoying.
^ I thought it was almost definitely according to fb and here. The two of you are acting like 8 year olds. I bow my head in shame of this mental... What could I call it, Mental Retardedness or Mental... Something. I wish I could stop it, but all I can do is watch :(
I try to stop this crap, but he just thinks I don't appreciate him at all, and am now bored out with him. I do appreciate, and I admit, I miss him, but if he would stop calling me cold and all that, maybe I would appreciate him more than I already do. He honestly was one of my best friends. There's no way it should be like this, I don't recall doing anything to him to ever have this argument. I too, want it to end, I want every argument between me, him, and other people to end. We just need to be like gentleman, and settle this correctly.
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I try to stop this crap, but he just thinks I don't appreciate him at all, and am now bored out with him. I do appreciate, and I admit, I miss him, but if he would stop calling me cold and all that, maybe I would appreciate him more than I already do. He honestly was one of my best friends. There's no way it should be like this, I don't recall doing anything to him to ever have this argument. I too, want it to end, I want every argument between me, him, and other people to end. We just need to be like gentleman, and settle this correctly.

Ryou and JaiAE86, if you're going to bicker than at least do it via private messaging. @Skython11: 99.9% of Canadians are nice people. And I strongly suggest you visit Chatham, Ontario on either on the second last or last week of May when we have our big car show and fun weekend. Which we call Retrofest. What Grinds my Gears? Waaaay off-topic posts like this one. I'm sorry.
All I can really say in response to that is "Continue"?

What I'm saying is, if you stop calling me cold, rude, and all that, I'll be the way you wanted me to be. I am still happy online, you just haven't noticed yet. If people are kind to me, and speak in a way that doesn't sound disappointed or such ways, I'll be more then welcome to speak kindly, I like making a good appearance. Just ask some of my other friends, you'll see what I mean.

And yes, I am working on a way to fix all of this, hence why I'm typing this. I'll be a good friend again, I promise ever so politely.
people telling me I should do something with my life instead of spending my time online and on ps3 and working on my car. Like anyone else is doing anything better.
What I'm saying is, if you stop calling me cold, rude, and all that, I'll be the way you wanted me to be. And speak in a way that doesn't sound disappointed or such ways.

Well, back when we used to chat using Gmail, didn't we agree that we both sound disappointed all the time. You claimed how I changed my tone, I follow along the lines of other users to melt into the mood of the chat.

Also, I don't want you to be a certain way, you are supposed to deter how you are and not according to what other people want, or appear to want in this case.
Also hate those idiots on Deal Or No Deal who go into it all cocky and say it's their game and they're gonna go all the way to the end, get a big offer and turn it down, then in the next round lose a big red and start freaking out, with suddenly the whole room making them feel guilty if they don't deal. They then deal at a much lower offer, and later on start crying when they end up having a £250,000 in their box. Drives me mad when this happens, I've even shouted "WTF" at the TV because it happens so many times.

The game Deal or No Deal grinds my gears. I can't for the life of me work out how they make a show out of opening random boxes and how on earth it goes on for a full hour. The people opening the boxes for the contestant always talk a load of crap too "I can feel this box being good for you", yeah right...
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